. "Attack Power (abbreviated as \"ATP\" or referred to as simply \"Attack\") is a stat in Phantasy Star Online that measures how much melee and range damage a character can deal in combat. The higher the ATP stat, the higher the damage dealt. Hunters have the highest ATP potential out of characters in the game. ATP is also the stat that determines which Hunter weapons can be used."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "The Attack Power of a Pok\u00E9mon is the base damage that it will deal to a target Pok\u00E9mon when matched. This is then used with various multipliers to calculate the actual damage dealt. A Pok\u00E9mon's Attack Power can be raised by leveling them, which requires Experience. Each level raises it by a small amount. Most Pok\u00E9mon max level is 10, but 3DS update v1.3 and Mobile update v1.6 allows certain Pok\u00E9mon max levels to be raised by using Raise Max Levels. Below is a table showing the Attack Power of a Pok\u00E9mon with specified base attack power at specified levels:"@en . . "Attack powers are intended to harm enemies and typically deal damage. A power labeled \"attack\" in its power description is an attack power. If a power is not labeled either \"attack\" or \"utility\", it is an attack power if it has an attack roll or deals damage.[RC:90] Attack powers can be gained in various ways, such as racial traits, class features, and gaining levels. A character can have a limited number of attack powers; at higher levels, new attack powers replace old ones. For all forms of attack power replacement, including retraining and power swap feats, the attack powers must have matching usages\u2014at-will for at-will, encounter for encounter, daily for daily."@en . . "Attack power (AP) is een physical damage statistic afgeleid van strength en/of agility en character level, die dient om je base weapon damage te verhogen per een hoeveelheid relatief aan deze statistic."@nl . "Attack Power (abbreviated as \"ATP\" or referred to as simply \"Attack\") is a stat in Phantasy Star Online that measures how much melee and range damage a character can deal in combat. The higher the ATP stat, the higher the damage dealt. Hunters have the highest ATP potential out of characters in the game. ATP is also the stat that determines which Hunter weapons can be used."@en . . . "Attack power"@fi . . . . . . . "Attack power"@el . . "Attack powers are intended to harm enemies and typically deal damage. A power labeled \"attack\" in its power description is an attack power. If a power is not labeled either \"attack\" or \"utility\", it is an attack power if it has an attack roll or deals damage.[RC:90]"@en . . "The Attack Power of a Pok\u00E9mon is the base damage that it will deal to a target Pok\u00E9mon when matched. This is then used with various multipliers to calculate the actual damage dealt. A Pok\u00E9mon's Attack Power can be raised by leveling them, which requires Experience. Each level raises it by a small amount. Most Pok\u00E9mon max level is 10, but 3DS update v1.3 and Mobile update v1.6 allows certain Pok\u00E9mon max levels to be raised by using Raise Max Levels. Below is a table showing the Attack Power of a Pok\u00E9mon with specified base attack power at specified levels:"@en . "Attack Power kasvattaa k\u00E4ytt\u00E4j\u00E4n perus physical (ei-spell) DPS:s\u00E4\u00E4. Jokaista nelj\u00E4\u00E4toista APt\u00E4 kohti saa yhden DPS pisteen. Jokainen strenght piste antaa 2 APt\u00E4, paitsi Rogueille, Hunter ja Shamaneille, jotka saavat my\u00F6s jokaisesta Agilityst\u00E4 1 DPS pisteen. (P\u00E4tee my\u00F6s Druidien kissamuotoon.) APt\u00E4 tarvitsevat kaikki classit, jotka tekev\u00E4t physical damagea. (Eli Hunter, Rogue, Druid (karhu- ja kissamuoto), Shaman (Jos melee specci.) Warrior Death Knight ja Paladin.)"@fi . "Attack Power kasvattaa k\u00E4ytt\u00E4j\u00E4n perus physical (ei-spell) DPS:s\u00E4\u00E4. Jokaista nelj\u00E4\u00E4toista APt\u00E4 kohti saa yhden DPS pisteen. Jokainen strenght piste antaa 2 APt\u00E4, paitsi Rogueille, Hunter ja Shamaneille, jotka saavat my\u00F6s jokaisesta Agilityst\u00E4 1 DPS pisteen. (P\u00E4tee my\u00F6s Druidien kissamuotoon.) APt\u00E4 tarvitsevat kaikki classit, jotka tekev\u00E4t physical damagea. (Eli Hunter, Rogue, Druid (karhu- ja kissamuoto), Shaman (Jos melee specci.) Warrior Death Knight ja Paladin.)"