. . . "135.0"^^ . . . . . . . "Kerkoiden"@es . "Male"@en . "keine"@en . "Whorm Loathsom"@hu . . "Loathsom.JPG"@en . "Leadership and strategy"@en . . "Masculin"@fr . . . . . . . "Whorm Loathsom"@en . "rot"@de . "Rojo"@es . . "Whorm Loathsom era un kerkoiden proveniente del planeta Kerkoidia y sirvi\u00F3 en las fuerzas planetarias de su mundo natal y tambi\u00E9n como general en las fuerzas militares de la Asamblea Minorista en la Confederaci\u00F3n de Sistemas Independientes. Un comandante experto, sus numerosas victorias durante las Guerras Cl\u00F3nicas lo condujeron por el camino de la infamia a lo largo del N\u00FAcleo Central. En 22 ABY, Loathsom captur\u00F3 el planeta Christophsis, y la Rep\u00FAblica Gal\u00E1ctica envi\u00F3 fuerzas de soldados clones lideradas por Jedi para liberar el mundo. Tras varios d\u00EDas de combate intenso, Loathsom fue forzado a retirarse. Sin embargo, no tard\u00F3 en lanzar un contraataque, avanzando con sus tropas de droides de batalla protegidas por un escudo deflector que volv\u00EDa in\u00FAtil la artiller\u00EDa de la Rep\u00FAblica."@es . . . "Separatists General"@en . "blue"@en . . . . "General"@en . "Masculino"@es . . . . . . . "Whorm Loathsom"@fr . . . "Red"@en . "Military Villain"@en . . "keine"@de . . . "\"Whorm\" was actually his family name. He was given the name \"Loathsom\" by his loving parents, Sniveling and Dreary. The Whorm family was large and prosperous. One of Loathsom's brothers, Ratfaced, became a prosperous banker on Muunilinst. His aunt Filthy was a celebrated gossip columnist who spent her spare time raising ponies. The Whorm family law firm, made up of Abominable, Contemptible, Disgusting, Foul, Nasty, Nefarious, Odious, Rotten, Shabby, Vile and Wretched, was the most successful legal institution on Kerkoidia. One of Loathsom's brothers was given the unfortunate name of \"Michael,\" which in the Kerkoidian language means \"ugly bottom-feeder.\" He was picked on mercilessly in school and eventually changed his name to \"Hideous.\""@en . "General"@en . "Whorm Loathsom"@hu . . . . . . . . "Whorm Loathsom"@hu . . "Back from the Drawing Board: Recycled Star Wars Aliens"@en . "Bluish gray"@en . "Whorm Loathsom era un kerkoiden proveniente del planeta Kerkoidia y sirvi\u00F3 en las fuerzas planetarias de su mundo natal y tambi\u00E9n como general en las fuerzas militares de la Asamblea Minorista en la Confederaci\u00F3n de Sistemas Independientes. Un comandante experto, sus numerosas victorias durante las Guerras Cl\u00F3nicas lo condujeron por el camino de la infamia a lo largo del N\u00FAcleo Central. En 22 ABY, Loathsom captur\u00F3 el planeta Christophsis, y la Rep\u00FAblica Gal\u00E1ctica envi\u00F3 fuerzas de soldados clones lideradas por Jedi para liberar el mundo. Tras varios d\u00EDas de combate intenso, Loathsom fue forzado a retirarse. Sin embargo, no tard\u00F3 en lanzar un contraataque, avanzando con sus tropas de droides de batalla protegidas por un escudo deflector que volv\u00EDa in\u00FAtil la artiller\u00EDa de la Rep\u00FAblica. El Alto General Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi pretendi\u00F3 rendirse ante el kerkoiden para darle tiempo al General Jedi Anakin Skywalker y su p\u00E1dawan, Ahsoka Tano, para que eliminaran el generador del escudo. Eventualmente, Loathsom perdi\u00F3 la paciencia al discutir con los \"t\u00E9rminos de rendici\u00F3n\" que impon\u00EDa Kenobi y amenaz\u00F3 con asesinar al Jedi. Ir\u00F3nicamente, Skywalker y