"The power of da voodoo! Who do?"@en . . . . . "He walked through the jungles, not noticing nor caring about the bugs that bothered his... 'fellow adventurers'... \"Boss, ya sure we be goin' da rite waeh? Ah mean, Ah don' mind da natuah an' all dat, but da bugs be annoyin'!\", a big troll shouted, walking last in the line of adventurers. \"Yes! Remind me on why you two don't have to carry anything, boss\", an orc grunted and pointed at a goblin that was chasing a butterfly. \"He's carrying his own explosives, and my arm is out of order. Plus, I'm carrying my own bag\", Death said and continued using his machete to chop through the jungle."@en . . "He walked through the jungles, not noticing nor caring about the bugs that bothered his... 'fellow adventurers'... \"Boss, ya sure we be goin' da rite waeh? Ah mean, Ah don' mind da natuah an' all dat, but da bugs be annoyin'!\", a big troll shouted, walking last in the line of adventurers. \"Yes! Remind me on why you two don't have to carry anything, boss\", an orc grunted and pointed at a goblin that was chasing a butterfly. \"He's carrying his own explosives, and my arm is out of order. Plus, I'm carrying my own bag\", Death said and continued using his machete to chop through the jungle. \"Oh. My. Gosh!\", the goblin shouted and almost dropped his explosives, scaring most of the group. \"Another rare bug, my dear gobl...\", Death had caught up with the goblin and his machete fell to the ground. \"Dat... dat be where we goin'? Et be worth it all the time...\" \"Aye! Now let's 'borrow' some stuff!\", an orc shouted and laughed. Several of the others raised their weapons in the air, but Death just turned around and stared at the one that came with the bad idea. \"Sit\", Death pointed at the river infront of them, \"Rule number one: you don't raid this... this is an expedition! We do archaeology\", Death pulled at the flintlocke and pointed it at the orc's head. He kicked the orc into the river, fired a single shot towards the orc and turned around to the others. \"Now, we can do some real archaeology. I want you to kill the people that's disturbing our science. Chop chop. And you, Tekkbomb, will stay with me and we'll do some planning.\" The sounds of battle was heard... \"Thank you for brutally slaughtering people, pals. But now we have to do some of my magic, ya got it?\", the goblin said and nodded at several barrels of explosives. \"He means that these barrels isn't going to place themselves. Now, I want one barrel placed at every statue in this temple. The Titans know where they've hidden their stuff! I don't have all day!\", Death shouted and walked over the old bridge. The mercenaries ran around, carrying barrels. \"Help me... Ah be dyin', mon\", one of the trolls that got brutally murdered grabbed his boot. \"Ya finish wat ya men started and finish me? If ya do ya can take Voodi..\", the dying troll said and took up a small voodoo statue. \"He be a feat in engineerin' an' magic, mon... Ah t'ank ya...\", he said as he was shot in the head. \"Yes, now...\", 'BOOOOM', the explosives went off and the mercenaries started to search the broken statues, Detah stood there looking at the weird little thing. He poked it on its head and it started to move... \"Oooh, boy, mon. Is this place dirt-ey, or what?\", the little thing said, \"Name's Voodi. And you don't happen to have a miniature broom on you? Nevermind, I'll go get my own!\", the little thing said and ran away only to return with a small broom strapped to its back. \"Is it a he or a she, pal?\", the goblin asked and looked at Death. \"I'm a voodoo statue! I'm everehthing, mon! But I'm a she... hard to notice, just look at how buffed I am,\", Voodi said and flexed. Death rolled his eye and sighed. \"Gather up the men, Tekkbomb. Tell them that those heavy boxes will be even heavier, with archaeology stuff. I'm going to have a talk with my new friend...\" \"Oi, cap'n, what do with the gold?\", a young orc asked. \"Bring it, that's your payment... not all of it is yours though... now, Voodi, how do a little rock like you live?\""@en .