"Visigothic control in the region of Septimania formally collapsed in 680 following a rebellion that forcibly ejected what garrison forces remained in Visigothic service. Attempts by Visigothic central control to retain their sphere of influence over the area culminated in a show of force by the Visigothic field army, under the command of Visigothic warlord Ranulf the Flatbeard. Though hard pressed by several concerns, both fiscal and logistical, the rebel leader, Charles the Septimanian, managed to scrape together the force required to oppose them."@en . . . . "Visigothic control in the region of Septimania formally collapsed in 680 following a rebellion that forcibly ejected what garrison forces remained in Visigothic service. Attempts by Visigothic central control to retain their sphere of influence over the area culminated in a show of force by the Visigothic field army, under the command of Visigothic warlord Ranulf the Flatbeard. Though hard pressed by several concerns, both fiscal and logistical, the rebel leader, Charles the Septimanian, managed to scrape together the force required to oppose them."@en . "Battle of Perpignan (Yarmuk)"@en . .