Tano destruyeron el generador y Loathsom mismo fue capturado. Con su vergonzosa derrota y captura en Christophsis, Loathsom fue transportado a Coruscant, donde fue juzgado por la Rep\u00FAblica y se le encontr\u00F3 culpable por traici\u00F3n, ya que su servicio en las fuerzas planetarias de su mundo natal aliado con la Rep\u00FAblica lo volv\u00EDa un miembro de las Fuerzas Armadas Republicanas. Loathsom fue trasladado eventualmente desde el aprisonamiento en Akrit'tar a un arresto domiciliario en un castillo suyo en Kerkoidia, desde el que, semanas despu\u00E9s, escap\u00F3 del cautiverio con la ayuda de agentes Separatistas."@es . . "[Source] Le Kerkoidien Whorm Loathsom est un g\u00E9n\u00E9ral de la Conf\u00E9d\u00E9ration des Syst\u00E8mes Ind\u00E9pendants. Quand il captura la plan\u00E8te Christophsis, la R\u00E9publique Galactique essaia de la reprendre mais le g\u00E9n\u00E9ral Loathsom est intouchable derri\u00E8re ses boucliers d\u00E9flecteurs. Ce n'est que par la ruse d'Obi-Wan Kenobi que la plan\u00E8te sera reprise et que Loathsom sera emprisonn\u00E9 pour trahison."@fr . . . . . . . . . "General Whorm Loathsom was a Kekoiden male who hailed from the planet, Kekoidia, and served as a General in the Separatist Army. An accomplished commander, his numerous victories during the Clone Wars led him to infamy throughout the Inner Core. With his army, he captured the planet, Christophsis, and the Galactic Republic dispatched Jedi led by Clone Trooper forces to liberate the planet. After being forced to retreat, Loathsom and his army returned with a deflector shield that rendered the Republic artillery useless. Obi Wan Kanobi faked surrender to Loathsom who confronted him with a group of soldiers from the army, and successfully distracted him while Anakin Skywalker and Ashoka Tano destroyed the shield. He then surrendered to the Republic and was kept within custody, and was kept un"@en . . "\u0423\u043E\u0440\u043C \u041B\u043E\u0430\u0442\u0441\u043E\u043C"@es . . . . . "Whorm Loathsom"@es . "Whorm Loathsom"@de . . . "Whorm Loathsom egy kerkoiden t\u00E1bornok volt a Szeparatista Hadseregben."@hu . "Whorm Loathsom was a male Kerkoiden general for the Kerkoidia planetary defense forces and later for the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. He served during the Battle of Christophsis."@en . . "Whorm Loathsom"@es . . "Whorm Loathsom"@hu . . . . . "maskulin"@de . . . . . . . . . "Whorm Loathsom"@hu . . . . . "Whorm Loathsom"@es . . "Star Wars: The Clone Wars"@en . "General Whorm Loathsom was a Kekoiden male who hailed from the planet, Kekoidia, and served as a General in the Separatist Army. An accomplished commander, his numerous victories during the Clone Wars led him to infamy throughout the Inner Core. With his army, he captured the planet, Christophsis, and the Galactic Republic dispatched Jedi led by Clone Trooper forces to liberate the planet. After being forced to retreat, Loathsom and his army returned with a deflector shield that rendered the Republic artillery useless. Obi Wan Kanobi faked surrender to Loathsom who confronted him with a group of soldiers from the army, and successfully distracted him while Anakin Skywalker and Ashoka Tano destroyed the shield. He then surrendered to the Republic and was kept within custody, and was kept under close survelliance in his solitary cell."