. "A Pet For Baby Smurf"@en . "The Smurfs talk among themselves about what kind of pet they would want to have, with Clumsy saying he wants a pet cow, Vanity saying he wants a pet peacock, and Hefty saying that he wants a pet bear. Jokey says that he'll surprise everybody with his pet, and Grouchy just says that he hates pets. Meanwhile, at Gargamel's castle, the evil wizard tries to get Azrael to come and eat his supper, but after seeing no response from the cat, he yells at him to starve if he wants to and closes the door behind him."@en . "The Smurfs talk among themselves about what kind of pet they would want to have, with Clumsy saying he wants a pet cow, Vanity saying he wants a pet peacock, and Hefty saying that he wants a pet bear. Jokey says that he'll surprise everybody with his pet, and Grouchy just says that he hates pets. Meanwhile, at Gargamel's castle, the evil wizard tries to get Azrael to come and eat his supper, but after seeing no response from the cat, he yells at him to starve if he wants to and closes the door behind him. By morning, Smurfette tells Papa Smurf that they all want pets of their own, with Greedy saying that he wants a pet horse and Dreamy saying that he wants a giraffe. Papa Smurf says that he's sorry but he doesn't think that they are suitable pets for Smurfs, though he has no objections to \"smurfy pets\". Vanity suggests that they should have a pet show if the Smurfs are all going to have pets, with Brainy adding that there should be prizes, which makes the Smurfs cheer in agreement. Meanwhile, Gargamel tells his cat Azrael that he's nothing but a worthless ordinary cat, which he considers to be the main problem of his pet, but says that soon his cat will no longer be ordinary, but will become the ultimate Smurf catcher. To that end, Gargamel pulls a nice fresh pie out of the oven and tells his cat it's time for dinner. Azrael sniffs the pie and doesn't seem to like the idea of eating it, but when Gargamel threatens to turn Azrael into a wet mouse if he doesn't eat it, the cat reluctantly takes a bite and is soon turned into a pig, which makes Gargamel upset that he put too much mud in the pie. He then bakes a second pie and has Azrael as a pig eat it, and soon after it's devoured he changes from a pig to a cow. Gargamel now says that he put too much milk in the pie. His third attempt with a pie changes Azrael from a cow to a chicken, which makes Gargamel say that he put too many eggs in it. Out in the forest, Smurfette is waiting patiently for a butterfly to come so she could have a pet of her own for the pet show, while Clumsy goes out into the forest with Baby Smurf to find a pet for himself and Baby. After a while, Lazy returns with a snail, Harmony has a cricket following him, Farmer has a ladybug, Brainy has a firefly, and Grouchy grudgingly carries a spider on top of his hat, saying that he hates spiders. But Smurfette is still without her butterfly, and wonders if there will ever be one that will come along when a caterpillar inches itself along and drops down to give Smurfette some company, making her tickle. She decides to have the caterpillar become her pet, giving it the name Fuzzy. Finally, with one more pie that he has Azrael as a chicken eat, Gargamel has success as it turns him from a chicken into a pink creature with flashing antennae tips. He calls it his \"glowing darling\", whom he says nobody will resist. The creature then appears in the forest, whom Clumsy runs into as he carries Baby Smurf back to the village with his pet rock. It appears friendly enough for Clumsy to consider bringing it to the village as Baby Smurf's pet, and soon enough the Smurfs are also amazed by the sight of the \"glowing darling\" as they gather together with their pets, eager to get the pet show started. Papa Smurf sees this mysterious pet that Clumsy got for Baby Smurf and decides to go to the library to find out more about this \"glowing darling\", telling Grouchy to keep an eye on it. As the pet show begins and the Smurfs have their pets display their individual talents, Smurfette is upset that she can't find her pet Fuzzy anywhere and asks her fellow Smurfs if they have seen it, hoping to find it soon or else she won't be part of the show. However, Baby's \"glowing darling\" is the pet that is stealing the spotlight as it is winning all the prizes. Meanwhile, Papa Smurf in his laboratory makes a startling discovery that \"glowing darlings\" have been extinct for a thousand years and suspects that the creature is actually the work of Gargamel. He rushes out to stop this creature just as Nat Smurf is about to award Baby Sward a ribbon for the best pet of the show, only for the creature to suddenly turn vicious with long fanged teeth that scares the other Smurfs away. Hefty quickly tries to get Baby Smurf to safety, but ends up tripping over Lazy and almost becomes the \"glowing darling\"'s victim until Baby Smurf uses his magic to shrink the creature to a harmless form without anybody noticing. Nat wonders what has happened, and Papa Smurf says that he doesn't know, that magic is simply unpredictable. Out in the forest, Smurfette is crying because her pet Fuzzy is gone and she doesn't know where it went until she turns and sees Fuzzy's face pop out from a bush. She soon notices that Fuzzy has now turned into a butterfly. Meanwhile, Jokey and Clumsy deliver the \"glowing darling\" back to Gargamel in the same package as one of his surprises, which when the evil wizard opens turns it back into Azrael in his cat form. Gargamel tells Azrael what a worthless creature he is and asks if he has anything to say for himself, and Azrael only responds by razzing his master."@en . .