. . "Wing commanders"@en . "Frank Fredriksson"@en . . . . . . "F 21 Lule\u00E5, Norrbottens flygflottilj, Norrbotten Air Force Wing, or simply \"F 21\", is a Swedish Air Force wing with the main base located in Lule\u00E5 in northern Sweden. It is one of the three remaining wings in Sweden and currently has two squadrons of multirole aircraft. F 21 in the north and F 17 in the south are the two wings remaining to have operational squadrons. F 7 is a school where pilots begin their training in the JAS 39 Gripen. After that the pilot's training is moved out to the two operational wings there they learn their final skills."@en . . . . "Bengt Bellander ,"@en . "G\u00F6sta von Porat ,"@en . "S V Larsson"@en . "Norrbottens flygbask\u00E5r"@en . "Jan Otterstr\u00F6m"@en . "1941"^^ . . . . . "F 21 Lule\u00E5, Norrbottens flygflottilj, Norrbotten Air Force Wing, or simply \"F 21\", is a Swedish Air Force wing with the main base located in Lule\u00E5 in northern Sweden. It is one of the three remaining wings in Sweden and currently has two squadrons of multirole aircraft. F 21 in the north and F 17 in the south are the two wings remaining to have operational squadrons. F 7 is a school where pilots begin their training in the JAS 39 Gripen. After that the pilot's training is moved out to the two operational wings there they learn their final skills."@en . . . "Jan Oterdahl ,"@en . "Lars-Erik Tornberg"@en . . "Lars J\u00E4derblom"@en . . "AJ 37, AJS 37, AJSF 37, AJSH 37, JAS 39"@en . "Hugo Svenow ,"@en . "Gunnar Lindberg ,"@en . "T Norlin ,"@en . . "Fredrik Bergman"@en . "Fritz Adliz ,"@en . "F 21 Lule\u00E5"@en . "Lule\u00E5"@en . . . . . "Per Nilsson"@en . ","@en . . . "--11-05"^^ .