"Dark Nest III: The Swarm War"@cs . "Dark Nest III: The Swarm War"@pt . . "eu/lit/novel/news20050718.html"@en . . . "Dark Nest III: The Swarm War"@en . "Dark Nest III: The Swarm War"@fi . . "Dark Nest III: The Swarm War"@en . "Dark Nest III: The Swarm War"@fi . "Dark Nest III: The Swarm War"@en . "2005-12-27"^^ . "36"^^ . "*Padm\u00E9 Amidala \n*Ark'ik \n*Baltke \n*Ogo Buugi \n*Nek Bwua'tu\n*Cakhmaim\n*Lando Calrissian \n*Chaf'orm'bintrano \"Formbi\" \n*Chewbacca \n*Cilghal\n*Daer'ey'ath / Reya Taat \n*Jagged Fel\n*Zakarisz Ghent\n*Gundar\n*Kenth Hamner\n*Iesei\n*Jooj\n*Talon Karrde \n*Kyle Katarn\n*Obi-Wan Kenobi \n*Krafte \n*Shmi Skywalker Lars \n*Tresina Lobi\n*Longnose \n*Meewalh\n*Mitth'raw'nuruodo \"Thrawn\" \n*Mollom\n*Nanna\n*Neufie \n*Nine\n*Bail Prestor Organa \n\n*Palpatine \n*Akanah Norand Goss Pell \"Akanah\" \n*Danni Quee\n*R2-0 \"Artoo-Oh\" \n*Ra'tre \n*Rekker\n*Salla \n*Scarcheek \n*Seneki \n*Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader \n*Sneaky\n*Allana Solo \n*Anakin Solo \n*Kam Solusar\n*Tionne Solusar\n*Sotatos\n*Tekli\n*Aryn Dro Thul\n*Bornan Thul \n*Tyko Thul\n*Tito \n*Twool \n*Gregar Typho \n*Vergere \n*Vero'tog'leo \n*Mace Windu \n*Yoda \n*Yugi \n*Zalk't"@en . "\u0422\u0451\u043C\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u0443\u043B\u0435\u0439 III: \u0420\u043E\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044F \u0432\u043E\u0439\u043D\u0430"@en . . . . . . . "Legacy of the Force: Betrayal"@en . "Dark Nest III: The Swarm War"@cs . "Dark Nest III The Swarm War.jpg"@cs . . "*Airlock\n*Alazhi \n*Armor\n*Asteroid\n*Bacta \n*Bambwood \n*Baradium\n*Basic\n*Beard-moss \n*Binary\n*Black hole \n*Brot-rib \n*Caf\n*Clawcraft Spin \n*Credit\n*Credit chit\n*Dawn Rumble \n*Dbergo tree \n*Defogger \n*Durasteel\n*Eumlar crystal \n*Ewokese\n*The Force / White Current\n**Dark side of the Force\n***Drain Energy\n***Force choke \n***Force net \n**Flow-walking \n**Force bond\n**Force deflection\n**Force healing \"Healing trance\" \n**Force Jump\n**Force lightning \n**Force meld \"Battle meld\"\n**Force sense\n**Force speed\n**Force vision \n**Meditation\n***Floating Meditation\n**Memory rub \n**Mind trick\n***Force persuasion\n***Force whisper\n**Mirror illusion \n**Protection bubble\n**Telekinesis\n***Force grasp\n***Force Pull\n***Force Push\n***Saber Throw\n**Telepathy\n*Galven coil\n*Gravity dive \n*Hanpat \n*Han's repulsor beam\n*Hubba gourd \n*Hyperlane \n**Rago Run \n**Sparkle Run \n*Hyperspace\n*Hypoinjector \n*Jedi robe\n*Jedi training \n\n*Jumpsuit\n*Killik\n*Knockout gas\n*Laminanium\n*Laser scalpel\n*Lekku \"Head-tail\"\n*Lightsaber crystal\n**Corusca gem\n*Lightsaber duel\n**Jar'Kai\n*List of phrases and slang\n**Huttwash \n**Rodder\n**Son of a Sith harlot \n*Magnispecs\n*May the Force be with you\n*Membrosia\n**Black membrosia\n**Gold membrosia\n*Micrograbber \n*Mogo tree \n*Moss\n*Nerve probe \n*Olivon \n*Pallie \n*Parachute \n*Penglow \n*Pheromone \n*Planet-skip \n*Quiet swear \n*Quicksand\n*Radiation\n*Rubogean Gambit \n*Ryll \n*Sabacc \n*Sanisteam \n*Shield trio\n*Shimmersilk\n*Shine-ball\n*Shyriiwook\n*Sluissi twist \n*Song of the Universe \n*Speciecide \n*Spitcrete\n*Spy Primer \n*Stericlean\n*Stim-shot \n*Strangle-vine \n*SupportGel \n*Synthskin \"Synthetic skin\"\n*Tattoo\n*Thakitillo \n*The Will of the Colony\n*Tibanna \n*Torture \n*Transparisteel\n*Utegetu Nova \n*Utility belt\n*Vector plate \n*Viewport\n*Xoorzi \n*Zeltron Lead"@en . . . "Der Schwarmkrieg"@cs . . . "Dark Nest III: The Swarm War"@cs . . . . . . "Dark Nest III: The Swarm War"@pt . "*Assassin \n*Bornaryn Trading\n**Bodyguard\n*Bounty hunter \n*Canir \n*Chiss Ascendancy\n**Aristocra \n**Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet\n***Chiss Commando\n***Commander\n***Lieutenant\n***Zark Squadron \n****Zark Leader \n****Zark Two \n**Ruling Families \"Ruling Houses\" \n*The Colony\n**Great Swarm\n***Moon Swarm / Moon Fleet \n**Joiner\n**Night Herald\n**Prime Unu\n*Confederacy of Independent Systems \"Separatists\" \n*Directors \n*Diversity Alliance \n*Division \n*Fallanassi / Adepts of the White Current \n*Galactic Empire \n**Galactic Emperor \n***Emperor's Hand \n**Imperial Intelligence \n*Galactic Federation of Free Alliances \"Galactic Alliance\"\n**Chief of State\n**Defense Force Intelligence \n**Galactic Alliance Advisory Council\n**Galactic Alliance Defense Fleet\n***Admiral\n***Supreme Commander\n****Rogue Squadron\n****Stomper Brigade \n*****Task Force Stomper \n******Stomper Two \n******Stomper Three \n******Stomper Twelve \n****Wraith Squadron \n**Galactic Alliance Senate \n***Senator\n*Galactic Republic \"Old Republic\" \n**Galactic Senate \n***Senator \n**Supreme Chancellor \n*Gallofree Yards, Inc. \n*Hapes Consortium\n**Queen Mother\n*Hive Mother \n*Industrial Automaton \n*Jedi Order \n**Jedi High Council \n*New Jedi Order\n**Grand Master\n**High Council\n**Jedi apprentice\n**Jedi Knight\n**Jedi Master\n**Myrkr strike team \n*New Republic \n**Chief of State \n*One Sith \n*Pilot\n*Pirate\n*Princess\n*Prisoner\n*Republic Sienar Systems \n*Sith Lord \n*Slayn & Korpil \n*Slicer\n*Spy \n*Xtib"@en . "*Bantha \n*Beldon \n*Bloodbat \n*Brot\n*Buzzbird \n*Gnat \n*Goldie \n*Gorax \n*Hawk-bat \n*Kaddyr bug \n*Manta \n*Monkey-lizard \n*Rabclab \n*Rancor \n*Rapard \n*Ronto \n*Shenbit \n*Snake \n*Snake-bird \n*Spider-roach \n*Spidersloth \n*Wampa \n*Y'luubi \n*Yuugrr"@en . "Mroczne Gniazdo III: Wojna roj\u00F3w"@pt . . . . . "Der Schwarmkrieg"@pt . . "\u0422\u0451\u043C\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u0443\u043B\u0435\u0439 III: \u0420\u043E\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044F \u0432\u043E\u0439\u043D\u0430"@pt . . "Dark Nest III: The Swarm War"@cs . "nidottu"@fi . . "357"^^ . . "*Battle of Kr \n*Battle of the Murgo Choke \n*Battle of Bogo Rai \n*Battle of the Emperor's Plague Storehouse \n*Clone Wars \n**Mission to Mustafar \n*Conclave on Ossus \n*Duel on top of StealthX \n*Galactic Civil War \"Rebellion\" \n**Duel on Cloud City \n*Great Jedi Purge \n**Duel on Mustafar \n*Operation: Knightfall \n*Battle of Qoribu \n*Swarm War\n**Battle of Nickel One \n**Battle of Sarm \n**Battle of Snevu \n**Battle of Tenupe \n**Battle of Thyferra \n**Escape from Chiss Star Destroyer \n**Raid on Supply Depot Thrago \n*Yuuzhan Vong War \n**Battle of Ithor \n**Destruction of Sernpidal \n**Mission to Myrkr"@en . "Dark Nest"@cs . . . . "345463056"^^ . "Dark Nest III: The Swarm War"@pt . "The Swarm War Covered"@en . . "Nido Oscuro III: La Guerra del Enjambre"@pt . "\u0422\u0451\u043C\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u0443\u043B\u0435\u0439 III: \u0420\u043E\u0435\u0432\u0430\u044F \u0432\u043E\u0439\u043D\u0430"@cs . "3.0"^^ . . . . . . . "''Dark Nest trilogia"@fi . "Mroczne Gniazdo III: Wojna roj\u00F3w"@en . "Dark Nest II: The Unseen Queen"@fi . . "36"^^ . . . . "Dark Nest III: The Swarm War"@pt . . . "Der Schwarmkrieg"@en . . "*3PO-series protocol droid\n*Diagnostic droid\n*Medical droid \n**GH-7 medical analysis unit \n**Midwife droid \n*MSE-series\n*R2-series astromech droid\n*R9-series astromech droid\n*Remote\n*TDL nanny droid\n*YVH-Series battle droid\n**YVH 5-S Bugcruncher"@en . . "*Alema Rar; Gorog Night Herald \n*Ben Skywalker; child \n*C-3PO; protocol droid\n*Cal Omas; Galactic Alliance Chief of State \n*Corran Horn; Jedi Master \n*Emala; War profiteer \n*Gilad Pellaeon; acting Galactic Alliance Supreme Commander \n*Gorog; mastermind \n*Grees; War profiteer \n*Han Solo; captain, Millennium Falcon / Lord Rysto\n*Jacen Solo; Jedi Knight \n*Jae Juun; Galactic Alliance Intelligence agent \n*Jaina Solo; Jedi Knight \n*Kyp Durron; Jedi Master \n*Leia Organa Solo; Jedi Knight, copilot, Millennium Falcon / Syrule\n\n*Lomi Plo; Gorog Queen \n*Lowbacca; Jedi Knight \n*Luke Skywalker; Jedi Grand Master \n*Mara Jade Skywalker; Jedi Master \n*R2-D2; astromech droid\n*Raynar Thul; UnuThul \n*Saba Sebatyne; Jedi Master \n*Sligh; War profiteer \n*Tahiri Veila; Jedi Knight \n*Tarfang; Galactic Alliance Intelligence Agent \n*Tenel Ka; Jedi Knight, Queen Mother \n*Tesar Sebatyne; Jedi Knight \n*Unu; The Will \n*Wuluw; communications aide \n*Zekk; Jedi Knight"@en . "Dark Nest III: The Swarm War"@pt . . . "\u30AD\u30EA\u30C3\u30AF\u6226\u4E89\uFF08\u5C0F\u8AAC\uFF09"@pt . . . "Dark Nest III: The Swarm War"@cs . . . . "*Alderaan \n**Aldera Royal Palace \"Royal Palace of Alderaan\" \n*Bespin \n**Cloud City \n*Coruscant\n**Defense Force Command Compound / \"the Dark Star\" \n***PaAR / \"Planning and Analysis Room\" \n****PaAR Five \n**Jedi Temple \n**Liberation Lake \n**New Jedi Temple\n***Knights' Billet \n***Grand Master's offices\n**Victory Square \n**Yuza Bre \n*Dagobah \n*Forest Moon of Endor \n*Hapes \n*Ithor \n*Kala'uun \n*Kashyyyk \n*Mustafar system \n**Mustafar \n*Myrkr \n*Ossus\n**Jedi Academy\n***Crooked Way \n***Lecture hall \n**Star Pond \n*Pavo Prime \n\n*Polis Massa \n**Polis Massa Research Base \n*Roche system\n**Nickel One \n**Roche (star)\n*Talos City \n*Tatooine \n**Lars homestead \n*The Maw \n*Thyferra system \n**Thyferra \n***Zalxuc \n*Unknown Regions \n**Bogo Rai \n**Lizil\n**Qoribu\n***Kr \n**Snevu \n**Thrago \n***Supply Depot Thrago \n**Yoggoy \n***The Crash \n**Zonama Sekot \n*Wild Space\n**Utegetu Nebula\n***Murgo Choke \n***Sarm \n***Tenupe \n****Shattered Moon \n***Woteba \n*Yavin 4 \n**Jedi academy \n*Yuuzhan'tar"@en . "Betrayal"@fi . . "36"^^ . . . . . "Dark Nest II: The Unseen Queen"@en . "Nido Oscuro III: La Guerra del Enjambre"@en . "Dark Nest III: The Swarm War"@en . "Paperback"@en . "*AG-2G quad laser cannon \"Quad cannon\"\n*Alpha Red \n*Attitude thruster\n*Bacta tank \n*Blaster\n*Blaster cannon\n*Blaster rifle\n*Bomb\n**Parasite bomb \n*Burnball \n*Catapult\n*Charric\n*Chiss sniper rifle\n*Chrono\n*Cloning tank \n*Combat knife\n*Comlink\n*Comm unit\n*Concussion missile\n*Crash webbing\n*Datapad\n*Dazer \n*Deflector shield\n**Shield capacitor\n*Defoliator\n*Demolition satchel\n*DL-44 heavy blaster pistol \n*Electrobinoculars\n*Flame trident\n*G-12 power blaster \n*Gas grenade\n*Hold-out blaster\n*Holocam\n*Holocube\n*Holofeed \n*HoloNet\n*Holoprojector\n*Holovid \"Vid display\"\n*Homing beacon \n*Hoverchair\n*Intellex IV\n**Omnigate \n*Inertial compensator\n*Intercom\n*Ion engine\n*Killik pressure suit\n*Laser cannon\n\n*Lightsaber\n**Anakin Skywalker's second lightsaber \"Mara Jade Skywalker's lightsaber\"\n**Jacen Solo's lightsaber\n**Jaina Solo's lightsaber\n**Lightsaber shoto\n**Luke Skywalker's lightsaber\n*LongEye \n*Magcannon Max \n*Maser cannon\n*Medkit\n*Megamaser \n*MetaCannon \n*Model 434 blaster pistol \n*Nanotechnology \n*Navicomputer\n*Power pack\n*Prosthetic\n*Proton torpedo\n*Recording rod\n*Rectenna\n*Repeating blaster\n*Repulsor drive\n*Rescue beacon \n*Scanner\n*Servomotor\n*Shadow bomb\n**Penetrator \n*Sniper rifle\n*Stun cuffs\n*Stun grenade \n*Stun-stave \"Stun stick\"\n*T-21 light repeating blaster\n*Thermal detonator\n*Thermal grenade\n*Tractor beam\n*Transponder code\n*Turbolaser\n*Vac suit / Vacuum suit\n*Vape charge \n*Verpine shatter gun\n*Vibroblade \n*Vibroknife\n*Vidcam\n*Vocabulator\n*Voice synthesizer\n*Vortex stabilizer"@en . . . "Dark Nest III: The Swarm War"@en . "357"^^ . "Dark Nest III: The Swarm War"@ru . "Mroczne Gniazdo III: Wojna roj\u00F3w"@cs . . . . . . "Dark Nest III: The Swarm War"@en . . "250"^^ . . "27"^^ . . . "Dark Nest III: The Swarm War"@cs . "*Arkanian \n*Barabel\n*Bith\n*Bothan\n*Celestial \n*Chiss\n*Duros\n*Ewok\n*Fallanassi \n*Falleen \n*Fefze\n*Flakax\n*Geonosian\n*Gorax \n*Human\n*Hutt \n*Jenet \n*Kamarian\n*Killik\n**Aebea \n**Gorog / Dark Nest\n**Iesei \n**Jooj \n**Kolosolok \n**Lizil\n**Mollom \n**Qeeq \n**Rekker \n**Saras \n**Sotatos \n**Taat \n**Unu\n**Wuluw \n**Yoggoy \n*Mon Calamari\n*Noghri\n*Sluissi \n*Snutib \n*Squib\n*Sullustan\n*Togorian \n*Toydarian \n*Twi'lek\n*Unidentified Sarm species \n*Verpine\n*Vratix\n*Wasbo \n*Wookiee\n*Yam'rii \"Huk\"\n*Yuuzhan Vong \n*Zeltron"@en .