"Hace seis a\u00F1os, James Gordon se encontraba en los muelles de Ciudad G\u00F3tica a punto de ser asesinado por su compa\u00F1ero Zachary Henshaw un polic\u00EDa corrupto que trabajaba bajo las ordenes de Roman Sionis. Ellos hab\u00EDan ido hasta all\u00ED para atrapar a Sionis en una operaci\u00F3n ilegal, pero las cosas se dieron vuelta para el teniente cuando el mafioso orden\u00F3 hacer pasar el asesinato de Gordon como un suicido, por lo que un grupo de polic\u00EDas corruptos lo llevaron hasta el punte New Trigate y lo arrojaron desde gran altura hacia las aguas. Gordon sab\u00EDa que las personas que saltaban desde ese puente mor\u00EDan a causa del impacto contra el agua, pero ese no fue su caso."@es . "Lt. Jim Gordon was a good cop, trying to take down Roman Sionis' criminal empire in a city of crooked cops. Unfortunately, during the blackout Sionis' and his men were eager to make their move, and when Jim tried to bring them down, he found himself betrayed by one of the GCPD's own. Caught, Sionis had Jim thrown from the Trigate Bridge. Since its construction, more than two thousand suicides were recorded from the bridge. Less than two dozen of those who jumped survived, and only then with severe internal injuries. On that day, though, Jim fell from that great height, and walked.\n\nThings had not been easy for Jim lately. The blackout was accompanied by a storm that had since grown and was growing still into a projected super-storm. Meanwhile, the Red Hood Gang had been dragging citizens into criminal conspiracies through blackmail, followed by a ripple effect of costumed criminals and a masked vigilante to deal with them in ways the GCPD couldn't or wouldn't. All of this had happened in just the past week.\n\nSionis had been leading a derivative gang called the Black Mask gang. They had hit a company called Gotham WattWorks that had started manufacturing a special battery which was hoped to last hundreds of times longer than regular batteries; such a valuable commodity during the blackout that it would be like diamonds if the gang got their hands on them - and they did, killing five in the process. He arrived too late to the scene because his partner, Francis Laney, had taken a bad turn. He began to realize, then, that his bumbling and sloppy partner might actually have been just as crooked as the rest of the force seemed to be under Commissioner Loeb's leadership.\n\nJim was frustrated to discover that despite the technology available to well-moneyed departments like that of Metropolis, Gotham's department was ineffectual on account of its total lack of technology and funding required to solve crimes. His attempts to do so despite that fact brought the attention of the Commissioner himself. When Jim explained that he had found a connection between recent Black Mask robberies and Janus Cosmetics, Loeb warned him not to investigate by paying Janus' CEO, Roman Sionis, a visit. Instead, he tasked Jim with bringing in the vigilante - the same vigilante who had successfully brought down a number of the Falcone family's men.\n\nTaking a leaf from the vigilante's book, Jim played by his own rules, and went straight to Janus Cosmetics. While there, he learned that Sionis seemed to have an unusual preoccupation with masks - a produce that his company sold. Though that was not concrete evidence in itself, it was enough to prove to Jim that Sionis was behind everything. Despite his anger that Jim disobeyed him, Loeb agreed to get him some help in handling the Sionis issue and the fact that many cops were on Sionis' payroll to look the other way. That help was Zachary Henshaw, from Internal Affairs.\n\nHenshaw spent a week with Jim collecting evidence, pretending to build a case. They finally hit paydirt on the night that the super-storm rolled in. But it was Henshaw that betrayed him, having been working for Sionis the whole time. When Jim emerged from the river, confused at how he had survived, and why Henshaw would spend a week pretending to work with him to find evidence against their fellow officers if he wasn't going to use it.