"A biochemical analysis was the biochemical examination of organic samples. After the Caretaker's death in 2371, The Doctor conducted a biochemical analysis of his remains. This analysis was studied by Tuvok in 2372 to develop a sporocystian toxin. (VOY: \"Cold Fire\") After a transporter accident that year had created Tuvix, Kes ran a biochemical analysis on several orchids thought responsible, but discovered nothing unusual. (VOY: \"Tuvix\")"@en . . "A biochemical analysis was the biochemical examination of organic samples. After the Caretaker's death in 2371, The Doctor conducted a biochemical analysis of his remains. This analysis was studied by Tuvok in 2372 to develop a sporocystian toxin. (VOY: \"Cold Fire\") After a transporter accident that year had created Tuvix, Kes ran a biochemical analysis on several orchids thought responsible, but discovered nothing unusual. (VOY: \"Tuvix\")"@en . . . "Biochemical analysis"@en .