@en . "Whorm Loathsom"@fr . . . . . . . "1"^^ . . "Kerkoidia"@en . "rot"@en . "To defeat the Republic forces at Christophsis"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Whorm Loathsom"@en . . . "Whorm Loathsom was a male Kerkoiden general for the Kerkoidia planetary defense forces and later for the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. He served during the Battle of Christophsis."@en . "CSI"@es . "Whorm Loathsom"@es . . . . "Ndorito Feereg"@es . . . . . . "Whorm Loathsom egy kerkoiden t\u00E1bornok volt a Szeparatista Hadseregben."@hu . . . . . "[Source] Le Kerkoidien Whorm Loathsom est un g\u00E9n\u00E9ral de la Conf\u00E9d\u00E9ration des Syst\u00E8mes Ind\u00E9pendants. Quand il captura la plan\u00E8te Christophsis, la R\u00E9publique Galactique essaia de la reprendre mais le g\u00E9n\u00E9ral Loathsom est intouchable derri\u00E8re ses boucliers d\u00E9flecteurs. Ce n'est que par la ruse d'Obi-Wan Kenobi que la plan\u00E8te sera reprise et que Loathsom sera emprisonn\u00E9 pour trahison."@fr . . "250"^^ . "Loathsom.JPG"@de . . . "Whorm Loathsom war ein General der Konf\u00F6deration unabh\u00E4ngiger Systeme. Er stand in der Schlacht in Christophsis der Galaktischen Republik gegen\u00FCber, wurde jedoch nach der Niederlage gefangengenommen."@de . "Kerkoiden"@en . . "Commanding Separatists troops"@en . . "Whorm Loathsom"@en . . "news/back-from-the-drawing-board-recycled-star-wars-aliens"@en . "Kerkoidia"@es . . "tv-shows/clone-wars/the-hidden-enemy-episode-gallery"@en . . . . . . . . . . "*Rep\u00FAblica Gal\u00E1ctica\n**Fuerzas planetarias de Kerkoidia\n*Confederaci\u00F3n de Sistemas Independientes\n*Asamblea Minorista"@es . "Evil Doer"@en . . . . "Whorm Loathsom"@es . "Whorm Loathsom"@de . . "Whorm Loathsom war ein General der Konf\u00F6deration unabh\u00E4ngiger Systeme. Er stand in der Schlacht in Christophsis der Galaktischen Republik gegen\u00FCber, wurde jedoch nach der Niederlage gefangengenommen."@en . . "Whorm Loathsom"@hu . . "The Hidden Enemy episode gallery"@en . . "Whorm Loathsom"@hu . "250"^^ . "Azul gris\u00E1ceo"@es . . . . . . . . "*Kerkoidia planetary defense forces\n*Confederacy of Independent Systems\n**Retail Caucus\n**Confederacy military"@en . "1.75"^^ . . "gold"@en . . . "Whorm Loathsom"@es . . "Whorm Loathsom"@es . . . "*Conf\u00E9d\u00E9ration des Syst\u00E8mes Ind\u00E9pendants\n**Arm\u00E9e Dro\u00EFde S\u00E9paratiste"@fr . . . "\u0423\u043E\u0440\u043C \u041B\u043E\u0430\u0442\u0441\u043E\u043C"@hu . "CIS"@en . . . . . . "Era del Alzamiento del Imperio"@es . . . . . . . . "maskulin"@en . . . . . . . "Whorm Loathsom war ein General der Konf\u00F6deration unabh\u00E4ngiger Systeme. Er stand in der Schlacht in Christophsis der Galaktischen Republik gegen\u00FCber, wurde jedoch nach der Niederlage gefangengenommen."@de . . "Whorm Loathsom war ein General der Konf\u00F6deration unabh\u00E4ngiger Systeme. Er stand in der Schlacht in Christophsis der Galaktischen Republik gegen\u00FCber, wurde jedoch nach der Niederlage gefangengenommen."@en . . "300"^^ . "\"Whorm\" was actually his family name. He was given the name \"Loathsom\" by his loving parents, Sniveling and Dreary. The Whorm family was large and prosperous. One of Loathsom's brothers, Ratfaced, became a prosperous banker on Muunilinst. His aunt Filthy was a celebrated gossip columnist who spent her spare time raising ponies. The Whorm family law firm, made up of Abominable, Contemptible, Disgusting, Foul, Nasty, Nefarious, Odious, Rotten, Shabby, Vile and Wretched, was the most successful legal institution on Kerkoidia."@en . . "Whorm Loathsom"@hu .