. . . . . . "2"^^ . "Arno est un enfant blafard qui vit avec ses deux parents dans un foyer am\u00E9nag\u00E9 dans une des cavit\u00E9s du village des Blafards. Il chasse parfois des lucioles pour en faire des tartes."@fr . . . . . . . . "Alive"@en . . . . "Arno var en manlig Karraner, medlem av m\u00E4nniska befolkningen av Karra, var som valts ut som en av fem \u00C4rade en f\u00F6r Wraithfall ceremoni, tillsammans med Vash, Dakh och tv\u00E5 andra, n\u00E4r Atlantis Expeditionen bes\u00F6kte deras planet. Son till Karraner leder ceremonin var Arno den f\u00F6rsta att f\u00E5 en heliga medaljong av Karra och culling av en Wraith Dart vidtas f\u00F6r att Karra granne planet, Vohl, d\u00E4r han placerades i experimentell laboratorium f\u00F6r att bli torterade och slutligen matas p\u00E5 tills han var d\u00F6d. (ATL: \"Stargate Atlantis: Wraithfall 1\") kategori:Karraner"@sv . . . . . "Arno was a Farmington neighbor and the father of Noa."@en . . "\"Escape from Tomorrow\""@en . . . "France"@en . . "Noa - Son"@en . "ARNO"@de . . "Arno"@en . . . . . "Unknown"@en . "220"^^ . "The Arno was a river flowing through Florence on Earth. When the Leonardo da Vinci hologram and Kathryn Janeway tested the Great Bird for the first time in 2374, they started off a bridge and immediately fell into the Arno. Later, when the two prepared to take flight on an improved version of the glider on an alien planet, Leonardo da Vinci noted that \"Unfortunately, the river Arno is quite absent.\" (VOY: \"Concerning Flight\")"@en . "De Arno was een rivier die stroomde door de stad Florence op Aarde. In 2374 testte het Leonardo Da Vinci hologram en Kathryn Janeway Da Vinci's glijder voor de eerste keer. De twee sprongen van een brug en vielen meteen in de Arno. (VOY: \"Concerning Flight\") Categorie:Aardse waterlichamen"@nl . . . "Some time in 1455, a six-year old Lorenzo de' Medici fell into the Arno, and because he could not swim, he believed that his life was over as he drifted deeper into the river. Fortunately for the young boy, Lorenzo was rescued by a member of the Auditore family, who had dived into the river and pulled him out, saving his life (much to his mother's gratitude). Due to this event, a long-lasting and successful relationship developed between the families of the Auditore and the Medici."@en . "Arno"@it . "Arno"@sv . . . . . . "Roots"@en . "L' Arno era un fiume vicino Firenze, citt\u00E0 dello stato-nazione dell' Italia sulla Terra. Quando l' ologramma di Leonardo da Vinci ed il capitano Kathryn Janeway collaudarono il loro aliante per il suo primo volo nel 2374, si lanciarono da un ponte ed immediatamente caddero nel fiume Arno. (VOY: \"Il volo di Leonardo\")"@it . "7"^^ . . . . "2"^^ . . "Arno"@sv . "The Arno was a river flowing through Florence on Earth. When the Leonardo da Vinci hologram and Kathryn Janeway tested the Great Bird for the first time in 2374, they started off a bridge and immediately fell into the Arno. Later, when the two prepared to take flight on an improved version of the glider on an alien planet, Leonardo da Vinci noted that \"Unfortunately, the river Arno is quite absent.\" (VOY: \"Concerning Flight\")"@en . "Wolfgang Bahro"@de . "Arno var en manlig Karraner, medlem av m\u00E4nniska befolkningen av Karra, var som valts ut som en av fem \u00C4rade en f\u00F6r Wraithfall ceremoni, tillsammans med Vash, Dakh och tv\u00E5 andra, n\u00E4r Atlantis Expeditionen bes\u00F6kte deras planet. Son till Karraner leder ceremonin var Arno den f\u00F6rsta att f\u00E5 en heliga medaljong av Karra och culling av en Wraith Dart vidtas f\u00F6r att Karra granne planet, Vohl, d\u00E4r han placerades i experimentell laboratorium f\u00F6r att bli torterade och slutligen matas p\u00E5 tills han var d\u00F6d. (ATL: \"Stargate Atlantis: Wraithfall 1\") kategori:Karraner"@sv . . . . . "Masculin"@fr . . . . . "Although he's still little, Arno often helps out his parents in their small pet store in the heart of Clint City, and because he loves animals and hates anyone who harms them, Arno (accompanied by Pistachio his little monkey) helps out the Roots by secretly plundering the store's supplies of animal food and medication."