@fi . "Attack Power aka AP is a measure of damage dealt from a physical attack. Actual damage dealt will depend on the target's defense and any buffs or debuffs at the time of the attack. See also: Combat, Action Power"@en . "Attack Power aka AP is a measure of damage dealt from a physical attack. Actual damage dealt will depend on the target's defense and any buffs or debuffs at the time of the attack. See also: Combat, Action Power"@en . "Attack power"@en . . . "Attack power (AP) increases your base DPS by 1 for every 14 attack power. For example, an AP of 28 will give you 2 DPS. To convert DPS into average damage per swing: (Weapon DPS + AP/14) * Weapon Speed. If dual wielding, an off-hand weapon will also receive DPS from AP with the normal damage penalty. Disregarding dual wield specialization talents, the offhand damage is then: [(Weapon DPS + AP/14) * Weapon Speed]/2. Each point of strength increases melee attack power by 2, except for rogues, shamans, and hunters who gain 1 AP per point of strength, and 1 per point of agility. Druids in cat form also gain 1 AP per point of agility. Heart of the Wild gives a druid in cat form a 10% increase in AP. Players also receive 1 point of ranged attack power (RAP) per point of agility. Also, 1 AP = 1 Ranged Attack Power (RAP). Unless an item or effect specifically says \"+__ to Melee Attack Power\" or \"+__ to Ranged Attack Power\" then this is true. If it adds to Attack Power and does not specify \"Melee\" or \"Ranged\" then it always adds equally to both Ranged Attack Power and Melee Attack Power. Bonuses from attack power are added to a character's DPS before attack speed bonuses come into effect. So, a character with a weapon with 10 base DPS, 2.0 attack speed, and 140 AP will have a total of 20 DPS (10 base + 140/14 from AP). If a 10% increase to attack speed is gained, DPS will increase to 22 (10% of 20 is 2) as opposed to only getting one from the base DPS, at 11, and then adding 10 from the attack power to 21."@el . "Attack power (AP) increases your base DPS by 1 for every 14 attack power. For example, an AP of 28 will give you 2 DPS. To convert DPS into average damage per swing: (Weapon DPS + AP/14) * Weapon Speed. If dual wielding, an off-hand weapon will also receive DPS from AP with the normal damage penalty. Disregarding dual wield specialization talents, the offhand damage is then: [(Weapon DPS + AP/14) * Weapon Speed]/2."@el . "Attack Power"@nl . . "Attack Power"@en . . . "Attack power (AP) increases your base DPS by 1 for every 3.5 attack power. To convert DPS into average damage per swing: (Weapon DPS + AP/3.5) * Weapon Speed. If dual wielding, an off-hand weapon will also receive DPS from AP with the normal damage penalty. Disregarding dual wield specialization talents, the offhand damage is then: [(Weapon DPS + AP/3.5) * Weapon Speed]/2. Many abilities add some percentage of attack power to the damage they deal. Each point of strength increases melee attack power by 1, except for rogues, shamans, and hunters who gain 1 AP per point of agility. Druids in cat form also gain 1 AP per point of agility. Players also receive 1 point of ranged attack power (RAP) per point of agility. Also, 1 AP = 1 Ranged Attack Power (RAP). Unless an item or effect specifically says \"+__ to Melee Attack Power\" or \"+__ to Ranged Attack Power\" then this is true. If it adds to Attack Power and does not specify \"Melee\" or \"Ranged\" then it always adds equally to both Ranged Attack Power and Melee Attack Power. Although characters of every class will have a listed amount of ranged attack power, the statistic is wholly meaningless to all except Hunters, Rogues and Warriors, as these are the only classes that can use ranged weapons. Bonuses from attack power are added to a character's DPS before attack speed bonuses come into effect. So, a character with a weapon with 10 base DPS, 2.0 attack speed, and 140 AP will have a total of 20 DPS (10 base + 140/14 from AP). If a 10% increase to attack speed is gained, DPS will increase to 22 (10% of 20 is 2) as opposed to only getting one from the base DPS, at 11, and then adding 10 from the attack power to 21."@en . . "Attack power (AP) increases your base DPS by 1 for every 3.5 attack power. To convert DPS into average damage per swing: (Weapon DPS + AP/3.5) * Weapon Speed. If dual wielding, an off-hand weapon will also receive DPS from AP with the normal damage penalty. Disregarding dual wield specialization talents, the offhand damage is then: [(Weapon DPS + AP/3.5) * Weapon Speed]/2. Many abilities add some percentage of attack power to the damage they deal."@en . . "Attack power (AP) is een physical damage statistic afgeleid van strength en/of agility en character level, die dient om je base weapon damage te verhogen per een hoeveelheid relatief aan deze statistic."@nl .