"Ayurveda Dharma is distributed copyleft via this GNU Free Documentation License (FDL) and/or under Creative Commons License Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States Return to the list of Dharma terms See Sanskrit Dharma Terms and other Ayurvedic - Buddhist - Yogic - Vedic - Hindu Words and Definitions in the Buddhist Ayurveda Degrees Course Code Source: Dharma / dharma In Buddhism, Dharma no longer has its Hindu meaning of religious duty according to one's class. Instead it has several levels of meaning including: the teachings of the Buddha, which can be understood as: \"No, Lord.\" , | |"@en . . "Dharma (\u30C0\u30FC\u30DE D\u0101ma?) is a virus from Mega Man Battle Network 4 and Rockman.EXE 4.5 Real Operation. It shoots hockey pucks across the field. The pucks bounce off in a manner that can be difficult to predict. It will pause before it launches hockey pucks. Higher level variants can lay mines on the target's side of the field."@en . . "n"@en . . "Dharma Family"@en . "uncommon"@en . "Some people in Shady Sands say that they are the followers of Dharma. In our world, dharma is a Sanskrit word roughly translatable as \"law\" or \"the way\", and, for practicing Buddhists, dharma is used to mean the teachings of the Buddha. It is also used to refer to other old-world Indian belief systems, including Hinduism, Jainism, and Sikhism. Aradesh says that Dharma was a great religious man. It is unknown whether he means Buddha or some other pre-War or post-War religious leader of some new dharmic religion. Characters who reference Dharma in the game are Aradesh, Agatha, Seth and Katrina."@en . "0"^^ . . "For the Kuei-jin, a Dharma is a path to enlightenment which allows them to transcend their bestial natures and holds out hope for enlightenment and rejoining the Karmic cycle. As demonic creatures, enlightenment is far harder for Kuei-Jin, and the path to wisdom can take millennia."@en . "Top"@en . . "Shadysands.jpg"@de . . . . . . "Retral Grand Beetle Husk"@en . "Large Grand Beetle Barb"@en . "90"^^ . "Layout"@en . . . "\u30C0\u30FC\u30DE"@en . "95"^^ . . "0"^^ . "D\u0101ma"@en . . . "Jupiter of the Monkey"@en . . . "Dharma"@en . . . . . . "Neku"@en . "Brutal Strike"@en . "Curebulb"@en . "rare"@en . "Land Insecta"@en . "common"@en . . "File:Dharma.png Write the text of your article here!"@en . . "Dharma"@en . "y"@en . . "Dharma, as he appears in Yuria Den."@en . "Grand Beetle"@en . . . . "0"^^ . . "daily"@en . . . . "91"^^ . "98"^^ . "~ 150,000"@en . . "For the Kuei-jin, a Dharma is a path to enlightenment which allows them to transcend their bestial natures and holds out hope for enlightenment and rejoining the Karmic cycle. As demonic creatures, enlightenment is far harder for Kuei-Jin, and the path to wisdom can take millennia."@en . . . "Yuria Den"@en . "Dharma was the soul duty of a Rokugani, their destiny and place in the Celestial Order. How well they performed this duty was measured in their Kharma."@en . "Dharma (Sanskrit, m., \u0927\u0930\u094D\u092E, dharma) ist ein Begriff aus der buddhistischen Religion und hei\u00DFt soviel wie Weg, Moral, Religion. Ist der Weg zum Nirwana besonders schwer, so spricht man vom Dickdharma, f\u00E4llt es eher leicht, ein tugendhaftes Leben zu f\u00FChren, definiert man das als D\u00FCnndharma. Geht der spiritulle Entwicklungsproze\u00DF \u00FCberhaupt nicht voran, dann hat man einen Dharmaverschluss. In Berlin kriegt man an Imbisst\u00E4nden oft die Frage gestellt: \"Currywurst mit oder ohne Dharma\", was belegt, dass die Berliner Kultur ma\u00DFgeblich von der buddhistischen Religion beinflu\u00DFt ist. Ein vorbildlicher Buddhist unterzieht sich jede Woche einmal einer Dharmasp\u00FClung, was zur Beschleunigung des Erleuchtungsprozesses f\u00FChren kann, sofern dabei keine sexuelle Stimulation des Dharmas im Spiel ist."