"Fool's Crown"@en . "Bestowal Dialogue: 'I fear things have gone awry and taken a rather dangerous turn. It seems that a Hill-giant of some actual cunning and intelligence has arisen to leadership amongst the giants of Amon M\u00F4th, and I cannot ignore such an ominous portent. Background: Lithuifin the Elf is concerned with the giants which have been ruining the forest. Objective: 1. The Hill-giant chieftain is at Amon Moth, south and west of the Eavespires. Lithuifin has asked you to defeat the Hill-giant chieftain of Amon M\u00F4th. 2. Lithuifin resides in the Eavespires, east and north of Amon M\u00F4th. Reward: 21s35c"@en . . . . . "Bestowal Dialogue: 'I fear things have gone awry and taken a rather dangerous turn. It seems that a Hill-giant of some actual cunning and intelligence has arisen to leadership amongst the giants of Amon M\u00F4th, and I cannot ignore such an ominous portent. 'Giants are very powerful creatures and dangerous at the best of times, but they are fractious and chaotic, and it is quite rare for a strong leader to arise amongst them. The consequences of such are usually disastrous, for few forces can stand against an organized war-band of giants. Even Erchiel and Longbough would likely find themselves overmatched, should it come to that. 'In this instance, I am afraid I must defer to my wife's wisdom -- this newly arisen leader must not be allowed to strengthen his control over the giants, or they might easily overwhelm these forests. Alas, it is not within my power to defeat him, and my wife must stand guard over the Eavespires...might you gather a band strong enough to defeat him?' Background: Lithuifin the Elf is concerned with the giants which have been ruining the forest. Objective: 1. The Hill-giant chieftain is at Amon Moth, south and west of the Eavespires. Lithuifin has asked you to defeat the Hill-giant chieftain of Amon M\u00F4th. 2. Lithuifin resides in the Eavespires, east and north of Amon M\u00F4th. You should return to Lithuifin and tell him of the chieftain's defeat. Reward: 21s35c This quest has been flagged as \"Requiring more data\" about its rewards. We're probably just missing a screenshot of the items, and/or their names. Everything else should be fine. Carry on, adventurer!If you have this information, we'd love it if you could edit the page and add it."@en .