@en . "4"^^ . . "Arno era un anciano colono humano de Tatooine. En tiempos del Imperio, Arno era considerado uno de los colonos originales de Tatooine, lo cual significa que descend\u00EDa de una familia que llevaba en Tatooine desde su colonizaci\u00F3n. Arno confraterniz\u00F3 con Adar Tallon cuando \u00E9ste se asent\u00F3 en Tatooine para vivir el resto de sus d\u00EDas, despu\u00E9s de haber fingido su muerte. Se ignora si Arno sab\u00EDa qui\u00E9n era Tallon en realidad. Poco despu\u00E9s de la batalla de Yavin, el cazarrecompensas Jodo Kast viaj\u00F3 hasta Tatooine rastreando a Adar Tallon por una recompensa imperial. Kast amenaz\u00F3 a Arno, pero Arno logr\u00F3 escapar de \u00E9l. M\u00E1s tarde, Arno encontr\u00F3 a un grupo de agentes de la Alianza Rebelde que buscaban a Tallon para rescatarle, y les ayud\u00F3 a llegar hasta \u00E9l."@es . . . . . . "3"^^ . . . "-3"^^ . "Male"@en . "Arno"@es . . . "Arno"@en . . . "Der Arno ist ein Fluss in Italien auf der Erde. 2374 st\u00FCrzten Kathryn Janeway und das Hologramm Leonardo da Vinci in einem Holoprogramm mit einem Flugapparat in den Arno. (VOY: )"@de . "Arno was a Farmington neighbor and the father of Noa."@en . . . . "\"Playing Tight\""@en . . "1996"^^ . . . "Arno"@en . "Enfant"@fr . . "Arno era un anciano colono humano de Tatooine. En tiempos del Imperio, Arno era considerado uno de los colonos originales de Tatooine, lo cual significa que descend\u00EDa de una familia que llevaba en Tatooine desde su colonizaci\u00F3n. Arno confraterniz\u00F3 con Adar Tallon cuando \u00E9ste se asent\u00F3 en Tatooine para vivir el resto de sus d\u00EDas, despu\u00E9s de haber fingido su muerte. Se ignora si Arno sab\u00EDa qui\u00E9n era Tallon en realidad. M\u00E1s tarde, Arno encontr\u00F3 a un grupo de agentes de la Alianza Rebelde que buscaban a Tallon para rescatarle, y les ayud\u00F3 a llegar hasta \u00E9l."@es . . . "ARNO.png"@de . . "L' Arno era un fiume vicino Firenze, citt\u00E0 dello stato-nazione dell' Italia sulla Terra. Quando l' ologramma di Leonardo da Vinci ed il capitano Kathryn Janeway collaudarono il loro aliante per il suo primo volo nel 2374, si lanciarono da un ponte ed immediatamente caddero nel fiume Arno. (VOY: \"Il volo di Leonardo\")"@it . . "Arno"@de . . "Some time in 1455, a six-year old Lorenzo de' Medici fell into the Arno, and because he could not swim, he believed that his life was over as he drifted deeper into the river. Fortunately for the young boy, Lorenzo was rescued by a member of the Auditore family, who had dived into the river and pulled him out, saving his life (much to his mother's gratitude). Due to this event, a long-lasting and successful relationship developed between the families of the Auditore and the Medici."@en . "Although he's still little, Arno often helps out his parents in their small pet store in the heart of Clint City, and because he loves animals and hates anyone who harms them, Arno (accompanied by Pistachio his little monkey) helps out the Roots by secretly plundering the store's supplies of animal food and medication."@en . . "__NOEDITSECTION__ Image:Information-silk.png|Character Template rect 0 0 20 20 Staff Template desc none Arno Real Name Arnaud Dombre Pseudonyms Arno Employers [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] Job Titles Penciler; Inker Gender Date of Birth January 4, 1961 Date of Death July 7, 1996 Place of Birth France Place of Death Paris, France First publication Unknown"@en . "Arno (\u30A2\u30FC\u30CE, \u0100no) is a character from the game Summon Night: Swordcraft story 2. Androgynous in appearance, a running joke in the game revolves around what Arno's gender is, although in the North American release by ATLUS, Arno was given an apparently male voice, taking away from the ambiguity presented in the characters' conversations."@en . . . . . "Paris, France"@en . . "Uncommon"@en . . "July"@en . "Arno (\u30A2\u30FC\u30CE, \u0100no) is a character from the game Summon Night: Swordcraft story 2. Androgynous in appearance, a running joke in the game revolves around what Arno's gender is, although in the North American release by ATLUS, Arno was given an apparently male voice, taking away from the ambiguity presented in the characters' conversations."