"Euphitriens"@en . . . "The Euphitriens are a Canrillai\u015Fe ethnic group located in southern Saridan, mainly in the Pashuran Valley and Moshiran. The Euphitriens first came to Sardidan to form an Aldurian colony in the mid-1500s. The colony thrived for several decades, with large a large influx of ethnic-Canrillai\u015Fe Aldurian settlers. Over time the ties and communication between the settlers in Saridan and the Aldurian slowly broke down due to the various conflicts that plagued Seleya leaving the settlers to develop on their own for many centuries. Eventually the independent Canrillai\u015Fe people developed into their own culture known as Euphitriens."@en . . . . "Approx. 10 million"@en . . . . "location of Euphitriens"@en . "Euphitriens"@en . . "Saridan: 10 million"@en . "Euftrjanen"@en . "Euphitriens Canrillai\u015Fe"@en . "The Euphitriens are a Canrillai\u015Fe ethnic group located in southern Saridan, mainly in the Pashuran Valley and Moshiran. The Euphitriens first came to Sardidan to form an Aldurian colony in the mid-1500s. The colony thrived for several decades, with large a large influx of ethnic-Canrillai\u015Fe Aldurian settlers."@en . . "Euphitriens-canrillai\u015Fe"@en .