. "Dwimorberg"@de . "Dwimorberg was part of the White Mountains, which was situated at the head of the valley of Harrowdale. Dunharrow stood above a cliff on the valley's eastern side, parallel to the Dwimorberg Mountain itself. Beyond Dunharrow was a forest of pine wood and fir, known as the Dimholt."@en . . "Orod Faeren was the name given by the D\u00FAnedain to the sacred mountain of the Daen Coentis, after it had become haunted by the Dead at the beginning of the third Age. Prior to this event, the mountain was known simply as the Morthond, after which the river whose dark headwaters sprang from its roots came to be named. Save only for Ceberas , Orod Faeren was the tallest peak of the Ered Nimrais , reachi g a height of almost 13,700 feet."@en . . "Orod Faeren was the name given by the D\u00FAnedain to the sacred mountain of the Daen Coentis, after it had become haunted by the Dead at the beginning of the third Age. Prior to this event, the mountain was known simply as the Morthond, after which the river whose dark headwaters sprang from its roots came to be named. Save only for Ceberas , Orod Faeren was the tallest peak of the Ered Nimrais , reachi g a height of almost 13,700 feet."@en . "Dwimorberg"@pl . "Der Dwimorberg geh\u00F6rt den Ered Nimrais an. Unter dem Berg f\u00FChrt ein Tunnel hindurch, die sogenannten Pfade der Toten. Aragorn, Gimli und Legolas durchquerten den Pfad um ins Schwarzgrundtal zu gelangen."@de . . . . . . "Rejon by\u0142 ponury a g\u00F3ra niemal czarna. Na zboczach le\u017Ca\u0142 sosnowo-jod\u0142owy las Dimholt. Za nim po po\u0142udniowo-wschodniej stronie na wzg\u00F3rzu Erech le\u017Ca\u0142 samotny kulisty g\u0142az wskazuj\u0105cy p\u0142d.wsch. wej\u015Bcie na \u015Acie\u017Ck\u0119 Umar\u0142ych przecinaj\u0105c\u0105 rozpadliny, zbocza i jaskinie a\u017C do Dunharrow. G\u00F3r\u0119 nawiedzali Umarli z Dunharrow, st\u0105d taka jej nazwa. Gdy Aragorn zwolni\u0142 zmar\u0142ych z przysi\u0119gi nie by\u0142a nawiedzana ju\u017C wi\u0119cej."@pl . . . "Dwimorberg was a region, part of the White Mountains, which was situated at the head of the valley of Harrowdale. Dunharrow stood above a cliff on the valley's eastern side, parallel to the Dwimorberg Mountain itself. Beyond Dunharrow was a forest of pine wood and fir, known as the Dimholt. It was the location of the Dark Door."@en . . "Dwimorberg was a region, part of the White Mountains, which was situated at the head of the valley of Harrowdale. Dunharrow stood above a cliff on the valley's eastern side, parallel to the Dwimorberg Mountain itself. Beyond Dunharrow was a forest of pine wood and fir, known as the Dimholt. It was the location of the Dark Door."@en . . "Dwimorberg"@en . "Rejon by\u0142 ponury a g\u00F3ra niemal czarna. Na zboczach le\u017Ca\u0142 sosnowo-jod\u0142owy las Dimholt. Za nim po po\u0142udniowo-wschodniej stronie na wzg\u00F3rzu Erech le\u017Ca\u0142 samotny kulisty g\u0142az wskazuj\u0105cy p\u0142d.wsch. wej\u015Bcie na \u015Acie\u017Ck\u0119 Umar\u0142ych przecinaj\u0105c\u0105 rozpadliny, zbocza i jaskinie a\u017C do Dunharrow. G\u00F3r\u0119 nawiedzali Umarli z Dunharrow, st\u0105d taka jej nazwa. Gdy Aragorn zwolni\u0142 zmar\u0142ych z przysi\u0119gi nie by\u0142a nawiedzana ju\u017C wi\u0119cej."@pl . "Der Dwimorberg geh\u00F6rt den Ered Nimrais an. Unter dem Berg f\u00FChrt ein Tunnel hindurch, die sogenannten Pfade der Toten. Aragorn, Gimli und Legolas durchquerten den Pfad um ins Schwarzgrundtal zu gelangen."@de . . . "Dwimorberg was part of the White Mountains, which was situated at the head of the valley of Harrowdale. Dunharrow stood above a cliff on the valley's eastern side, parallel to the Dwimorberg Mountain itself. Beyond Dunharrow was a forest of pine wood and fir, known as the Dimholt."@en .