"Two centuries ago, the castle was gifted to Spielburg family by King Siegfried the Third. Since that time, the Spielburg family has lived in the castle, with the patriarch ruling the valley as barons. Baron Stefan von Spielburg is the current ruling baron at the time Quest for Glory I takes place. The castle itself is a relatively simple fortress. There is a single outer wall that surrounds the castle grounds in a square, with a gate at the south end. Inside the walls is the castle keep at the north end, stables at the east end, and a guard barracks at the west end. The central courtyard is purposed as a training grounds. The castle also maintains a modest dungeon."@en . "Spielburg Castle"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Two centuries ago, the castle was gifted to Spielburg family by King Siegfried the Third. Since that time, the Spielburg family has lived in the castle, with the patriarch ruling the valley as barons. Baron Stefan von Spielburg is the current ruling baron at the time Quest for Glory I takes place."@en .