. "Butterfree"@en . "Female"@en . "Kayzie Rogers"@en . . "46"^^ . "Keiko Han"@en . "female"@en . "45"^^ . "no"@en . "Vileplume are one of the many alternately colored Pok\u00E9mon that lived near Professor Ivy's lab.\n\nAbility: Chlorophyll."@en . "Orange Islands"@en . "Paras"@en . "no"@en . . "no"@en . "bug"@en . "TBA"@en . . . "no"@en . "no"@en . "Ability: Compoundeyes."@en . "32"^^ . "ice"@en . "62"^^ . "Cloyster"@en . . . "Pok\u00E9mon Professor"@en . "150"^^ . "Valencia Island"@en . "Nidoran\u2640"@en . "flying"@en . "normal"@en . "no"@en . . "no"@en . "Dr. Uchikido"@en . "grass"@en . . "12"^^ . "no"@en . "yes"@en . "Gyarados"@en . . . . "29"^^ . "Cloyster2.png"@en . . "poison"@en . "Butterfree"@en . "130"^^ . "no"@en . "no"@en . . . "20"^^ . "water"@en . "no"@en . . "no"@en . "Brown"@en . "no"@en . . "Poliwrath"@en . "no"@en . "no"@en . . "Cloyster"@en . . "Vileplume"@en . "Professor Philena Ivy is a recurring character in Pok\u00E9mon Aura. She is a Pok\u00E9mon Professor who resides on Valencia Island with her three assistants."@en . . "no"@en . "Unknown"@en . "yes"@en . "no"@en . "Raticate"@en . "no"@en . . "Professor Ivy and the GS Ball"@en . "Professor Philena Ivy is a recurring character in Pok\u00E9mon Aura. She is a Pok\u00E9mon Professor who resides on Valencia Island with her three assistants."@en . "yes"@en . "Dark Plum"@en . "Professor Ivy"@en . "Nidoran"@en . . "Poliwrath"@en . . . . "male"@en . . "no"@en . "fighting"@en . . "no"@en . "\u30A6\u30C1\u30AD\u30C9\u535A\u58EB"@en . "Professor Ivy (Aura)"@en . "no"@en . . "Gyarados"@en . . "Professor Philena Ivy"@en . "Raticate"@en . "Paras"@en . . "Ability: Intimidate."@en . "Vileplume"@en . .