. "Darwin Award"@en . . . "The Darwin Awards is a popular awards show held at irregular and infrequent intervals, usually in late spring, when any worthwhile programming has ended and nobody has anything better to do anyway. Named for the late Charles Darwin, the award commemorates the outstanding efforts of various beasts that have proven just how useful natural selection really is. Notable recipients of the award include the ever popular Platypus, the blue footed booby, , Manbearpig, \"The\" Yobin Mcshnee and Macy Gray. Like many other award shows, the Darwin awards feature a small and essentially useless humanoid statuette, barely literate celebrities reading from teleprompters, and more fashion faux pas than you can shake a stick at."@en . . "The Darwin Awards is a popular awards show held at irregular and infrequent intervals, usually in late spring, when any worthwhile programming has ended and nobody has anything better to do anyway. Named for the late Charles Darwin, the award commemorates the outstanding efforts of various beasts that have proven just how useful natural selection really is. Notable recipients of the award include the ever popular Platypus, the blue footed booby, , Manbearpig, \"The\" Yobin Mcshnee and Macy Gray."@en . . . .