"Ironblood"@en . "The Ironbloods (\u9244\u8840\u306E\u5B50\u4F9B\u305F\u3061, aianburiido), literally \"the children of iron and blood\", is a group of personal assistants each selected by Chancellor Giliath Osborne himself. The Ironbloods were first mentioned by Lechter Arundel, an Ironblood himself, in Sora no Kiseki The 3rd. Currently, there are four known Ironbloods."@en . . . . . . "The Ironbloods (\u9244\u8840\u306E\u5B50\u4F9B\u305F\u3061, aianburiido), literally \"the children of iron and blood\", is a group of personal assistants each selected by Chancellor Giliath Osborne himself. The Ironbloods were first mentioned by Lechter Arundel, an Ironblood himself, in Sora no Kiseki The 3rd. Currently, there are four known Ironbloods."@en . . "Name: Matthew Stockton Homeworld: Corellia Born 39 BBY Species: Human Gender: Male Age: Twenty-seven Height: 1.72 meters Eye Color: Emerald green Hair Color: Dark brown Rank: Jedi Knight Assignment/Affiliation: Rebel Alliance Nickname: \"Ironblood\" Physical Appearance: Tall with an athletic build- Clothes: Jedi robes= a comfortable light brown overtunic, obi, undertunic, and loose trousers with nerf-hide field boots, a nerf-hide utility belt, and a dark brown hooded cloak Matthew was born and raised at the Jedi temple, the only son of Kyle and Liaran Stockton. He was born at the Temple and grew up with his mother. Stockton's been searching for his father with no luck. Kyle's supposedly in hiding somewhere, but no one's certain. Intelligence: Genius range Languages: Galactic Basic, Huttese, Shyriiwook (fully understands langage, but cannot speak it due to human inability to pronounce) Weapons: Primary: silver-bladed lightsaber- weapon has a rare silver Adegan crystal- Secondary: blaster pistol Possessions: Stockton, while he has access to virtually anything within the Alliance, owns very little personally. His possessions are the clothes he wears, a utility belt with his weapons, a ration pack, a locket around his neck containing pictures of his mother and father, and his speeder bike. Vehicle(s) of choice: Stockton rides a modified 74-Z speeder bike he got his bike by trading for a broken down speeder and fixed it up with parts he traded for- ============================== Liaran was a Jedi Knight, a victim of the purge, killed by stormtroopers. When Darth Vader led the attack on the temple, Stockton managed to cut a hole in the wall with his mother's lightsaber and escape. He's held rage and hate toward Anakin ever since then. After the attack, Stockton was raised on an Outer Rim planet by a surviving Jedi Master, a Zabrak named Votak Eisade. Stockton earned the nickname \"Ironblood\" because he's normally cool under fire/pressure to others. Distinguishing features: A thin scar runs from the corner of his right eye, curving back toward his ear. Stockton got this scar during the Purge. He could have it removed, but he wears it as a reminder of what he lost. (am doing a full rewrite of Ironblood's biography) ~~~~"@en . "Name: Matthew Stockton Homeworld: Corellia Born 39 BBY Species: Human Gender: Male Age: Twenty-seven Height: 1.72 meters Eye Color: Emerald green Hair Color: Dark brown Rank: Jedi Knight Assignment/Affiliation: Rebel Alliance Nickname: \"Ironblood\" Physical Appearance: Tall with an athletic build- Clothes: Jedi robes= a comfortable light brown overtunic, obi, undertunic, and loose trousers with nerf-hide field boots, a nerf-hide utility belt, and a dark brown hooded cloak Intelligence: Genius range ============================== (am doing a full rewrite of Ironblood's biography) ~~~~"@en . . . . .