\n\nHe found Henshaw at the precinct, planting the seeds for the discovery of Jim's \"suicide,\" but that plan went awry when Jim appeared, alive and well, and punched him in the face. Jim placed him under arrest, but the other officers turned on him. Fortunately, Jim had a plan. He had broken into the Henshaw's apartment, and discovered the files containing all of the evidence he had collected against the other officers as an insurance policy against turning on him. Since Jim had it, he could bring them all down. Unfortunately Laney had pulled his gun on his partner, and it was only the swift action of Harvey Bullock that saved Jim's life. Despite the fact that the criminals were still running wild after turning off the power, and that the GCPD would be short-staffed significantly - nearly a dozen corrupt officers were removed from duty that day.\n\nSionis escaped in the meantime, becoming the Black Mask, and ensuring that all of the police on his payroll were killed, including Laney and Henshaw. Henshaw's death drew the Commissioner out of his office, and Jim could see in his eyes that he hadn't known about Henshaw's corruption - but that he was inwardly conflicted about just how corrupt he had allowed his department to become. Jim promised himself that he would never give up fighting the good fight, to keep control of Gotham - and its police.\n\nAfterwards, Jim couldn't help but return to the scene of the crime, where his plan to take down Sionis had gone wrong. He had used a flashlight that his daughter Barbara had given him for Christmas as a signal for his Henshaw to move in on Sionis, and in the scuffle, it had been broken beyond repair. His signal, though, had not gone unnoticed. When he fell, that night, from the bridge, it was the Batman who saved his life.\n\nPerhaps this meant that his fight for justice in Gotham was not being fought by him alone. And perhaps, if he ever needed help again, it would be fitting to get a bigger flashlight."@en . "Jorge Lucas"@en . "Jason Fabok"@en . "2014"^^ . "Tomeu Morey"@en . "Bobbie Chase"@en . "Blond"@en . "Dave McCaig"@en . "DC Comics"@en . "Combo Variant"@en . "Katie Kubert"@en . . "Jason Fabok"@en . "Whistleblower's Blues"@en . "Detective Comics"@en . "USA"@en . . "Mike Marts"@en . "Jason Fabok"@en . . . "Dezi Sienty"@en . . . "He'd lost control of Gotham. Lost control of its police. And some time ago, he'd given up the fight. All of these things I vowed I would never do."@en . "Jared K. Fletcher"@en . "Dave McCaig"@en . "Detective Comics Vol 2 25 Combo.jpg"@en . . "Hace seis a\u00F1os, James Gordon se encontraba en los muelles de Ciudad G\u00F3tica a punto de ser asesinado por su compa\u00F1ero Zachary Henshaw un polic\u00EDa corrupto que trabajaba bajo las ordenes de Roman Sionis. Ellos hab\u00EDan ido hasta all\u00ED para atrapar a Sionis en una operaci\u00F3n ilegal, pero las cosas se dieron vuelta para el teniente cuando el mafioso orden\u00F3 hacer pasar el asesinato de Gordon como un suicido, por lo que un grupo de polic\u00EDas corruptos lo llevaron hasta el punte New Trigate y lo arrojaron desde gran altura hacia las aguas. Gordon sab\u00EDa que las personas que saltaban desde ese puente mor\u00EDan a causa del impacto contra el agua, pero ese no fue su caso. Muchas cosas hab\u00EDan cambiado en Ciudad G\u00F3tica desde que el vigilante conocido como Batman hab\u00EDa acabado con la Red Hood Gang, pero inevitablemente los miembros disueltos de esa organizaci\u00F3n hab\u00EDan conformado una nueva banda y m\u00E1s peligrosa era ahora la Black Mask Gang. thumb|left|324pxCon la inminente llegada de una super tormenta a la ciudad esa banda comenz\u00F3 a realizar diversos atracos. Sin la ayuda de su compa\u00F1ero Francis Laney, de quien Gordon no sab\u00EDa si era corrupto o solo est\u00FApido, \u00E9l llev\u00F3 a cabo su propia investigaci\u00F3n y se encontr\u00F3 con que todos los robos se hab\u00EDan producido en las proximidades de propiedades pertenecientes a Cosm\u00E9ticos Janus, una empresa que le pertenenc\u00EDa a Roman Sionis. A pesar de que