. . "When a few cave dwellers, thanks to Lt. Thomas Frakes and Lt. Laurence Conner, got the idea that Hanson was just a man like they were, he had them tied to stakes and left out in direct sunlight. They were there seven days before they were allowed back in the caves. After that they were blind with giant bleeding burns all over them. It took a while, but soon they died. When Frakes and Conner tried to escape through the Stargate, he had the cave dwellers hunt them down. They captured Frakes and brought him before Hanson. He shot him and ordered Lt. Matthew Baker to burn the body. Conner however was able to dial Earth and SG-1 came to investigate. After having found a Solar radiation shield, he made the cave dwellers build a temple and promised them he would activate it. When Baker captured Captain Samantha Carter, he forced her to activate it or he would kill Conner and Colonel Jack O'Neill. Carter agreed in order to save both Conner and O'Neill's lives, and so switched the device on. Rather than honoring the deal he had made, Hanson took Conner and O'Neill back to the Stargate which he had tilted so it was horizontal in order for him to bury it after its final use. Forcing the two to the edge of the Stargate, Hanson proclaimed that he now had the power to stop the sun from affecting the population to the Avnilians, informing them that he was going to bury the Stargate so that no more demons could come through. First, however, he planned to send O'Neill and Conner back to Earth without sending an IDC which would mean that the iris on Earth's Stargate would kill them instantly. Though Carter argued that this would be tantamount to killing them, Hanson ignored her and went forward with his plan. It was only due to the timely intervention of Dr. Daniel Jackson and Jamala, the local who was helping SG-1, that the two Tau'ri were saved. Rather than sending Conner and O'Neill through the Stargate, SG-1 managed to convince the Avnilians that Hanson was not a god by activating the shield which would protect them from the UV radiation. Angry, the Avnilians picked Hanson up and threw him through the Stargate to Earth. Due to the fact that an IDC hadn't been sent through which would enable the iris to be opened, Hanson was killed on impact when he hit the closed iris. (SG1: \"The First Commandment\")"@en . "Jonas Hanson"@en . . . "Male"@en . . "\"The First Commandment\""@en . . . . "Avnilians/Himself previously Stargate Command, SG-9"@en . . . "1997"^^ . . . "Self-proclaimed \"god\" of Avnil, previously Captain"@en . . . "When a few cave dwellers, thanks to Lt. Thomas Frakes and Lt. Laurence Conner, got the idea that Hanson was just a man like they were, he had them tied to stakes and left out in direct sunlight. They were there seven days before they were allowed back in the caves. After that they were blind with giant bleeding burns all over them. It took a while, but soon they died."@en . . "Jonas Hanson"@en .