. . "Mira Romaine"@fr . . "green"@en . . . . . . . "chief archivist, Memory Alpha"@en . . "Mira Romaine"@de . "thumb|Lt. Mira Romaine (2269) Mira Romaine kommt 2269 an Bord der USS Enterprise. Ihre menschlichen Eltern sind Lydia und Jacques Romaine. Als Tochter eines Chefingenieurs der Sternenflotte wirkt sie sehr anziehend auf Scotty, der sich auch prompt in sie verliebt. Mira Romaine wurde von Jan Shutan gespielt und wurde von Renate Pichler synchronisiert."@de . . "Vivente"@it . . "Mira Romaine was a Human woman who served Starfleet as a science officer during the 23rd century."@en . "Mira Romaine"@it . "thumb|Lt. Mira Romaine (2269) Mira Romaine kommt 2269 an Bord der USS Enterprise. Ihre menschlichen Eltern sind Lydia und Jacques Romaine. Als Tochter eines Chefingenieurs der Sternenflotte wirkt sie sehr anziehend auf Scotty, der sich auch prompt in sie verliebt. Gleich auf ihrer ersten Mission ger\u00E4t Lieutenant Romaine in den Einfluss einer Wolke aus gl\u00FChenden Lichtern, die ihr die F\u00E4higkeit verleihen in die Zukunft zu blicken. So sieht sie auch eine t\u00F6dliche Gefahr f\u00FCr das Landeteam voraus, das auf Memory Alpha gebeamt worden ist. Als die Enterprise auf die Wolke feuert, wird auch Lieutenant Romaine verletzt. Offensichtlich besteht eine Form von Verbindung zwischen der Erscheinung und dem jungen Offizier. Doktor McCoy findet schlie\u00DFlich heraus, dass sich Miras Gehirnwellen ver\u00E4ndert haben, die eigentlich so individuell wie ein Fingerabdruck sind und dass diese Gehirnwellen eine exakte Kopie des Energiemusters der Wolke darstellen. Als Lieutenant Romaine sich bei der n\u00E4chsten Ann\u00E4herung der Erscheinung nicht zur Wehr setzt, kann sie mit ihr kommunizieren. Sie findet heraus, dass es sich bei der Wolke um die Lebensenergien der letzten \u00DCberlebenden des Planeten Zetar handelt. Die Zetarianer suchen nach einem geeigneten K\u00F6rper, um wieder ein normales Leben f\u00FChren zu k\u00F6nnen. Es gelingt der Crew, diese Wesen wieder aus Lieutenant Romaine zu vertreiben, ohne dass ihr ein Schaden zugef\u00FCgt wird. (TOS: ) Mira Romaine wurde von Jan Shutan gespielt und wurde von Renate Pichler synchronisiert."@de . "Il Tenente Mira Romaine era una specialista della divisione scientifica della Flotta Stellare nel XXIII secolo. Era nata sulla colonia Marziana 3 da Jacques e Lydia Romaine. Secondo il suo profilo psicologico, la storia di malattia psicosomatica di Mira consisteva di episodi occasionali e normali in et\u00E0 adolescenziale. Mira possedeva un\u2019estrema flessibilit\u00E0 ed un\u2019eccezionale attitudine all\u2019apprendimento. Con l\u2019aiuto del signor Scott, la Romaine fu in grado di rimettersi dall\u2019attacco e di prestare servizio al suo primo incarico nello spazio profondo a Memory Alpha. (TOS: \"Le speranze di Zetar\")"@it . . . "fed"@en . . . . . . . . . "female"@en . "married"@en . . "Lieutenant Mira Romaine was a 23rd century Starfleet sciences division specialist. She was born on the Martian Colony 3 to Jacques and Lydia Romaine. According to her psychological profile, Mira had a history of psychosomatic illness that consisted of occasional and teenage routine incidents. Mira was highly marked for her extreme flexibility and exceptional pliancy to new learning situations. Mira was placed in the pressure chamber where she was subjected to increased pressure. Once the pressure chamber reached roughly 3.5 atmospheres, the Zetarians were forced from her body."@en . . . . . . . . "Femmina"@it . . . . . . . "23"^^ . . "Mira Romaine"@en . . "Mira Romaine was a Human woman who served Starfleet as a science officer during the 23rd century."@en . . . . "Single"@en . "Il Tenente Mira Romaine"@it . . "Single"@it . "Mira Romaine \u00E9tait une sp\u00E9cialiste de la division des Sciences de Starfleet au 23\u00E8me si\u00E8cle."@fr . . . . "Mira Romaine.jpg"@it . . . . "2269"^^ . . . . "brown"@en . . . . "Mira Romaine \u00E9tait une sp\u00E9cialiste de la division des Sciences de Starfleet au 23\u00E8me si\u00E8cle."