"Spelling is the means by which letters are combined to make words that others will recognize. This, along with punctuation and grammar, is the basis for all written communication. Without standardization, all is chaos. It must be noted that what constitutes a word in the above definition is not negotiable. If it's in the Oxford English Dictionary, it's a word. If it's not in there, it's not a word. Unless it's a name. Or you're writing in a language other than English, of course."@en . . "Spelling is the means by which letters are combined to make words that others will recognize. This, along with punctuation, grammar, and spelling's cousin, capitalization, is the basis for all written communication. Without standardization, all is chaos. It must be noted that what constitutes a word in the above definition is not negotiable. If it's in the Oxford English Dictionary, it's a word. If it's not in there, it's not a word. Unless it's a name. Or you're writing in a language other than English, of course. As the days of Empire are over, you can probably get away with that. PPC agents make many sacrifices to the gods of orthography, lest they not be sufficiently appeased, and show their wrath by raining fire and brimstone on all and sundry. These sacrifices are usually in the form of Sues or Sue-wraiths. Bad spelling is a charge. However, this does not mean that an agent can assassinate or exorcise a fic for a few typos. Neither does it mean that Britpicking agents can necessarily charge for Americanized spelling (or vice versa). Sometimes they can, though, so beware. Often, bad spelling is caused by inaccurate typing and/or a simple inability to spell, something that many people unfortunately suffer from. But this is fixable. It is when someone simply does not bother to even reread their work or have it beta'd that it becomes an offense in the eyes of the PPC. Bad spelling should never see the light of day; it should be buried in drafts. Fics suffering from pervasive bad spelling may be targeted by the Department of Technical Errors, even if they contain no other issues. Some badficcers use the excuse \"But I'm dyslexic!!111!!!! UR MEEEEN!!!11!!!one!!!1\" This usually cuts no ice, since dyslexia doesn't affect a person's ability to use a spell check program and/or a beta reader."@en . "Spelling is the means by which letters are combined to make words that others will recognize. This, along with punctuation and grammar, is the basis for all written communication. Without standardization, all is chaos. It must be noted that what constitutes a word in the above definition is not negotiable. If it's in the Oxford English Dictionary, it's a word. If it's not in there, it's not a word. Unless it's a name. Or you're writing in a language other than English, of course. Often, bad spelling is caused by inaccurate typing and/or a simple inability to spell, something that many people unfortunately suffer from. But this is fixable. It is when someone simply does not bother to even reread their work or have it beta'd that it becomes unreadable. Bad spelling should never see the light of day; it should be buried in drafts."@en . . . "Spelling was the way that words were formed using a combination of letters or symbols. Some words were spelled with letters that were silent, such as \"knife\", which had a silent \"k\". When preparing to greet the Jarada in 2364, Deanna Troi countered Jean-Luc Picard's criticism of the confusing Jaradan language by noting that Humans spelled knife with a k. Picard explained that he did not, adding that he never could spell. (TNG: \"The Big Goodbye\" ) Correct spelling of words was often taught in a classroom setting. In 2370, Talur reminded all her students to practice their spelling and arithmetic. (TNG: \"Thine Own Self\" ) In 2372, Benjamin Sisko told his son that the spelling in his first draft of Anslem was terrible. (DS9: \"The Muse\") The next year, Nog read Jake's story \"Past Prologue\" and found spelling errors, including the misspelling of the word \"disposal\" without the letter \"i\". (DS9: \"The Ascent\") Later, when Jake told Doctor Julian Bashir about his writing a report of the upcoming battle for the Federation News Service, the doctor reminded him that \"Bashir\" was spelled with an \"i\". (DS9: \"Call to Arms\")"@en . "Spelling"@en . . . . . "Spelling was the way that words were formed using a combination of letters or symbols. Some words were spelled with letters that were silent, such as \"knife\", which had a silent \"k\". When preparing to greet the Jarada in 2364, Deanna Troi countered Jean-Luc Picard's criticism of the confusing Jaradan language by noting that Humans spelled knife with a k. Picard explained that he did not, adding that he never could spell. (TNG: \"The Big Goodbye\" ) In 2372, Benjamin Sisko told his son that the spelling in his first draft of Anslem was terrible. (DS9: \"The Muse\")"@en . . . "\"Postcards From the Wedge\""@en . . "Spelling"@en . "Spelling is a school book."@en . "Spelling is the means by which letters are combined to make words that others will recognize. This, along with punctuation, grammar, and spelling's cousin, capitalization, is the basis for all written communication. Without standardization, all is chaos. It must be noted that what constitutes a word in the above definition is not negotiable. If it's in the Oxford English Dictionary, it's a word. If it's not in there, it's not a word. Unless it's a name. Or you're writing in a language other than English, of course. As the days of Empire are over, you can probably get away with that."@en . . "Education"@en . . . . . "Spelling is a school book."@en .