"209"^^ . . . "Alex discussed the success of last week's ASS Jam with The Dear Hunter, and pointed out that Kevin's nipples were VERY excited about the exclusive album announcement from the Pointless Podcast episode from that day. The Attack's new logo was briefly teased. Alex showed a video of a trick shot in Overwatch and Joey salted all over it, like usual. Then Alex showed off his projection-mapped skin. Joey presented an Attack On Dark Souls 3 segment."@en . . "208"^^ . . . "208"^^ . "2016-10-26"^^ . "Alex discussed the success of last week's ASS Jam with The Dear Hunter, and pointed out that Kevin's nipples were VERY excited about the exclusive album announcement from the Pointless Podcast episode from that day. The Attack's new logo was briefly teased. Alex showed a video of a trick shot in Overwatch and Joey salted all over it, like usual. Then Alex showed off his projection-mapped skin. Joey presented an Attack On Dark Souls 3 segment. The whole staff then participated in an attempt to kill the first boss of Dark Souls 3 using only their butts on a custom chair-controller rig. This was an expansion of the stunt from the end of Attack on Twitchcon 2016. They were sadly unsuccessful. Alex and Erin came back to the podium for TPOTSWIC and they jumped over boxes. The show ended with more unsuccessful Dark Souls attempts. Alex wanted to continue until they beat it, but Kevin mercy killed the stream."@en . . . "207"^^ . "Dark Souls Butt Controller"@en . . "Attack Episode 208"@en . .