. . . . . . "Virginia's amendment is alone in preventing the state from recognizing private contracts; South Carolina's amendment explicitly disavows such an aim. Observers have pointed out that such language encompasses private contracts and medical directives. The text of the amendment states: Only a union between one man and one woman may be a marriage valid in or recognized by this Commonwealth and its political subdivisions. This Commonwealth and its political subdivisions shall not create or recognize a legal status for relationships of unmarried individuals that intends to approximate the design, qualities, significance, or effects of marriage. Nor shall this Commonwealth or its political subdivisions create or recognize another union, partnership, or other legal status to which is assigned the rights, benefits, obligations, qualities, or effects of marriage."@en . . "Marshall-Newman Amendment"@en . "Virginia's amendment is alone in preventing the state from recognizing private contracts; South Carolina's amendment explicitly disavows such an aim. Observers have pointed out that such language encompasses private contracts and medical directives. The text of the amendment states:"@en .