. "7+1 Souls is an anime that was written, directed, and created by Akira Jotaro who also created the anime King of the Red Moon, Arcana Knights, and Level Up!. The story takes place in modern Tokyo, Japan in a fictional city named Man'nakatsu. The story is about a high school student who one day meets with a little girl and later finds out that he is the only person who could turn her back to normal."@en . "7+1 Souls"@en . . . . . "7+1 Souls is an anime that was written, directed, and created by Akira Jotaro who also created the anime King of the Red Moon, Arcana Knights, and Level Up!. The story takes place in modern Tokyo, Japan in a fictional city named Man'nakatsu. The story is about a high school student who one day meets with a little girl and later finds out that he is the only person who could turn her back to normal."@en . .