. . . . . "Previously on Doctor Who, the Doctor took a nasty spill from disconnecting the Pharos Project's power cable, prompting his fourth regeneration. Unfortunately, the regeneration is in danger of failing. That is, unless he can get some rest and healing in the TARDIS' Zero Room. The freshly-regenerated Fifth Doctor wanders around his TARDIS peeking into rooms and unraveling his clothing. Tegan just met the Doctor hours ago, and--though she took the whole new-body thing surprisingly calmly--even she realizes that he's gone batty. They get him into the Zero Room, but--and isn't this always the way?--he's only just stretched out on three feet above the ground and closed his weary eyes when the TARDIS' alarm starts up. This is annoying enough for us humans when we're tired from a hard day slinging data and just need a good night's sleep before an important meeting in the morning; imagine how much it must suck if you're tired from saving the world and dying and being born again, plus the alarm isn't for an 8 AM meeting but an urgent warning that your spacetimeship is headed into the Big Bang. Tegan and Nyssa put their heads together (as usual, Adric is being difficult and (unwillingly) in league with the villain), consult the TARDIS manual and inexpertly steer it to \"Castrovalva: the Dwellings of Simplicity\". Its brochure makes it sound like an alien day spa; the perfect place for a bit of R&R. But once they've landed and spent most of an entire episode carrying the Doctor through the woods, they discover that Castrovalva is... weird. It's built funny. All the books in the library are written in the same handwriting, even the very old ones. The quaint passageways always seem to lead to the same town square. Even more ominously, the kindly and wise elder statesman of the city is played by someone named \"Neil Toynay\", which of course is an anagram for \"Tony Ainley\", which means that the whole thing was an elaborate trap set by the Master! And they must escape Castrovalva as it dissolves into a puddle of illogic around them! Now that spells \"regeneration trauma\". No wonder the Tenth Doctor was bedridden and in need of a cup of tea after his regeneration (and little wonder the Sixth Doctor spent his regeneration recovery trying to kill anyone and everyone around him)! Watch it here"@en . "Doctor Who/Recap/S19 E1 Castrovalva"@en . . . . . "Previously on Doctor Who, the Doctor took a nasty spill from disconnecting the Pharos Project's power cable, prompting his fourth regeneration. Unfortunately, the regeneration is in danger of failing. That is, unless he can get some rest and healing in the TARDIS' Zero Room. Tegan and Nyssa put their heads together (as usual, Adric is being difficult and (unwillingly) in league with the villain), consult the TARDIS manual and inexpertly steer it to \"Castrovalva: the Dwellings of Simplicity\". Its brochure makes it sound like an alien day spa; the perfect place for a bit of R&R. Watch it here"@en . . . . . .