"Scientific Committee on Frequency Allocations For Radio Astronomy and Space Science"@en . "The Scientific Committee on Frequency Allocations For Radio Astronomy and Space Science (ICUAF) (Comit\u00E9 Scientifique pour l'Allocation des Fr\u00E9quences pour la Radio Astronomie et la Recherche Spatiale) is an international committee that works in the field of spectrum management on behalf of the passive radio sciences, like radio astronomy, remote sensing, space research, and meteorological remote sensing."@en . "The Scientific Committee on Frequency Allocations For Radio Astronomy and Space Science (ICUAF) (Comit\u00E9 Scientifique pour l'Allocation des Fr\u00E9quences pour la Radio Astronomie et la Recherche Spatiale) is an international committee that works in the field of spectrum management on behalf of the passive radio sciences, like radio astronomy, remote sensing, space research, and meteorological remote sensing. The IUCAF brief is to study and coordinate the requirements for radio frequency allocations established by the afore-mentioned sciences and to make these requirements known to the national and international bodies responsible for frequency allocations. IUCAF has official standing as a non-voting organization at the ITU, the International Telecommunication Union. It is a sector member of ITU-R."@en . . . .