"Dusslins was an ancient dialect of the southern Sakalai of the coastal regions of Harondor and Umbar, it was closely related to Old Gondorian rather than the Haruze tongue. Placename elements such as Bel- in Belfalas or Um- in Umbar had survived from this ancient tongue after it had long perished and replaced by Haruze and Haradaic."@en . . "Dusslins"@en . . "Dusslins was an ancient dialect of the southern Sakalai of the coastal regions of Harondor and Umbar, it was closely related to Old Gondorian rather than the Haruze tongue. Placename elements such as Bel- in Belfalas or Um- in Umbar had survived from this ancient tongue after it had long perished and replaced by Haruze and Haradaic."@en . .