. . . . "Maihar'du was the Hupyrian servant of former Grand Nagus Zek. Maihar'du had taken a vow of silence and was only permitted to speak to the Nagus. He was very imposing and was not only a servant, but a bodyguard and food taster. He was also the flight controller to Zek's personal ship. (DS9: \"Rules of Acquisition\") He often provided Zek with his favorite drug, Hupyrian beetle snuff. (DS9: \"The Nagus\") He was very concerned when Zek came under the influence of the Prophets and tried to rewrite the Rules of Acquisition. He brought Zek to Quark and Rom to seek their help. For their assistance, Maihar'du presented Quark with an expensive handkerchief and patted him on the head. (DS9: \"Prophet Motive\") Once Zek appointed Rom as the new Grand Nagus, Maihar'du pulled Brunt away from Rom and forcibly sat him down to the side. After giving nods of well wishes and farewells to Rom, Maihar'du accompanied Zek and Ishka to Zek's retirement on Risa. (DS9: \"The Dogs of War\")"@en . . . . "Maihar'du"@es . . "Fue muy cuestionado cuando Zek cay\u00F3 bajo la influencia de los Profetas y trat\u00F3 de reescribir las Reglas de adquisici\u00F3n. Llev\u00F3 a Zek con Quark y Rom para conseguir su ayuda. (DS9: \"Prophet Motive\") Mai'hardu fue representado por Tiny Ron."@es . "Maihar'du"@de . . . . "thumb|Maihar'du (2369) Maihar'du ist der hupyrianische Diener des Gro\u00DFen Nagus der Ferengi Zek. Im Jahre 2369 begleitet Maihar'du Zek auf Deep Space 9, um dort die F\u00E4higkeiten von Krax, dem Sohn des Gro\u00DFen Nagus zu testen. Nachdem Quark vor\u00FCbergehend zum Gro\u00DFen Nagus wird, verd\u00E4chtigt Odo den Diener, einen Anschlag auf den Ferengi ver\u00FCbt zu haben. Jedoch stellt sich sp\u00E4ter heraus, dass Rom f\u00FCr den Anschlag verantwortlich ist. Maihar'du dagegen ist der Einzige, der wei\u00DF, dass Zek noch am Leben ist. Maihar'du wurde von Tiny Ron gespielt."@de . . "thumb|Maihar'du (2369) Maihar'du ist der hupyrianische Diener des Gro\u00DFen Nagus der Ferengi Zek. Im Jahre 2369 begleitet Maihar'du Zek auf Deep Space 9, um dort die F\u00E4higkeiten von Krax, dem Sohn des Gro\u00DFen Nagus zu testen. Nachdem Quark vor\u00FCbergehend zum Gro\u00DFen Nagus wird, verd\u00E4chtigt Odo den Diener, einen Anschlag auf den Ferengi ver\u00FCbt zu haben. Jedoch stellt sich sp\u00E4ter heraus, dass Rom f\u00FCr den Anschlag verantwortlich ist. Maihar'du dagegen ist der Einzige, der wei\u00DF, dass Zek noch am Leben ist. Der Gro\u00DFe Nagus t\u00E4uscht seinen Tod mittels der Dolbargy-Schlaftrance, die er von Maihar'du erlernt hat, vor. Zu den Aufgaben des Dieners geh\u00F6rt es unter anderem, die Speisen des Gro\u00DFen Nagus vorzukosten. (DS9: ) Als der Gro\u00DFe Nagus Zek mehrmals einen Code durcheinanderbringt, nimmt Maihar'du kurzerhand dessen PADD und gibt den richtigen Code ein. (DS9: ) Im Jahr 2371 hilft Maihar'du Quark und Rom den von den Propheten beeinflussten Gro\u00DFen Nagus Zek wieder in seinen eigentlichen Zustand zur\u00FCck zu versetzen. (DS9: ) Maihar'du wurde von Tiny Ron gespielt."@de . . "Maihar'du once lived on Verdimass and was unemployed there until Zek made him his servant. (DS9 - Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine novel: Ferenginar: Satisfaction is Not Guaranteed) Maihar'du would assist Zek in the day-to-day runnings of the Ferengi Alliance in the Tower of Commerce. (DS9 episode: \"Ferengi Love Songs\") In 2369, Maihar'du accompanied Zek to Deep Space 9, where Zek was to name his successor. Maihar'du assisted Zek in his plan to fake his death to see if Krax was a suitably person for the title. (DS9 episode: \"The Nagus\") When Zek returned a year later, he had Maihar'du bring gifts to Kira Nerys. (DS9 episode: \"Rules of Acquisition\") After Zek encountered the Prophets and revised the Rules of Acquisition, Maihar'du helped Quark and Rom kidnap Zek and bring him into the Bajoran wormhole where the Prophets restored him to his normal self. (DS9 episode: \"Prophet Motive\") Maihar'du would accompany Zek and Ishka to DS9 when Zek was deposed as Nagus. (DS9 episode: \"Profit and Lace\") The following year, Maihar'du and Zek transported over to the mirror universe to see if the Ferengi could make profit from it. They were captured by the Alliance, although Ezri Tigan helped them escape after Quark and Rom brought a cloaking device. (DS9 episode: \"The Emperor's New Cloak\") Later that year, Maihar'du came to DS9 when Zek was naming his successor. He later joined Zek and Ishka in their retirement on Risa. A year later, he came with them to Ferenginar. (DS9 episode: \"The Dogs of War\", DS9 novel: Ferenginar: Satisfaction is Not Guaranteed)"@en . "Maihar'du"@en . . "Fue muy cuestionado cuando Zek cay\u00F3 bajo la influencia de los Profetas y trat\u00F3 de reescribir las Reglas de adquisici\u00F3n. Llev\u00F3 a Zek con Quark y Rom para conseguir su ayuda. (DS9: \"Prophet Motive\") Mai'hardu fue representado por Tiny Ron."@es . . . . "Maihar'du was the Hupyrian servant of former Grand Nagus Zek. Maihar'du had taken a vow of silence and was only permitted to speak to the Nagus. He was very imposing and was not only a servant, but a bodyguard and food taster. He was also the flight controller to Zek's personal ship. (DS9: \"Rules of Acquisition\") He often provided Zek with his favorite drug, Hupyrian beetle snuff. (DS9: \"The Nagus\")"@en . . . . "Active"@en . . "Male"@en . "Maihar'du"@en . . . "Maihar'du once lived on Verdimass and was unemployed there until Zek made him his servant. (DS9 - Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine novel: Ferenginar: Satisfaction is Not Guaranteed) Maihar'du would assist Zek in the day-to-day runnings of the Ferengi Alliance in the Tower of Commerce. (DS9 episode: \"Ferengi Love Songs\") In 2369, Maihar'du accompanied Zek to Deep Space 9, where Zek was to name his successor. Maihar'du assisted Zek in his plan to fake his death to see if Krax was a suitably person for the title. (DS9 episode: \"The Nagus\")"@en . "2375"^^ .