. . "Vua Rapuung"@en . "Vua Rapuung"@en . . . . . . "Yuuzhan Vong"@en . . . . . "\u30F4\u30A2\u30FB\u30E9\u30D7\u30FC\u30F3\u30B0"@es . . "Vua Rapuung was a Yuuzhan Vong warrior who, in 26 ABY, attained legendary status among the Shamed Ones, the shunned underclass of his species. Once a commander well-known for his prowess and skill as a fighter, Rapuung lost both his rank and his status as a warrior following the end of an illicit affair with Master Shaper Mezhan Kwaad. To prevent Rapuung from revealing her heretical nature to others, Kwaad used her shaping arts to corrupt the warrior's ritual scarring and escalation implants; the commander was given the appearance of a Shamed One. Outcast from his caste and domain and his claims about the master shaper met with disbelief, Rapuung was forced to carry out menial duties on Yavin 4, the moon on which both he and Kwaad were assigned during the second year of the Yuuzhan Vong Wa"@en . . "Vua Rapuung era un guerrero yuuzhan vong que, en el 26 DBY, alcanz\u00F3 el estado de leyenda entre los Avergonzados. Una vez un comandante conocido por sus proezas y habilidades como soldado, Rapuung perdi\u00F3 su rango y estatus de guerrero despu\u00E9s de terminar un romance il\u00EDcito con la Modeladora Maestra Mezhan Kwaad. Para prevenir que Rapuung revelara a otros su naturaleza her\u00E9tica, Kwaad us\u00F3 sus artes de modelaci\u00F3n para corromper los implantes rituales de escalaci\u00F3n del guerrero; al comandante as\u00ED se le dio la apariencia de un Avergonzado. Proscrito de su casta y dominio, nadie crey\u00F3 sus reclamos sobre la modeladora maestra y Rapuung fue obligado a realizar tareas penosas en Yavin 4, la luna a la que \u00E9l y Kwaad fueron asignados durante los primeros d\u00EDas de la Guerra Yuuzhan Vong. Afrontado con "@es . . "Vua Rapuung"@es . . . "Vua Rapuung"@en . "Vong"@es . . "Negros"@es . "Black"@en . . . . "1"^^ . . . . . "Vua Rapuung"@en . . . . "Negro"@es . "*Yuuzhan vong\n*Dominio Rapuung\n*Avergonzados\n*Casta de los Guerreros\n*Nueva Orden Jedi"@es . "*Yuuzhan Vong\n**Warrior caste\n**Shamed Ones\n*New Jedi Order"@en . "Vua Rapuung"@es . "Vua Rapuung was a Yuuzhan Vong cruiser analog that saw action in the battles of Taanab and Thyferra during the Phyrexian War."@en . "26"^^ . . . . "Vua Rapuung"@es . . "26"^^ . "Vua Rapuung was a Yuuzhan Vong warrior who, in 26 ABY, attained legendary status among the Shamed Ones, the shunned underclass of his species. Once a commander well-known for his prowess and skill as a fighter, Rapuung lost both his rank and his status as a warrior following the end of an illicit affair with Master Shaper Mezhan Kwaad. To prevent Rapuung from revealing her heretical nature to others, Kwaad used her shaping arts to corrupt the warrior's ritual scarring and escalation implants; the commander was given the appearance of a Shamed One. Outcast from his caste and domain and his claims about the master shaper met with disbelief, Rapuung was forced to carry out menial duties on Yavin 4, the moon on which both he and Kwaad were assigned during the second year of the Yuuzhan Vong War. In the face of this ignominious fate, the former commander continued to trust adamantly in his redemption, as well as the specter of the heretic master shaper's own humiliation and disgrace. In order to effect these purposes, Rapuung followed what he perceived to be the will of Yun-Yuuzhan and allied himself with Anakin Solo, the young Jedi Knight whose friend Tahiri Veila had been captured by Kwaad. Fighting alongside the Jedi, Rapuung was eventually able to expose Kwaad, thus regaining his status and honor. However, the warrior\u2019s respect for Solo was such that Rapuung gave his life protecting Solo and Veila as they escaped Yavin 4. These unique actions had a profound effect on the Shamed Ones who witnessed the warrior\u2019s sacrifice, and the legend of Vua Rapuung provided the basis for the Jeedai heresy, the movement which ultimately helped topple the Yuuzhan Vong Empire during the Battle of Yuuzhan'tar."@en . . . . . "Vua Rapuung"@es . "Vua Rapuung"@es . "250"^^ . . "\u0412\u0443\u0430 \u0420\u0430\u043F\u0443\u0443\u043D\u0433"@en . . . . . . "\u30F4\u30A2\u30FB\u30E9\u30D7\u30FC\u30F3\u30B0"@en . . . "Black"@en . . "Avergonzados, muri\u00F3 redimido como parte de la Casta de los Guerreros"@es . . . "Vua Rapuung era un guerrero yuuzhan vong que, en el 26 DBY, alcanz\u00F3 el estado de leyenda entre los Avergonzados. Una vez un comandante conocido por sus proezas y habilidades como soldado, Rapuung perdi\u00F3 su rango y estatus de guerrero despu\u00E9s de terminar un romance il\u00EDcito con la Modeladora Maestra Mezhan Kwaad. Para prevenir que Rapuung revelara a otros su naturaleza her\u00E9tica, Kwaad us\u00F3 sus artes de modelaci\u00F3n para corromper los implantes rituales de escalaci\u00F3n del guerrero; al comandante as\u00ED se le dio la apariencia de un Avergonzado. Proscrito de su casta y dominio, nadie crey\u00F3 sus reclamos sobre la modeladora maestra y Rapuung fue obligado a realizar tareas penosas en Yavin 4, la luna a la que \u00E9l y Kwaad fueron asignados durante los primeros d\u00EDas de la Guerra Yuuzhan Vong. Afrontado con este ominoso destino, el antiguo comandante continu\u00F3 confiando ciegamente en su redenci\u00F3n, y en la humillaci\u00F3n y desgracia de la modeladora maestra hereje. Para realizar sus prop\u00F3sitos, Rapuung sigui\u00F3 lo que percibi\u00F3 era la voluntad de Yun-Yuuzhan y se ali\u00F3 con Anakin Solo, el joven Jedi cuya amiga Tahiri Veila hab\u00EDa sido capturada por Kwaad. Peleando al lado del Jedi, Rapuung eventualmente pudo exponer a Kwaad, recobrando as\u00ED su estatus y honor. Sin embargo, el respeto del guerrero hacia Solo fue tanto que Rapuung dio su vida para proteger a Solo y Veila mientras escapaban de Yavin 4. Estas acciones \u00FAnicas tuvieron un profundo efecto en los Avergonzados que fueron testigos del sacrificio del guerrero, y la leyenda de Vua Rapuung fue la base de la herej\u00EDa Jeedai, el movimiento que ayud\u00F3 a derrocar al Imperio Yuuzhan Vong durante la Segunda Batalla de Coruscant."@es . . "Ninguno, naci\u00F3 en una Koros-Strohna"@es . "Vua Rapuung was a Yuuzhan Vong cruiser analog that saw action in the battles of Taanab and Thyferra during the Phyrexian War."@en . "Vua Rapuung"@en . . . . "1"^^ .