. "2015-12-25"^^ . . . ""@en . . . . . . . "8802"^^ . "On Christmas morning, the residents are out in force in the snow-covered Street. Sally and Tim's plans to spend Christmas alone are scuppered when Tim invites Anna and Faye due to Izzy being ill and Sally invites Kevin, Sophie and Jack as their turkey is still frozen. Caitlin arrives to visit Craig. Chesney is sad that he had to leave Joseph so soon before Christmas. Carla and Nick do the rounds, visiting their families as well as Roy and Cathy. Tracy excitedly awaits Robert's proposal although she hasn't decided what her answer will be. Fiz, Tyrone, Chesney, Sinead, Beth, Kirk, Craig, Hope and Ruby have dinner at No.5. Tyrone has brought personalised crackers. Tracy doesn't like Nessa spending Christmas with Ken so soon after Deirdre's death and is cold to her. Nessa buys Ken a bicycle for a present. Tracy's touched when Amy tells Robert that he's her favourite of Tracy's boyfriends so far (except Steve). Sinead and Chesney pull the wrong cracker, which contains an engagement ring. Sinead is thrilled until Tyrone hastily retrieves it. Tyrone and Fiz lead the girls out into the street to see Lapland, which is complete with a brass band, carol singers, a cafe run by Roy and Cathy, and Santa on his sleigh, with Kevin, Luke, Chesney and Andy as reindeer. Hope and Ruby ride in Santa's sleigh. Caz arrives to spend Christmas in a hotel in town with Kate but Kate decides to have dinner with her family first. Tracy keeps dropping hints for Robert to propose. As she's doing so, Tyrone gets down on one knee and asks Fiz to marry him. She happily accepts. Mary has a restaurant date with Brendan but is stood up. Nessa sneaks a mouthful of turkey only to be caught in the act by Amy. Amy extorts a present from her in exchange for her silence. Tracy tells Todd she's decided that Robert's the one for her. Mary leaves the restaurant in tears but pretends to her friends that she had a good time. Sick of waiting, Tracy tells Robert that she found the ring. In front of everyone in the Rovers, he pops the question - why she told Rob Donovan that she wants to spend the rest of her life with him? Stunned, Tracy tries to deny the accusation but he tells her that Rob told him everything and he and she are done. Rob calls Johnny from his cell and Carla answers the phone, despite Johnny trying to stop her. Johnny has a panic attack, thinking that Rob is going to spill the beans, but instead he and Carla force pleasantries. Kylie decides she's had enough of David giving her the cold shoulder and marches over to the Rovers, where she kisses him passionately. She tells him she loves him and they make up. Leanne gloats to Tracy about Robert seeing the light and throws a snowball in her face. Kevin and Anna kiss under the mistletoe. Ken is ashamed of Tracy and throws her out of the house."@en . . . "2015-12-28"^^ . . . . "Episode 8802 (25th December 2015)"@en . . . . . . . . . "On Christmas morning, the residents are out in force in the snow-covered Street. Sally and Tim's plans to spend Christmas alone are scuppered when Tim invites Anna and Faye due to Izzy being ill and Sally invites Kevin, Sophie and Jack as their turkey is still frozen. Caitlin arrives to visit Craig. Chesney is sad that he had to leave Joseph so soon before Christmas. Carla and Nick do the rounds, visiting their families as well as Roy and Cathy. Tracy excitedly awaits Robert's proposal although she hasn't decided what her answer will be. Fiz, Tyrone, Chesney, Sinead, Beth, Kirk, Craig, Hope and Ruby have dinner at No.5. Tyrone has brought personalised crackers. Tracy doesn't like Nessa spending Christmas with Ken so soon after Deirdre's death and is cold to her. Nessa buys Ken a bicycle fo"@en . . . . . . "2015-12-24"^^ . . . . . . . . .