@en . . . . "Arno est un enfant blafard qui vit avec ses deux parents dans un foyer am\u00E9nag\u00E9 dans une des cavit\u00E9s du village des Blafards. Il chasse parfois des lucioles pour en faire des tartes."@fr . . . "ARNO ist ein bekannter Musiker. Er versuchte der Band Alberts Enkel einen Song zu klauen. Am Anfang gelingt es ihm auch, aber durch die Hilfe von Moderator Ralf Jaspers bekommt die Band ihren Song zur\u00FCck. Zusehen war er zwischen Folge 46 und 48. Gespielt wurde die Rolle von Wolfgang Bahro."@de . . "ARNO ist ein bekannter Musiker. Er versuchte der Band Alberts Enkel einen Song zu klauen. Am Anfang gelingt es ihm auch, aber durch die Hilfe von Moderator Ralf Jaspers bekommt die Band ihren Song zur\u00FCck. Zusehen war er zwischen Folge 46 und 48. Gespielt wurde die Rolle von Wolfgang Bahro."@de . "2008-09-26"^^ . "2"^^ . . "1.0"^^ . "4"^^ . . "Casterman; Les Humano\u00EFdes Associ\u00E9s"@en . . . . "Der Arno ist ein Fluss in Italien auf der Erde. 2374 st\u00FCrzten Kathryn Janeway und das Hologramm Leonardo da Vinci in einem Holoprogramm mit einem Flugapparat in den Arno. (VOY: )"@de . . "L' Arno \u00E9tait un fleuve situ\u00E9 en Italie sur Terre. En 2374, lorsque l'hologramme de L\u00E9onard de Vinci et Kathryn Janeway test\u00E8rent un planeur pour la premi\u00E8re fois, ils s'\u00E9taient envol\u00E9s d'un pont et ont imm\u00E9diatement atterri dans l'Arno. (VOY: \"Concerning Flight\")"@fr . . . "Petite"@fr . . "1"^^ . . "Arno"@fr . . . . . . . . . "The Arno is a river on Earth, in the northern part of the nation state of Italy. The river is 241 kilometers long, and flows through the city of Florence. In a holographic recreation of Renaissance Florence, Kathryn Janeway and a holographic Leonardo Da Vinci attempted to test Da Vinci's glider over the river Arno. Attempting to take off from a bridge, they promptly landed in the river. (VOY episode: \"Concerning Flight\")"@en . . . "right left|100px Rencontre: Port-Faranga Faction: N/A M\u00E9tier: Fermier Qu\u00EAtes: \n* Des rem\u00E8des pour tous \n* L'\u00E9pouse souffrante du fermier R\u00E9compenses de combat et/ou de vol \u00E0 la tire: \n* XP+60 \n* 1x\u00E9p\u00E9e rouill\u00E9e, 1xpotion de soins mineure, 1xfiole, 1xpain et 1xpomme"@fr . . "The Arno is a river on Earth, in the northern part of the nation state of Italy. The river is 241 kilometers long, and flows through the city of Florence. In a holographic recreation of Renaissance Florence, Kathryn Janeway and a holographic Leonardo Da Vinci attempted to test Da Vinci's glider over the river Arno. Attempting to take off from a bridge, they promptly landed in the river. (VOY episode: \"Concerning Flight\")"@en . "__NOEDITSECTION__ Image:Information-silk.png|Character Template rect 0 0 20 20 Staff Template desc none Arno Real Name Arnaud Dombre Pseudonyms Arno Employers [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category:"@en . "Unknown"@en . . . "right left|100px Rencontre: Port-Faranga Faction: N/A M\u00E9tier: Fermier Qu\u00EAtes: \n* Des rem\u00E8des pour tous \n* L'\u00E9pouse souffrante du fermier R\u00E9compenses de combat et/ou de vol \u00E0 la tire: \n* XP+60 \n* 1x\u00E9p\u00E9e rouill\u00E9e, 1xpotion de soins mineure, 1xfiole, 1xpain et 1xpomme"@fr . . "Arno"@fr . . "De Arno was een rivier die stroomde door de stad Florence op Aarde. In 2374 testte het Leonardo Da Vinci hologram en Kathryn Janeway Da Vinci's glijder voor de eerste keer. De twee sprongen van een brug en vielen meteen in de Arno. (VOY: \"Concerning Flight\") Categorie:Aardse waterlichamen"@nl . . . "Man"@sv . . "Arnaud Dombre"@en . . . "L' Arno \u00E9tait un fleuve situ\u00E9 en Italie sur Terre. En 2374, lorsque l'hologramme de L\u00E9onard de Vinci et Kathryn Janeway test\u00E8rent un planeur pour la premi\u00E8re fois, ils s'\u00E9taient envol\u00E9s d'un pont et ont imm\u00E9diatement atterri dans l'Arno. (VOY: \"Concerning Flight\")"@fr . . . "Edward Rodrigo Diaz"@en . . "Arno"@en . "\"Escape from Tomorrow\""@en . . . "January"@en . . "Musiker"@de . "ARNO"@de . "Arno"@nl . "Penciler; Inker"@en . "1961"^^ . . .