. "Henry's Cat is an animated children's television programme, written by Stan Hayward and produced by Bob Godfrey, who was also the producer of Roobarb, a similar cartoon series from the 1970s. The show starred a laid-back, ponderous yellow cat, known only as Henry's Cat, and his many friends and enemies. Henry's Cat was first screened in 1983 and five series were made in total; the series has enjoyed repeated showings since. It developed a cult following and is still very popular along with shows such as Bod, Button Moon, Pigeon Street, The Flumps and Mr Benn."@en . . . "Stan Hayward"@en . "Jonathan Hodge"@en . "Bob Godfrey"@en . . . . "United Kingdom"@en . "1993"^^ . "Stan Hayward"@en . . "Henry's Cat"@en . "Mike Knowles"@en . . . "1983"^^ . "Bob Godfrey"@en . "Family, Animation"@en . "Bob Godfrey"@en . "Bob Godfrey"@en . . "Bob Godfrey Films Ltd."@en . . "Henry's Cat is an animated children's television programme, written by Stan Hayward and produced by Bob Godfrey, who was also the producer of Roobarb, a similar cartoon series from the 1970s. The show starred a laid-back, ponderous yellow cat, known only as Henry's Cat, and his many friends and enemies. Henry's Cat was first screened in 1983 and five series were made in total; the series has enjoyed repeated showings since. It developed a cult following and is still very popular along with shows such as Bod, Button Moon, Pigeon Street, The Flumps and Mr Benn."@en . "5"^^ . "51"^^ . "300.0"^^ . . "Kevin Baldwin"@en . "English"@en . . . "Henry's Cat"@en .