"0"^^ . . "Lund ist ein m\u00E4nnlicher Nord in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Man findet ihn tot in seiner H\u00FCtte auf dem Bett liegend vor. Im Haus befinden sich Skeever."@de . "[Source] Lund is a member of Novigradian City Council and former member of Jad Karadin's gang. Other members of the gang are Hammond, Selyse and Vienne. __TOC__"@en . . . "Pro-Alliance"@en . "Kategoria:Artyku\u0142y wymagaj\u0105ce poprawy kategorii Lund \u2013 posta\u0107 wyst\u0119puj\u0105ca w The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim."@pl . . . . "Dr. Lund was a doctor who worked at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. While impersonating a nurse, Galina Ziminova approached Stephen Wesley and told him Dr. Lund needed a second opinion on a patient. It was all a ruse though; Ziminova lied about the patient, and took him to meet Arkady Bazin and his SVR team instead. (Deadline)"@en . "yes"@en . "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt"@en . . . "LundMuerto.jpg"@es . . "0"^^ . "Doctor"@en . "Lund was a pro-Alliance patron in an Alliance-friendly bar on a small moon during the sixth annual Unification Day. Also at this bar was Malcolm Reynolds, who was there to receive contact information by a dancer to meet with his next client, Adelai Niska. Lund attracted everyone's attention by loudly demanding to make a toast. He celebrated Unification Day and grossly insulted those who supported Independence movement, which angered Mal. The captain then asked for another drink by approaching the bar, standing next to Lund. The drunk barfly immediately noticed Mal's brown coat, the trademark of the Independents, and repeatedly insulted him. Zo\u00EB, also a former Independent, snuck up behind Lund and struck him across the face for his behavior."@en . "Dr. Lund was a doctor who worked at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. While impersonating a nurse, Galina Ziminova approached Stephen Wesley and told him Dr. Lund needed a second opinion on a patient. It was all a ruse though; Ziminova lied about the patient, and took him to meet Arkady Bazin and his SVR team instead. (Deadline)"@en . "Alive"@en . . . . . . "Jad Karadin's former gang\n\nNovigrad City Council"@en . "Lund es un granjero muerto de raza n\u00F3rdica que puede ser encontrado en su caba\u00F1a, cerca de Paraje de Rorik."@es . "Lund is the hindi/urdu slang for \"dick\". Many years ago some Finnish people visited Indian sub-continent, surprised by the size of the erect penis of the king, Lord Navneeth, they decided to make few islands in their country dedicated to the greatness of the Indian \"dick\"."@en . . . "Lund was a pro-Alliance patron in an Alliance-friendly bar on a small moon during the sixth annual Unification Day. Also at this bar was Malcolm Reynolds, who was there to receive contact information by a dancer to meet with his next client, Adelai Niska. Lund attracted everyone's attention by loudly demanding to make a toast. He celebrated Unification Day and grossly insulted those who supported Independence movement, which angered Mal. The captain then asked for another drink by approaching the bar, standing next to Lund. The drunk barfly immediately noticed Mal's brown coat, the trademark of the Independents, and repeatedly insulted him. Zo\u00EB, also a former Independent, snuck up behind Lund and struck him across the face for his behavior. The beating of Lund aroused the other Alliance-friendly patrons, and a large brawl ensued. Mal, Zo\u00EB, and Jayne Cobb fought the group until they were cornered near a precipitous cliff outside the bar. When Lund finally came outside, he was armed with a Wildey Magnum pistol, and threatened to kill them. However, he and the other bar patrons were stunned when Hoban Washburne flew Serenity to the cliff's edge, rising behind the endangered crew members, and delivered an empty threat to \"blow another crater in this little moon\" (Serenity is an unarmed vessel). Lund and the others believed the threat, and turned in defeat back to the bar."@en . "Base ID: 000E76CA"@de . . . . . . "Lund"@de . . . . . . "Green"@en . "Masculino"@es . . "Revolver"@en . . "250"^^ . . "4"^^ . "1"^^ . "Lund"@en . . "Kategoria:Artyku\u0142y wymagaj\u0105ce poprawy kategorii Lund \u2013 posta\u0107 wyst\u0119puj\u0105ca w The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim."@pl . "Lund ist ein m\u00E4nnlicher Nord in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Man findet ihn tot in seiner H\u00FCtte auf dem Bett liegend vor. Im Haus befinden sich Skeever."@de . . "Granjero"@es . . "M\u00E4nnlich"@de . . "Lund"@pl . "Superintendent of the Bits"@en . . "Dr. Lund"@en . "Lund"@en . "Lund es un granjero muerto de raza n\u00F3rdica que puede ser encontrado en su caba\u00F1a, cerca de Paraje de Rorik."@es . . "yes"@en . . . . "Black"@en . . . "Peter Wilhelm Lund (Copenague, 14 de junio de 1801 - Lagoa Santa, Brasil, 25 de mayo de 1880). Paleont\u00F3logo brasile\u00F1o En 1818 se gradu\u00F3 en letras y medicina. En 1825 realiz\u00F3 su primer viaje para formar una colecci\u00F3n de vegetales y otra de insectos en Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, pa\u00EDs al que volver\u00EDa en 1833 para instalarse definitivamente en Lagoa Santa, Minas Gerais, pensando que el clima le ayudar\u00EDa a sobrellevar su enfermedad respiratoria. Es en esta zona de de relieve karstisco donde Lund explora sistem\u00E1ticamente las cavernas y construye su colecci\u00F3n de m\u00E1s de 12.000 restos f\u00F3siles del Pleistoceno y los restos del Homem de Lagoa Santa, un hom\u00EDnido de caracter\u00EDsticas negroides, en la gruta Lapinha (1834). Dado que sus investigaciones eran financiadas por la Corona danesa, los huesos del homb"@es . . . . . . . "Ref ID: 000DEBF6"@de . . . "Peter Wilhelm Lund (Copenague, 14 de junio de 1801 - Lagoa Santa, Brasil, 25 de mayo de 1880). Paleont\u00F3logo brasile\u00F1o En 1818 se gradu\u00F3 en letras y medicina. En 1825 realiz\u00F3 su primer viaje para formar una colecci\u00F3n de vegetales y otra de insectos en Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, pa\u00EDs al que volver\u00EDa en 1833 para instalarse definitivamente en Lagoa Santa, Minas Gerais, pensando que el clima le ayudar\u00EDa a sobrellevar su enfermedad respiratoria. Es en esta zona de de relieve karstisco donde Lund explora sistem\u00E1ticamente las cavernas y construye su colecci\u00F3n de m\u00E1s de 12.000 restos f\u00F3siles del Pleistoceno y los restos del Homem de Lagoa Santa, un hom\u00EDnido de caracter\u00EDsticas negroides, en la gruta Lapinha (1834). Dado que sus investigaciones eran financiadas por la Corona danesa, los huesos del hombre de Lagoa Santa fueron enviados al Museo de Zoolog\u00EDa de Copenhagen. Asimismo descubri\u00F3 numerosas herramientas l\u00EDticas y pinturas rupestres. Fue el primer naturalista en describir el Speothos venaticus, llamado \u00ABzorro vinagre\u00BB, \u00ABperro de agua\u00BB o \u00ABperro de monte\u00BB (1842). Postul\u00F3 adem\u00E1s correctamente la existencia de dos (y no una) especies extintas de perezoso gigante, lo que se confirm\u00F3 siglo y medio m\u00E1s tarde. Tambi\u00E9n estudi\u00F3 los esqueletos de especies extintas de caballos americanos y el tigre \"diente de sable\" (Smilodon Populator). En 1844 la salud de Lund se agrava e interrumpe su actividad cient\u00EDfica. Se ha sugerido que influy\u00F3 el impacto que la teor\u00EDa de la evoluci\u00F3n de Darwin (que conoci\u00F3 y cit\u00F3 los trabajos de Lund) y sus propios hallazgos realizaron en su estricta fe luterana."@es . "Lund is the hindi/urdu slang for \"dick\". Many years ago some Finnish people visited Indian sub-continent, surprised by the size of the erect penis of the king, Lord Navneeth, they decided to make few islands in their country dedicated to the greatness of the Indian \"dick\". Lund was the name given to a collection of man-made islands off the coast of Sweden, founded in the early late mid-1160's by the giant Finn, archbishop Absalom (who took time off from founding Copenhagen), a 70-ton wolverine, a guy named Daniel Ketabchi and this guy. The city is capital of the semi-independant coutry Sk\u00E5ne most of the time, but every other weekend that role is let over to Stockholm and his new wife Venezuela in accordance with the divorce settlement."@en . . . "Male"@en . . "[Source] Lund is a member of Novigradian City Council and former member of Jad Karadin's gang. Other members of the gang are Hammond, Selyse and Vienne. __TOC__"@en . . "Lund"@es . . .