. "2290.0"^^ . "Pardek"@sv . "Pardek var en romulansk senator som representerade Krocton Segment p\u00E5 Romulus. Pardek var bland delegaterna p\u00E5 Khitomerkonferensen \u00E5r 2293 och tj\u00E4nstgjorde sedan som medlem av den romulanska senaten i 90 \u00E5r. Pardek kallades en \"folkets man\". Han var n\u00E5got av en radikal, st\u00F6dde m\u00E5nga regeringsreformer och arbetade f\u00F6r fred genom hela sin karri\u00E4r. Pardek arbetade ocks\u00E5 f\u00F6r att f\u00E5 ambassad\u00F6r Spock till Romulus \u00E5r 2368 f\u00F6r att st\u00F6dja en underjordisk r\u00F6relse som ville f\u00E5 till st\u00E5nd en \u00E5terf\u00F6rening mellan romulanerna och deras vulcanska kusiner. Pardek spelades av Malachi Throne."@sv . . . "Active"@en . . . "male"@en . "Pardek"@fr . . . "Pardek"@en . . "Pardek was a male Romulan who lived during the 23rd and 24th centuries."@en . . . . "2368"^^ . "Citoyen de l'Empire Stellaire Romulien"@fr . "Pardek"@en . . "Pardek \u00E9tait un politicien de l'Empire Stellaire Romulien au 23\u00E8me et 24\u00E8me si\u00E8cle."@fr . "2380"^^ . . "Pardek"@fr . . "Male"@en . "Senator Pardek was a male Romulan politician in the 24th century Romulan Star Empire. He had a long career in Romulan politics including in the Romulan Senate for nine decades by 2368. He was distinguished for advocating for peace throughout his career. He was married. Pardek came from the Krocton Segment on Romulus, and maintained a dwelling there. He often visited the area on the third day of the Romulan week when the Senate was not in session. Pardek was considered a man of the people and had sponsored many reforms. Reportedly, Romulan leaders considered him as somewhat of a radical since he had been an advocate of peace throughout his career. As such, he did not have much support from colleagues. Early in his life, Pardek represented the Romulans at the Khitomer Conference peace talks between the Federation and the Klingon Empire in 2293. There, he met Spock and they started a dialogue that would last for decades. In 2364, Pardek attended a Barolian trade conference. In 2368, Pardek (along with co-conspirator proconsul Neral) attempted a takeover of Vulcan. He developed an underground reputation for supporting Vulcan-Romulan reunification and peace, luring Federation Ambassador Spock to Romulus for false reunification talks. He took Spock to meet Neral, where he claimed to support reunification. Spock found this unbelievable, but wanted to know their plan, so continued to meet with him. Pardek was present when Sela came to capture the underground group. Spock surmised then that Pardek was in on the conspiracy, and then he lost his credibility with them. The plan was foiled at the last minute by USS Enterprise-D crewmembers Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Lieutenant Commander Data. (TNG: \"Unification I\" , \"Unification II\" )"@en . . "Pardek was a male Romulan who lived during the 23rd and 24th centuries."@en . . . . "Pardek"@en . . . . . . "Pardek"@de . "S\u00E9nateur"@fr . . . . . "Pardek"@en . . . . . "rom"@en . . . . . . . . . . "thumb|Senator Pardek (2368). Der romulanische Senator Pardek lebt auf Romulus und repr\u00E4sentiert dort den Bezirk Krocton-Segment. Er unterh\u00E4lt dort eine Wohnung und hat mehrere Verwandte, die dort leben. Pardek hat seine Karriere fr\u00FCh begonnen und ist 2368 bereits seit 90 Jahren Senator. Er hat in dieser Zeit eine Vielzahl von Reformen gef\u00F6rdert und gilt als Mann des Volkes. Von der romulanischen F\u00FChrung wird er als sehr radikal eingestuft, auch weil er sein Leben lang als Advokat des Friedens gewirkt hat."@de . "Pardek var en romulansk senator som representerade Krocton Segment p\u00E5 Romulus. Pardek var bland delegaterna p\u00E5 Khitomerkonferensen \u00E5r 2293 och tj\u00E4nstgjorde sedan som medlem av den romulanska senaten i 90 \u00E5r. Pardek kallades en \"folkets man\". Han var n\u00E5got av en radikal, st\u00F6dde m\u00E5nga regeringsreformer och arbetade f\u00F6r fred genom hela sin karri\u00E4r. Pardek arbetade ocks\u00E5 f\u00F6r att f\u00E5 ambassad\u00F6r Spock till Romulus \u00E5r 2368 f\u00F6r att st\u00F6dja en underjordisk r\u00F6relse som ville f\u00E5 till st\u00E5nd en \u00E5terf\u00F6rening mellan romulanerna och deras vulcanska kusiner. Pardek f\u00F6rr\u00E5dde Spock, kommend\u00F6r Picard och \u00F6rlogskapten Data till romulanska myndigheter i utbyte mot f\u00F6rdelar han blivit utlovad av prokonsul Neral. (TNG: \"Unification, del I\" och \"Unification, del II\"). Pardek spelades av Malachi Throne."@sv . "Masculin"@fr . . . . "Senator Pardek was a male Romulan politician in the 24th century Romulan Star Empire. He had a long career in Romulan politics including in the Romulan Senate for nine decades by 2368. He was distinguished for advocating for peace throughout his career. He was married. Pardek came from the Krocton Segment on Romulus, and maintained a dwelling there. He often visited the area on the third day of the Romulan week when the Senate was not in session. In 2364, Pardek attended a Barolian trade conference."@en . . "thumb|Senator Pardek (2368). Der romulanische Senator Pardek lebt auf Romulus und repr\u00E4sentiert dort den Bezirk Krocton-Segment. Er unterh\u00E4lt dort eine Wohnung und hat mehrere Verwandte, die dort leben. Pardek hat seine Karriere fr\u00FCh begonnen und ist 2368 bereits seit 90 Jahren Senator. Er hat in dieser Zeit eine Vielzahl von Reformen gef\u00F6rdert und gilt als Mann des Volkes. Von der romulanischen F\u00FChrung wird er als sehr radikal eingestuft, auch weil er sein Leben lang als Advokat des Friedens gewirkt hat. 2368 lockt er Botschafter Spock nach Romulus und gibt vor, die Romulanische Untergrundorganisation zu unterst\u00FCtzen. Spock und die anderen Anh\u00E4nger vertrauen ihm, doch er verr\u00E4t sie schlie\u00DFlich an Sela. Unter dem Deckmantel eines Angebots zur Wiedervereinigung von Romulus und Vulkan hat die Tochter von Tasha Yar vor, den vulkanischen Heimatplaneten zu erobern, dazu ist Pardek ein Teil ihres Plans. (TNG: , )"@de . . . . "Pardek \u00E9tait un politicien de l'Empire Stellaire Romulien au 23\u00E8me et 24\u00E8me si\u00E8cle."@fr . "widowed"@en . . .