. . . . "Olympus Station"@en . . . "Olympus Station is a small star station orbiting Groombridge 34, a dim, binary red dwarf system 11.7 light years from Sol. Both are flare stars, class M1/M4, in a circular 147 AUI orbit around the system center, giving an orbital period of 2,600 years. Groombridge 34 is also known as HIP 1475. Groombridge 34A has one planetary companion of approximately 5 Earth masses. It has an orbital period of approximately 11 days. Olympus is 1.8 light years distant from Thule Station (Ross 248), 6.2 light years from Galileo (EV Lacertae), 4.9 light years from Venture (Kruger 60), and 7.1 light years from Bryant's (61 Cygni). It is 11.1 light years from Eldorado Station (UV Ceti/Luyten 726-8), 12.3 light years from Pell (Tau Ceti), and 12.6 light years from Viking (Epsilon Eridani), and 9.1 light years from Mariner (Van Maanen's Star). From the author's original timeline, it is unclear when Olympus was founded, by what ship, and from where. The first mention is in 2080 in relation to ECS9 Beagle and ECS10 Challenger setting out in a double mission to establish new stations, but the remainder of the timeline makes clear these ships had to be destined to found Eldorado and Pell. The next mention of Olympus is in 2085, when ECS8 Gloriana departs Galileo for Olympus, destined to arrive in 2091. But, the Olympus arrival data for 2091 indicates Gloriana came from Thule. Six years more closely matches the trip time from Galileo. Tracking the timeline back, the 2085 data indicates Gloriana arrived at Galileo from Thule, but the 2078 and 2073 data indicates Gloriana was sent in 2073 from Thule to Venture, arriving in 2078, and then proceeding to Galileo. This would allow a 2085 arrival at Galileo, with the only error being that in 2085, Gloriana came from Venture, not Thule. It then departed for Olympus, but the implication is that Olympus has already been established. Galileo was only established in 2075, so it would be a rapid turnaround for that station to be ready to launch a module to Olympus in 2085. In 2090, after founding Eldorado in 2089, ECS9 Beagle sets out for Olympus to arrive in 2101. (This timing matches the distance to be covered.) If Gloriana had established Olympus from Galileo, then Beagle would have departed for Galileo a year before the station was actually founded. In an era of sublight, starting an 11 year journey to a station not yet established seems extraordinarily risky, even if a head start on the travel time would be beneficial to the destination star station. Although Olympus is only 9.1 light years from Mariner (Van Maanen's Star), that station is not founded until 2175, and is only 6.2 light years from Pell. That leaves only the 11-year Olympus-Eldorado run to connect the Bryant's Star trade cluster with the new Pell trade cluster. By 2191, this run has become so onerous that any ship making it is automatically sent on the 4-year run from Eldorado to Pell."@en . . "Olympus Station is a Terran Confederation space installation in the orbit of Ghorah Khar. Its purpose was apparently to protect the Kilrathi separatists on the planet."@en . "The Olympus Station is a massive, self-sufficient, and moving space station."@en . "Olympus Station is a small star station orbiting Groombridge 34, a dim, binary red dwarf system 11.7 light years from Sol. Both are flare stars, class M1/M4, in a circular 147 AUI orbit around the system center, giving an orbital period of 2,600 years. Groombridge 34 is also known as HIP 1475. Groombridge 34A has one planetary companion of approximately 5 Earth masses. It has an orbital period of approximately 11 days."@en . "The Olympus Station is a massive, self-sufficient, and moving space station."@en . . "Olympus Station is a Terran Confederation space installation in the orbit of Ghorah Khar. Its purpose was apparently to protect the Kilrathi separatists on the planet."@en .