"Male"@en . "Oscar Wilde"@en . "2.0"^^ . "Dorian Gray es el nombre de varias discotecas: \n* Dorian Gray (Frankfurt), una de las cunas de la m\u00FAsica electr\u00F3nica \n* Dorian Gray (Viena), boliche de electr\u00F3nica \n* Dorian Gray (Argentina), boliche de electr\u00F3nica y pop de C\u00F3rdoba, Argentina El nombre en los tres casos viene de la novela El retrato de Dorian Gray de Oscar Wilde."@es . . "250"^^ . . . . "HOLY OSCAR WILDE DORIAN GRAY DOESN'T HAVE A PAGE!!!! Well, I shall remedy this. Introducing categories!"@en . . . . "Dorian Gray"@en . . . "Dorian Gray"@en . "Dorian Gray"@es . . "fffffff"@en . . . . "First Appearance"@en . "Title character in The Picture of Dorian Gray, who can indulge in any vice without fear thanks to the protection afforded by his portrait. He is the subject of the poem Dorian Gray and his death leads to the events of In Memoriam."@en . . . . . "Title character in The Picture of Dorian Gray, who can indulge in any vice without fear thanks to the protection afforded by his portrait. He is the subject of the poem Dorian Gray and his death leads to the events of In Memoriam."@en . . "Dorian Gray was a very handsome young Englishman who had his image painted by a man named Basil Hallward. Under the influence of an intellectual named Lord Henry Wotton, Dorian decides that the only thing that is important in life is beauty. Dorian wishes that the painting of him would grow old in his place, so that he could experience all the joys of youth and beauty forever. As he begins to live an increasingly sinful life, the painting of him starts to become twisted and disfigured. Dorian's wish is also granted in that his image ages, while he himself, continues to look young, even after many, many years. When Basil, the artist, arrives to investigate the rumors of Dorian's debauchery and evil deeds, Dorian shows him the painting and then, blaming Basil, murders him. Dorian makes a number of enemies, and eventually, wishing to absolve himself of his sins, he stabs the painting. His body is later found, stabbed and withered to an unrecognizable husk, but the painting has reverted to the image of Dorian as a handsome young man."@en . . "Dorian Gray es el nombre de varias discotecas: \n* Dorian Gray (Frankfurt), una de las cunas de la m\u00FAsica electr\u00F3nica \n* Dorian Gray (Viena), boliche de electr\u00F3nica \n* Dorian Gray (Argentina), boliche de electr\u00F3nica y pop de C\u00F3rdoba, Argentina El nombre en los tres casos viene de la novela El retrato de Dorian Gray de Oscar Wilde."@es . . "Dorian Gray"@en . "Original Publisher"@en . "Arkanian offshoot"@en . . "JvS"@en . "fffffff"@en . "Dorian Gray; Visionary of peace and prosperity. He envisioned a day when all war would stop, where all beings would be taken care of with miracle technologies and advancements. He envisioned a galaxy without pain and suffering. This vision is what prompted him to begin his war on violence. Gathering to him dozens of surgeons and medical staff, Dorian Gray personally funded and headed The Trust Amalgamated Pharmaceuticals and Medicinals, better known simply as \"The Trust\". The Trust, Dorian envisioned, would be the galaxies answer to all violence and warfare. Answering bullets with scalpels, curses with kind words, and wounds with surgery. Thus so, in Dorians mind, he would repair the galaxy, and offer premium health care to every individual in the galaxy. This was not to be so however. Due"@en . "Gray"@en . . "Lippincott's Monthly Magazine"@en . "HOLY OSCAR WILDE DORIAN GRAY DOESN'T HAVE A PAGE!!!! Well, I shall remedy this. Introducing categories!"@en . "Dorian Gray"@en . "Created by"@en . . . "When the paint is applied to a person's photograph - adding gray to the hair or wrinkles to the face - the same thing happens to the person physically, causing them to age - potentially to the point of death. After 10 years spent perfecting the formula, Felix offers it to CONTROL, only to be shrugged of by the Chief as an eccentric. Seeking revenge, he makes a deal with Lucheck of KAOS to dispose of CONTROL for $100,000 and a plane ticket to Miami. Agent Carruthers is the first to be affected, dying of old age at 28, but soon all CONTROL agents except Larabee are \"old, withered and decrepit\" The fact that Larabee is also the only one yet to have his new ID photo taken draws suspicion to the photolab and photographer Felix. Felix is eventually tracked down at KAOS headquarters and arrested along with Lucheck and Lucheck's henchman Kinsky before he can complete the retouching of the CONTROL agents' photographs. An antidote to Dorian Gray is found in the form of a cleaning solution that removes the substance from the photographs and therefore the aging from its victims. [Episode #123: \"Age Before Duty\".]"@en . . . "\"The Picture of Dorian Gray\" in Lippincott's Monthly Magazine"@en . . "Dorian Gray; Visionary of peace and prosperity. He envisioned a day when all war would stop, where all beings would be taken care of with miracle technologies and advancements. He envisioned a galaxy without pain and suffering. This vision is what prompted him to begin his war on violence. Gathering to him dozens of surgeons and medical staff, Dorian Gray personally funded and headed The Trust Amalgamated Pharmaceuticals and Medicinals, better known simply as \"The Trust\". The Trust, Dorian envisioned, would be the galaxies answer to all violence and warfare. Answering bullets with scalpels, curses with kind words, and wounds with surgery. Thus so, in Dorians mind, he would repair the galaxy, and offer premium health care to every individual in the galaxy. This was not to be so however. Due to problems with the Galactics economic board, the Trust, while built and ready to begin business, never officially opened. And after a month and a half long debate, Dorian was defeated by the Galactic Economic Council. The issue was his claim on so many medical businesses, which was claimed by the council as a \"monopolization\" while indeed this may have been true, and was even accepted by Dorian, in which he cut his businesses to a more reasonable amount. By then, the damage was done, and his surgeons, in view of seeing the trust seemingly weaker than it had been, abandoned the project. And Dorian, left to clean up the mess, simply denied it, and retired. Traveling to New Holstice to live the life of a normal being...to raise a family, and live out the remainder of his days. Maximillion Stark, Dorian's brother however, had different ideas. Taking control of the company, he picked up where Dorian left off."@en . . "aaaaaa"@en . . "Real Name"@en . "Black"@en . "Dorian Gray was a very handsome young Englishman who had his image painted by a man named Basil Hallward. Under the influence of an intellectual named Lord Henry Wotton, Dorian decides that the only thing that is important in life is beauty. Dorian wishes that the painting of him would grow old in his place, so that he could experience all the joys of youth and beauty forever."@en . "When the paint is applied to a person's photograph - adding gray to the hair or wrinkles to the face - the same thing happens to the person physically, causing them to age - potentially to the point of death. After 10 years spent perfecting the formula, Felix offers it to CONTROL, only to be shrugged of by the Chief as an eccentric. Seeking revenge, he makes a deal with Lucheck of KAOS to dispose of CONTROL for $100,000 and a plane ticket to Miami. [Episode #123: \"Age Before Duty\".]"@en . . "Dorian Gray"@fr . . . .