. "Freon Drevan"@en . . . . "Freon Drevan was a male Xexto con artist who ran a bootlegging business on his homeworld of Troiken prior to 32 BBY. After he promoted factory worker Niai Fieso to a position as his right\u2013hands Xexto, the two expanded the business into a smuggling operation. An ambitious Fieso eventually sold Drevan out to authorities before fleeing with all of their credits, and Drevan was jailed. He was a free being by 32 BBY, a year in which he attended the Boonta Eve Classic Podrace on the planet Tatooine and saw Fieso in the stadium's audience. A brawl erupted, and both Xexto were taken to a local jail."@en . . . . . "\u0424\u0440\u0435\u043E\u043D \u0414\u0440\u0435\u0432\u0430\u043D"@en . . . "Freon Drevan"@fr . . . . . . "Freon Drevan"@en . . . "None"@en . . . . . "Freon Drevan"@en . . "Masculin"@fr . . . . "Freon Drevan"@en . "Criminal"@en . . . "[Source] Freon Drevan est un Xexto originaire de Troiken. Sur sa plan\u00E8te d'origine c'\u00E9tait un escroc vendant des produits de contrebande. Il agrandit son commerce et prit le jeune Niai Fieso comme bras droit. Ce dernier finit par le d\u00E9noncer et Drevan alla en prison. Il ressortit en 32 av.BY et partit sur Tatooine, il assista \u00E0 la Classique de Boonta Eve o\u00F9 il vu son ancien partenaire Niai Fieso vendant de la nourriture. Il d\u00E9cida alors de se venger et alla se battre contre lui ; tout deux finirent en prison."@fr . "coruscant/ls/freondrevan.jpg"@en . "White"@en . . "Coruscant Limited"@en . "Niai Fieso"@en . "*Contrebandier\n*Marchand"@fr . . . . "[Source] Freon Drevan est un Xexto originaire de Troiken. Sur sa plan\u00E8te d'origine c'\u00E9tait un escroc vendant des produits de contrebande. Il agrandit son commerce et prit le jeune Niai Fieso comme bras droit. Ce dernier finit par le d\u00E9noncer et Drevan alla en prison. Il ressortit en 32 av.BY et partit sur Tatooine, il assista \u00E0 la Classique de Boonta Eve o\u00F9 il vu son ancien partenaire Niai Fieso vendant de la nourriture. Il d\u00E9cida alors de se venger et alla se battre contre lui ; tout deux finirent en prison."@fr . . "Freon Drevan"@en . . "Freon Drevan was a male Xexto con artist who ran a bootlegging business on his homeworld of Troiken prior to 32 BBY. After he promoted factory worker Niai Fieso to a position as his right\u2013hands Xexto, the two expanded the business into a smuggling operation. An ambitious Fieso eventually sold Drevan out to authorities before fleeing with all of their credits, and Drevan was jailed. He was a free being by 32 BBY, a year in which he attended the Boonta Eve Classic Podrace on the planet Tatooine and saw Fieso in the stadium's audience. A brawl erupted, and both Xexto were taken to a local jail."@en . "Freon Drevan"@fr . . .