"Even though the SuperMAXX 750 can only hold one dart at a time, the SuperMAXX 750 has an incredible firing range. It makes for a very great choice for a sidearm, with its only downside being its capacity."@en . . "The SuperMAXX 750 cannot jam. Because of its release valve it is very difficult to overpump. It also has very good accuracy."@en . . "The blaster can only fire one dart a second. It takes about five pumps to fully prime the blaster as well."@en . "Single-fire air-powered dart blaster"@en . "The SuperMAXX 750 can only hold one dart at a time."@en . "SuperMAXX 750"@en . "pass"@en . "SuperMAXX 750/Review"@en . "The SuperMAXX 750 can reach distances of about forty-five to fifty feet.Reload: Weapon Reviews - SuperMaxx 700/750. Geocities.ws/Colosseum/Park/2470"@en . "N/A"@en .