"Land Raider Prometheus"@en . . . "As a dedicated command transport, the Prometheus utilises an extensive array of communications and sensor equipment. All Land Raiders carry a tactical holosphere and squad status displays, but the Prometheus augments this with a long-range signals Amplex, a two-way signal booster, for squad-to-squad, ground-to-air and ground-to-orbit sensorium and Vox-communion. The Prometheus has some features in common with the Damocles Command Rhino, a command variant of the Rhino armoured carrier, and can serve as an Astartes strike force command and control hub if a Damocles is not deployed or is somehow disabled. It utilises secure multi-band communications for coordination with allied forces and transmission monitoring equipment for intercepting and de-crypting enemy comm signals, and also incorpora"@en . . . . . "thumb|268pxEl Land Raider Prometheus es una variante del Land Raider, creado como veh\u00EDculo de mando y bunker m\u00F3vil. Con este fin, el Prometheus cuenta con sensores sofisticados y poderosos medios de comunicaci\u00F3n, muy similar al Rhino Damocles. A diferencia de los Damocles, sin embargo, el Prometheus permite a un Comandante de Marines Espaciales luchar en primera fila. Los or\u00EDgenes exactos del modelo Prometheus son un misterio. Algunos Tecnoadeptos creen que es una variante del Land Raider Tartarus, debido al parecido entre ambos dise\u00F1os, aunque no hay pruebas que demuestren esto. Otros creen que los Salamandras fueron los primeros en producirlo, pues poseen 4 de estos tanques, m\u00E1s que ning\u00FAn otro Cap\u00EDtulo. Sin embargo, los Salamandras niegan esa afirmaci\u00F3n. En cualquier caso, el n\u00FAmero de Cap\u00EDtulos que poseen un Prometheus en su Arsenal es desconocido. La acci\u00F3n en combate m\u00E1s famosa de un Prometheus ocurri\u00F3 durante la Campa\u00F1a de Masali, cuando el Capit\u00E1n Cato Sicarius us\u00F3 su Prometheus para dar la vuelta a una batalla contra Piratas Eldar, ganando en el proceso el Honor de Punter\u00EDa de primera clase. Como armamento lleva a cada lado 2 pares de B\u00F3lteres pesados acoplados y un B\u00F3lter de Asalto en afuste exterior. Su capacidad de transporte es similar al Phobos."@es . . "thumb|268pxEl Land Raider Prometheus es una variante del Land Raider, creado como veh\u00EDculo de mando y bunker m\u00F3vil. Con este fin, el Prometheus cuenta con sensores sofisticados y poderosos medios de comunicaci\u00F3n, muy similar al Rhino Damocles. A diferencia de los Damocles, sin embargo, el Prometheus permite a un Comandante de Marines Espaciales luchar en primera fila. Como armamento lleva a cada lado 2 pares de B\u00F3lteres pesados acoplados y un B\u00F3lter de Asalto en afuste exterior. Su capacidad de transporte es similar al Phobos."@es . . . . . "As a dedicated command transport, the Prometheus utilises an extensive array of communications and sensor equipment. All Land Raiders carry a tactical holosphere and squad status displays, but the Prometheus augments this with a long-range signals Amplex, a two-way signal booster, for squad-to-squad, ground-to-air and ground-to-orbit sensorium and Vox-communion. The Prometheus has some features in common with the Damocles Command Rhino, a command variant of the Rhino armoured carrier, and can serve as an Astartes strike force command and control hub if a Damocles is not deployed or is somehow disabled. It utilises secure multi-band communications for coordination with allied forces and transmission monitoring equipment for intercepting and de-crypting enemy comm signals, and also incorporates a multi-spectral ground surveillance Auspex for locating and tracking enemy forces. The information provided by this array of sensors can then be shared with other Imperial forces as required. The advantage the Prometheus has over the Damocles Rhino as a command and control hub is that it is also a front line combat vehicle. In battle it can lead from the front, and whilst a Prometheus does not contain all the advanced features of the dedicated command Rhino, it makes a peerless front line command transport worthy of the most courageous and warlike leaders of the Adeptus Astartes. The advanced targeting systems and additional communication systems take up some of the interior room within the vehicle, and as such the standard Land Raider's hull-mounted twin-linked Heavy Bolters are replaced. Additionally,the Land Raider Prometheus' transport capacity has been reduced compared to the standard pattern of the vehicle. The Prometheus is capable of transporting up to ten fully-armoured Space Marines or up to five Terminators. A Land Raider Prometheus is always equipped with a pintle-mounted Storm Bolter for added defence against enemy attack, but can also be outfitted with extra armour plating, a Hunter-Killer Missile Launcher, a Pintle-mounted Multi-Melta, a searchlight, and smoke launchers."@en . . . . . . . . . "Land Raider Prometheus"@es . .