. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Tier: 7-C | 6-A | 4-C | Low 2-C | High 2-A | High 1-B | 0+ to Memetic (x10)+ | \u221E+x... would be an insult to \"power\" (if it can logically still be called such) of this unthinkable magnitude Name: Zacri, The Monad, The First, That Guy Who Does Stuff, The Broken Thing That's Already Fixed, \"That One Sexy Mo*%&$f*$@er I Saw In The Cafe At the Edge of the Omniverse\" Origin: Imagination Land... 's origin is \"him\" (again, in quotations), as he is everything and at once nothing Gender: Male (physically), though in reality is beyond the concept of such things as gender Age: 20 (physically) Classification: Human, Nephilim, Stupidly OP version of Z, Godmode Incarnate, Metaphysical Abstract Beyond Abstracts, Part-Time Watcher of DeviantArt, What ThePerpetual Does When He Has Too Much Time On His Hands Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, reflexes, durability, endurance, intellect, thought processing, game playing, fighting skill, looks, sex life, badassery, 4th wall awareness, sense of humor, and basically everything else to be honest, Shapeshifting, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Teleportation, Omnitangibility, Summoning, Reality Warping, Omnicognition, Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Lightning, Ice, Light, Darkness, Space, Time, Void, Gravity, Nature, Plant, Good, Evil, Order, Chaos, God, Mankind, Matter, Soul, Energy, Magic, Ki, Psionic, Luck, Concept, Abstract, Paradox, Casuality, Quantum, Dimension, Toonforce, Fate, Higher-Planar, Atomic, Sub-Atomic, Past, Present, Future, State-of-Being, Joke, No-Limits Fallacy, Gameplay Mechanics, Meme, Potence, Plot, PIS, Parody, Hax, Wumbo, You, Me, Life-The-Universe-And-Everything, and Bacon generation, manipulation, destruction, projection, and lulzification, is immune to memes, hax, and anything else I happen to dislike enough at any given point and time, Expert at Everything, meta-destruction, Unquestionable Absolute Omnipotence, Omnipresence, and Omniscience, has great taste in music, did I mention Badassery Embodiment yet?, can write stuff, has the ability to b^*chslap creepypastas at will (thank you, aforementioned omnipresence), l337 noskope skills, great quality and you can't argue otherwise, determination, overrides other trollish abilities because screw that nonsense, unbannable, one immunity, two immunity, red immunity, blue immunity, I snuck in a Dr. Seuss reference immunity, plot immunity, wall immunity, logic immunity, diplomatic immunity, immunity to diplomatic immunity, immunity to your immunity, immunity to his powers being copied or understood by others unless he so wishes, can't be ignored, can't be sealed, can't be turned into a seal (or anything, for that matter, unless he wants to), knows how to believe in the heart of the cards, never loses his abilities, never loses his way, does the impossible, has the ability to casually wave off complaints about being a Gary Stu as if they did not exist (And they don't anymore, 'cuz I said so) Attack Potency: Casually Large Town level+ (Couldn't lose to Nuclear Man if he tried, casually imagines up stuff of this caliber while playing tabletop RPGs with friends) | Continent level (Accidentally cracked Asia apart by stepping on the wrong spot of a DDR mat on the opposite side of the planet when he was younger) | Star level+ (Casually wiped the floor with Soren and Captain Square in Smash Bros. simultaneously once he applied anything even resembling effort) | Universe level+ (Defeated many foes of this magnitude) | High Multiverse level+ (After getting irritated with Chara and Asriel screwing with his Undertale save through breaking the 4th wall, adventured through the whole game, beat them up himself, and created his own happy ending) | High Hyperverse level (Transcended the concept of infinity through sheer willpower and determination) | True Infinity+ (When a true omnipotent threatened everything he cared about, summoned forth the whole of his power to enforce the ideas of \"life\" and \"mortality\" onto it in defiance of anything resembling logic, then proceeded to beat it within an inch of its life) to Memetic level++++++++++ (Defeated Check Norris, John Cena, and Bruce Lee all at once when they severely pissed him off) | Beyond All Things And All Parodies Of All The Things+x to the Kek Why Are You Still Reading This?th+ power+ level+ (Sees the invisible, does the impossible, rows to fight the power, deletes memes all teh times, was Saitamnipotence's blacksmith, and other such silly and fun stuff) Speed: Relativistic (Ran circles around Senator Memestrong, who was one hundred times as fast and strong as the real thing) | FTL (Outran the light to get more sleep in a Paul Bunyan parody) | FTL with MFTL reactions and combat speed (Can react to Ocarina of Time Link's arrows, which like, totally fly to the sun and back in 5 seconds, legit ;) ) | MFTL+ (Several quintillions of times lightspeed, runs circles around Disgaea god tiers for funsies) | Immeasurable | Irrelevant | Omnipresent+ to Transcendently Uberpresent+++ | I laugh at your pathetic speed entry. Mwahahaha. ;) Lifting Strength: Class T (Put Senator Memestrong to shame in an arm-wrestling contest) | Class T | Class Z+ (Played volleyball with the Moon, on the moon... don't ask how) | Galactic (I was too lazy to bother explaining when this happened, it did happen tho) | Immeasurable (Determination>all burdens) | Immeasurable | True Infinity+ | \"\u221E+\"+ (Why does this category matter again?+++) + Durability: Large Town level+ | Continent level | Star level+ | Universe level+ | High Multiverse level+ | High Hyperverse level | True Infinity+ | Jeesh, spamming \"High\" and \"+\" a lot sure does get tiring :/ (Yes, in all instances durability and AP scale) Stamina: Superhuman+ | Superhuman+ | Nigh-Infinite | Infinite...ly Perpetual (see, it's a joke bc that's mah name) | Beyond Immeasurably Infinitely Perpetual+ | Tryhard Level X | Higher Than That | Look, stop. Just... stop trying to tire me out, it's embarrasing. 'kay? 'Kay. Range: Varies from Melee range to great distances away (just ask me, fam, I'll tell you if this is ever really that important)"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Tier: 7-C | 6-A | 4-C | Low 2-C | High 2-A | High 1-B | 0+ to Memetic (x10)+ | \u221E+x... would be an insult to \"power\" (if it can logically still be called such) of this unthinkable magnitude Name: Zacri, The Monad, The First, That Guy Who Does Stuff, The Broken Thing That's Already Fixed, \"That One Sexy Mo*%&$f*$@er I Saw In The Cafe At the Edge of the Omniverse\" Origin: Imagination Land... 's origin is \"him\" (again, in quotations), as he is everything and at once nothing Gender: Male (physically), though in reality is beyond the concept of such things as gender Age: 20 (physically)"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Zacri the Monad"@en . . . . .