. . "Remission"@de . . . "It is in many cases possible to induce remission (a temporary or permanent freedom from insulin-dependence) in diabetic cats. (This appears to be unique to cats, unfortunately for dogs and humans. Dogs may experience remissions if their diabetes has a transient or secondary cause.) There is growing agreement among experts that a combination of low-carb healthy diet, well-chosen insulin, and well-chosen dosage plans can in many cases bring glucose levels and insulin requirements down to what the damaged pancreas can handle, and allow the cat's blood sugar to be controlled entirely by diet thereafter. (A low-carb diet is usually required for the remainder of the cat's life.) Remission has been claimed (by Dr. Rand and Dr. Hodgkins) to be a realistic goal for all cats who can be properly regulated quickly. Chances of success are highest in the first few months after initial diagnosis. This limited time window is probably caused by amyloidosis and glucose toxicity, and is a good reason to start with low-carb diet and very slow-acting insulins, the most successful known combination, right away. Dr. Elizabeth Hodgkins and Dr. Jacquie Rand both recommend regimes of Tight regulation to achieve remission. In cats whose diabetes has been recently caused by steroids or some other transient cause, remission seems particularly likely if regulation can be achieved early. Note that Glipizide and similar oral diabetic medicines have been shown to increase amyloid production, and amyloidosis when blood sugar is high, damaging the pancreas and therefore making remission less likely."@en . . . "Pushes back allies or enemies that are attacking the target from an adjacent cell. If cast on a bomb, this spell reduces damage taken from a distance."@en . "Remission"@en . "Remission describes the state of a disease where, although the patient is not cured of the disease, the disease is no longer causing any symptoms and can no longer be detected in the patient. It is used most frequently to describe a cancer patient where the disease is no longer spreading through the body and no tumors or other obvious signs of the cancer can be detected. However, a terminal disease can still be in remission, and a disease in remission can still be possible when a patient has a fairly short time to live, for example no more than twelve months."@en . "Schubst Verb\u00FCndete oder Gegner zur\u00FCck, die das Ziel von einem benachbarten Feld aus angreifen. Auf eine Bombe gewirkt, senkt der Zauber den durch Fernkampfangriffe erlittenen Schaden."@de . "Rogue"@en . "Remission is a term that is used to describe when symptoms decrease or stop."@en . "Halsabschneider"@de . "50"^^ . . "Remission ist ein Stufe 48 Klassenzauber der Halsabschneider."@de . "Bewegungszauber"@de . . "Remission ist ein Stufe 48 Klassenzauber der Halsabschneider."@de . . "Remission is a term that is used to describe when symptoms decrease or stop."@en . "Caution: Monsters' elemental/neutral damage is modified by their statistics, which are in majority unknown."@en . "It is in many cases possible to induce remission (a temporary or permanent freedom from insulin-dependence) in diabetic cats. (This appears to be unique to cats, unfortunately for dogs and humans. Dogs may experience remissions if their diabetes has a transient or secondary cause.) There is growing agreement among experts that a combination of low-carb healthy diet, well-chosen insulin, and well-chosen dosage plans can in many cases bring glucose levels and insulin requirements down to what the damaged pancreas can handle, and allow the cat's blood sugar to be controlled entirely by diet thereafter. (A low-carb diet is usually required for the remainder of the cat's life.)"@en . "Caution: Monsters' elemental/neutral damage is modified by their statistics, which are in majority unknown."@en . . "48"^^ . "Schutzzauber"@de . . . . "Remission describes the state of a disease where, although the patient is not cured of the disease, the disease is no longer causing any symptoms and can no longer be detected in the patient. It is used most frequently to describe a cancer patient where the disease is no longer spreading through the body and no tumors or other obvious signs of the cancer can be detected. However, a terminal disease can still be in remission, and a disease in remission can still be possible when a patient has a fairly short time to live, for example no more than twelve months."@en . . .