. . "1872"^^ . . . . . . "The following are the baseball events of the year 1873 throughout the world."@en . "In the Year of 1873 :-"@en . . . . . . . . . . "[[Category:th century| *]] [[Category:s| *]] [[Category:th century decades]] In 1873, the Vienna Exposition was held in Vienna. (AUDIO: The Silver Turk) According to his diary, in May, Professor Cornelius Perkins and his expedition discovered \"a frog the size of a rhinoceros\" with the leg of one of the natives in its mouth while searching for the city of the Maygor tribe, the legendary Lost City of Gold, in the Valley of Death in the Amazon. From the evidence presented in his diary, UNIT HQ came to believe that Perkins had discovered a crashed alien spacecraft in the Valley of Death. To that end, in 1977, they had the Fourth Doctor, who was still officially UNIT's scientific adviser, and his companion Leela join Edward Perkins' expedition to the Amazon to learn the fate of his great-grandf"@en . "In the Year of 1873 :-"@en . . . . . "1873"@ro . . "1874"^^ . . . . . "I"@fr . "Events of the year 1873 AD."@en . . . "Die wichtigsten Ereignisse, die im Jahr 1873 stattgefunden haben:"@de . "1872"^^ . . . "1873"@de . . . . . "The following are the baseball events of the year 1873 throughout the world."@en . . . . "Nachdem Melanie das Auto in den Graben gesetzt hat, stranden Melanie und Deniz auf einem verlassenen Campingplatz. Trotz ihres Streits treibt die Angst vor dem entlaufenen Axtm\u00F6rder Melanie zur\u00FCck in Deniz\u2019 Arme. Doch pl\u00F6tzlich verschwindet sie spurlos. Raquel und Bea st\u00FCrzen sich in die Vorbereitungen f\u00FCr das anstehende Testessen. Doch dann bekommt Raquel den Eindruck, dass Bea als Richards Schwiegertochter bevorzugt wird. Heimlich schleicht sie sich in Beas Imbiss und muss feststellen, dass Beas Essen zudem auch noch viel besser schmeckt. Raquels Blick f\u00E4llt auf eine Dose extra-scharfes Chilipulver. Trotz Axels handfesten Beweisen, will Isabelle nicht wahrhaben, dass Richard sie ausgerechnet mit seiner Ex-Frau betr\u00FCgt. Axel bietet ihr einen Pakt an und sorgt daf\u00FCr, dass sie die Augen nicht l\u00E4nger vor der bitteren Wahrheit verschlie\u00DFen kann. Doch noch ist Isabelle nicht bereit, sich auf Axels Angebot einzulassen und k\u00E4mpft mit ihren eigenen Mitteln um Richard \u2026"@de . "1872"^^ . . "This article includes events that occurred in the Christian world in 1873."@en . . . "1873"@nl . . "[[Category:th century| *]] [[Category:s| *]] [[Category:th century decades]] In 1873, the Vienna Exposition was held in Vienna. (AUDIO: The Silver Turk) According to his diary, in May, Professor Cornelius Perkins and his expedition discovered \"a frog the size of a rhinoceros\" with the leg of one of the natives in its mouth while searching for the city of the Maygor tribe, the legendary Lost City of Gold, in the Valley of Death in the Amazon. From the evidence presented in his diary, UNIT HQ came to believe that Perkins had discovered a crashed alien spacecraft in the Valley of Death. To that end, in 1977, they had the Fourth Doctor, who was still officially UNIT's scientific adviser, and his companion Leela join Edward Perkins' expedition to the Amazon to learn the fate of his great-grandfather as observers. Once they had arrived in the Valley of Death, the Doctor determined that time moved at considerably slower rate than elsewhere on Earth and throughout the universe as it existed within a time bubble. Although 104 years had passed in the outside world, only a month had gone by from Professor Perkins' perspective since he discovered the alien spacecraft. (AUDIO: The Valley of Death) On 11 September, the Eighth Doctor and Mary Shelley arrived in Vienna and encountered two Cybermen. (AUDIO: The Silver Turk) The Seventh Doctor, Ace and Bernice Summerfield arrived in a virtual England created by Galah. (PROSE: Strange England) Professor George Litefoot's family departed China after his father had died. As a going-away present, Emperor Tongzhi gave Litefoot's mother a puzzle box which turned out to be a 51st century time cabinet. (TV: The Talons of Weng-Chiang) By this time, Mondas was located 200 light-years from Earth. (AUDIO: The Silver Turk) Heinrich Schliemann discovered the Jewels of Helen while excavating Troy. (PROSE: Past Reckoning)"@en . . . . "1873 is a year in the 19th century."@en . "1873"@fr . . . . . . . . "1873"@pl . "Pilliwickle.jpg"@pl . . . . . . . . "1874"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Die wichtigsten Ereignisse, die im Jahr 1873 stattgefunden haben:"@de . . . . . "This article includes events that occurred in the Christian world in 1873."@en . "1873"@es . . "1873"@en . "Events of the year 1873 AD."@en . . . . "Nachdem Melanie das Auto in den Graben gesetzt hat, stranden Melanie und Deniz auf einem verlassenen Campingplatz. Trotz ihres Streits treibt die Angst vor dem entlaufenen Axtm\u00F6rder Melanie zur\u00FCck in Deniz\u2019 Arme. Doch pl\u00F6tzlich verschwindet sie spurlos. Raquel und Bea st\u00FCrzen sich in die Vorbereitungen f\u00FCr das anstehende Testessen. Doch dann bekommt Raquel den Eindruck, dass Bea als Richards Schwiegertochter bevorzugt wird. Heimlich schleicht sie sich in Beas Imbiss und muss feststellen, dass Beas Essen zudem auch noch viel besser schmeckt. Raquels Blick f\u00E4llt auf eine Dose extra-scharfes Chilipulver. Trotz Axels handfesten Beweisen, will Isabelle nicht wahrhaben, dass Richard sie ausgerechnet mit seiner Ex-Frau betr\u00FCgt. Axel bietet ihr einen Pakt an und sorgt daf\u00FCr, dass sie die Augen nic"@de . . . . "1873 is a year in the 19th century."@en . .