el Comisionado Loeb se lo prohibi\u00F3, Gordon fue hasta Cosm\u00E9ticos Janus y descubri\u00F3 que tienen una divisi\u00F3n trabajando en un latex similar al de las m\u00E1scaras de la Black Mask Gang, ademas de la obsesi\u00F3n de Sionis por las mascaras. Al presentarle esa nueva informaci\u00F3n a Loeb, este decide finalmente \"ayudarlo\" y le asigna como compa\u00F1ero a un oficial de Asuntos Internos, Zachary Henshaw para que lo ayude a investigar sus teor\u00EDas. Pero tras una semana de investigaci\u00F3n y compa\u00F1erismo, Gordon sinti\u00F3 el filoso aguij\u00F3n de la traici\u00F3n. Luego de sobrevivir a su atentado, Gordon volvi\u00F3 al Departamento de Polic\u00EDa donde se encontr\u00F3 a Henshaw plantando las semillas que alimentar\u00EDan la teor\u00EDa del suicidio de Gordon. Sin contenerse James le asesta un golpe a Henshaw y procede a arrestarlo por intento de asesinato y corrupci\u00F3n, pero es detenido por Laney por atacar a un polic\u00EDa. Antes de ir hasta all\u00ED, Gordon fue hasta el hogar de Henshaw y encontr\u00F3 una carpeta con evidencia contra Sionis y todo los polic\u00EDas corruptos a sus ordenes, Laney entre ellos. Al verse acorralado, Laney se prepara para abrir fuego contra su compa\u00F1ero, pero r\u00E1pidamente es noqueado por la culata del arma de un joven Harvey Bullock. Debido a lo descubierto por Gordon, Sionis tuvo que pasar a la clandestinidad no sin antes encargarse de todos los polic\u00EDas corruptos que fueron arrestados, incluidos Henshaw y Laney, quienes luego aparecieron muertos. Con un D.P.C.G. m\u00E1s limpio, Gordon se pregunta si Loeb sab\u00EDa si Henshaw intentar\u00EDa matarlo cuando lo design\u00F3 como su compa\u00F1ero mientras regresa a los muelles en busca de una linterna que perdi\u00F3 el d\u00EDa que fue emboscado. Esa linterna se la hab\u00EDa regalado su hija Barbara y de alguna manera ese aparato con su luz le hab\u00EDa salvado la vida al convocar a Batman, quien estaba casi seguro que lo hab\u00EDa salvado de su ca\u00EDda. \u00C9l piensa que Ciudad G\u00F3tica necesita justicia y tal vez no est\u00E1 tan solo como cre\u00EDa, pero sabe que la pr\u00F3xima ocasi\u00F3n necesitar\u00E1 una linterna mucho m\u00E1s grande para convocar al justiciero."@es . "T"@en . "Dezi Sienty"@en . . "Jorge Lucas"@en . "Today, Commissioner Jim Gordon and Officer Henry Wallace are called to investigate an apparent suicide from the New Trigate Bridge, but the Commissioner is unconvinced that it is a genuine suicide. Witnesses had heard the sound of hundreds of flapping wings as the body was torn to pieces in the air. It was nothing but a skeleton, by the time the victim hit the ground.\n\nWallace had been injured while cordoning off the scene, as he had spotted Kirk Langstrom in the assembled crowd - apparently in bad shape. Langstrom had been raving that a woman had done it, and that it was his responsibility to stop her. Wallace had decided it would be a good idea to take Langstrom into custody when he suddenly transformed into a giant man-bat and clawed at the officer's face before flying away. Concerned at this news, Jim has Wallace come back with him to the GCPD Headquarters' roof to get some help."@en . "Jorge Lucas"@en . . "Detective Comics Vol 2 25"@es . . "Jason Fabok"@en . . "Troubled Waters"@en . "John Layman"@en . "Jason Fabok"@en . "Jorge Lucas"@en . . "Detective Comics Vol 2 25 Textless.jpg"@en . "[[W:C:dc:James Gordon"@en . "Detective Comics Vol 2 25"@en . . . "Featured Characters:\n* \nSupporting Characters:\n* \n:* \n:* Officer Cardante\n* \nVillains:\n* Francine Langstrom \nOther Characters:\n* \nLocations:\n* \n:* \nItems:\n*\nVehicles:\n*"@en . "Textless"@en . "Katie Kubert"@en . . . "2"^^ . "John Layman"@en . "6"^^ . "Mike Marts"@en . . "January"@en . . . "25"^^ . . "Featured Characters:\n* \nSupporting Characters:\n* \nVillains:\n* \n* \n:* \n:* Zachary Henshaw \n:* Francis Laney \n:* Vickers\n* \n:* \nOther Characters:\n* \nLocations:\n* \n:* \nItems:\n*\nVehicles:\n*"@en . "Tomeu Morey"@en . . "Jared K. Fletcher"@en . "Batman: Zero Year"@en .