@fr . . . . "50"^^ . "Female"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "no"@en . . . . . . "Mira Romaine"@en . "Lieutenant Mira Romaine"@en . . . "Active"@en . . "Lieutenant Mira Romaine was a 23rd century Starfleet sciences division specialist. She was born on the Martian Colony 3 to Jacques and Lydia Romaine. According to her psychological profile, Mira had a history of psychosomatic illness that consisted of occasional and teenage routine incidents. Mira was highly marked for her extreme flexibility and exceptional pliancy to new learning situations. In 2269, Lt. Romaine was given her first deep space assignment aboard the USS Enterprise when she was placed in charge of supervising the transfer of equipment to Memory Alpha. While aboard the Enterprise, she became romantically involved with Montgomery Scott. During the mission, Romaine's mind came under attack by a group of non-corporeal lifeforms called the Zetarians, at which time she fainted. She later had several premonitions, including that of the attack on the Enterprise, the attack on Memory Alpha, and finally one of Scotty's death. Later, when the Enterprise fired its phasers at the shadowing Zetarians, Mira experienced harsh pain. After reporting to sickbay, Dr. McCoy gave her a standard Steinman analysis. The results showed that physically her readings were identical, however, two of her hyperencephalograms indicated that her brain circuitry patterns had been altered. They were eventually identified as the impulse tracking patterns of the Zetarian cloud shadowing the Enterprise. Mira was placed in the pressure chamber where she was subjected to increased pressure. Once the pressure chamber reached roughly 3.5 atmospheres, the Zetarians were forced from her body. With the help of Scott, Romaine was able to recover from the attack and served out her first deep space deployment at Memory Alpha. (TOS: \"The Lights of Zetar\" )"@en . "Captain Mira Romaine in 2286."@en . "220"^^ . . . "Il Tenente Mira Romaine era una specialista della divisione scientifica della Flotta Stellare nel XXIII secolo. Era nata sulla colonia Marziana 3 da Jacques e Lydia Romaine. Secondo il suo profilo psicologico, la storia di malattia psicosomatica di Mira consisteva di episodi occasionali e normali in et\u00E0 adolescenziale. Mira possedeva un\u2019estrema flessibilit\u00E0 ed un\u2019eccezionale attitudine all\u2019apprendimento. Nel 2269, al Tenente Romaine fu affidato il primo incarico a bordo della USS Enterprise, col ruolo di sovrintendere un trasferimento di attrezzature per Memory Alpha. Durante la sua permanenza sull\u2019 Enterprise, instaur\u00F2 una relazione romantica con Montgomery Scott. Durante la missione, la mente della Romaine fu assalita da un gruppo di entit\u00E0 incorporee, gli Zetariani, che le fecero perdere conoscenza. In seguito Mira avrebbe avuto diverse premonizioni, tra cui quella dell\u2019attacco all\u2019 Enterprise, l\u2019attacco a Memory Alpha, ed infine quella di Scotty morente. Quando l\u2019 Enterprise spar\u00F2 con i phaser alla nube costituita dagli Zetariani, Mira fu colta da dolori atroci. In infermeria, il dottor McCoy la sottopose ad una analisi Steinman di routine. I risultati mostrarono che, fisicamente, i parametri erano identici, tuttavia, due dei suoi iperencefalogrammi indicavano che i suoi valori cerebrali erano stati alterati. Sarebbero poi stati identificati come i valori d\u2019impulso della nube zetariana che avvolgeva l\u2019 Enterprise. Mira fu messa nella camera iperbarica dove vennero create le condizioni di una pressione molto alta. Una volta che la camera a pressione raggiunse le 3.5 atmosfere, gli Zetariani furono obbligati ad abbandonare il suo corpo. Con l\u2019aiuto del signor Scott, la Romaine fu in grado di rimettersi dall\u2019attacco e di prestare servizio al suo primo incarico nello spazio profondo a Memory Alpha. (TOS: \"Le speranze di Zetar\")"@it .