"Richie T is the DJ for the KREZ radio station in Anywhere City, the setting of Grand Theft Auto 2. The name could be a play on words of a type of English biscuits, known as Rich tea. He was voiced by Neal Feinberg."@en . . "Richie T ist der Radiomoderator des Senders KREZ aus Grand Theft Auto 2. Sein Sender kann nur in Residential District empfangen werden und spielt ausschlie\u00DFlich Hip-Hop. Kategorie:Grand-Theft-Auto-2-Charaktere Kategorie:Radiopers\u00F6nlichkeiten"@de . . . "Richie T"@en . "Richie T"@de . "Richie T ist der Radiomoderator des Senders KREZ aus Grand Theft Auto 2. Sein Sender kann nur in Residential District empfangen werden und spielt ausschlie\u00DFlich Hip-Hop. Kategorie:Grand-Theft-Auto-2-Charaktere Kategorie:Radiopers\u00F6nlichkeiten"@de . . . . "Richie T is the DJ for the KREZ radio station in Anywhere City, the setting of Grand Theft Auto 2. The name could be a play on words of a type of English biscuits, known as Rich tea. He was voiced by Neal Feinberg."@en . . .