. "Les guerres Canrillai\u015Fe-Kanjorien de la Foi (The Kanjorien Wars of Faith, the Isle's Crusade, or the Holy Wars of Kanjor) were a series of conflicts fought over a 17-year period between the followers (located mostly on the Isle of la Tondelle) of the Holy Apostolic Church against the followers (located mostly on the mainland of Kanjor) of the Archbishop of Kanjo. The conflict ended with the victory of the Isle and re-imposition of the Church's control over the mainland of Kanjor following a violent Inquisition. After the conflict, and the Inquisition that followed, the nobility of the Mainland were nearly eliminated and their traditional role as the political and economic leaders was replaced by an appointed Chambre des seigneurs (Chamber of Lords) and Chambre des \u00E9v\u00EAques (Chamber of Bishops) from the Isle which was presided over by an elected Haut ex\u00E9cuteur de seigneur (High Lord Executor)."@en . "Holy Wars of Kanjor"@en . . . . "Les guerres Canrillai\u015Fe-Kanjorien de la Foi (The Kanjorien Wars of Faith, the Isle's Crusade, or the Holy Wars of Kanjor) were a series of conflicts fought over a 17-year period between the followers (located mostly on the Isle of la Tondelle) of the Holy Apostolic Church against the followers (located mostly on the mainland of Kanjor) of the Archbishop of Kanjo. The conflict ended with the victory of the Isle and re-imposition of the Church's control over the mainland of Kanjor following a violent Inquisition."@en .