@de . . . "1"^^ . "FO1"@de . "Dharma - wieloznaczny termin wyst\u0119puj\u0105cy w religiach dharmicznych, np. w buddyzmie i hinduizmie. Postaciami, kt\u00F3re si\u0119 nim pos\u0142uguj\u0105 s\u0105 mieszka\u0144cy Cienistych Piask\u00F3w Agatha, Seth i Katrina."@pl . "80"^^ . "Magadha, Bengalian Rulers - \u0392\u03B1\u03C3\u03B9\u03BB\u03AD\u03B1\u03C2 \u03C4\u03B7\u03C2 \u039C\u03B1\u03B3\u03B1\u03B4\u03AF\u03B1\u03C2. - \u03A7\u03C1\u03BF\u03BD\u03B9\u03BA\u03AE \u03A0\u03B5\u03C1\u03AF\u03BF\u03B4\u03BF\u03C2 \u0394\u03B9\u03B1\u03BA\u03C5\u03B2\u03AD\u03C1\u03BD\u03B7\u03C3\u03B7\u03C2: \u03A0\u03C1\u03C9\u03C4\u03BF-\u0399\u03BD\u03B4\u03B9\u03BA\u03AE \u0395\u03C0\u03BF\u03C7\u03AE, 17\u03BF\u03C2 \u0391\u03B9\u03CE\u03BD\u03B1\u03C2 \u03C0.\u03A7. - \u0393\u03AD\u03BD\u03BD\u03B7\u03C3\u03B7: - \u0398\u03AC\u03BD\u03B1\u03C4\u03BF\u03C2:"@el . . . . . . "Dharma"@el . "Ayurveda Dharma is distributed copyleft via this GNU Free Documentation License (FDL) and/or under Creative Commons License Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States Return to the list of Dharma terms See Sanskrit Dharma Terms and other Ayurvedic - Buddhist - Yogic - Vedic - Hindu Words and Definitions in the Buddhist Ayurveda Degrees Course Code Source: Dharma / dharma In Buddhism, Dharma no longer has its Hindu meaning of religious duty according to one's class. Instead it has several levels of meaning including: the teachings of the Buddha, which can be understood as: 1. \"Dharma with a capital D\": methods (Five Schools of teachings and practices) for becoming enlightened; 2. \"Dharmakaya / Tathagata Garbha / Dharma Dhatu\": The reality that one realizes at enlightenment; and 3. \"All Phenomena\": The various divisions of the mental and physical world that are part of the teaching. I. \"Dharma with a capital D\": methods (Five Schools of teachings and practices) for becoming enlightened; \"He turns the inconceivable, wondrous Dharma Wheel, And makes known the conduct of the path (marga) to Bodhi, Which destroys the suffering of all living beings forever.\" (Flower Adornment Sutra - Avatamsaka Sutra) Dharma refers to all the methods of cultivation taught by the Buddha which lead to ultimate enlightenment (anuttarasamyaksambodhi). They are means to an end, not an end in themselves. In other words, any aspect or division of the teaching. Dharma in this sense is an expedient distinction made for the sake of greater understanding. For example, the Five Skandhas, the Six Paramitas, and the Eighteen Realms are all dharmas. Monks, as a man going along a highway might see a great stretch of water, the hither bank dangerous and frightening, the further bank secure, not frightening, but if there were not a boat for crossing by or a bridge across for going from the not-beyond to the beyond, this might occur to him: `This is a great stretch of water, the hither bank dangerous and frightening, the further bank secure and not frightening, but there is not a boat for crossing by or a bridge across for going from the not-beyond to the beyond. Suppose that I, having collected grass, sticks, branches and foliage, and having tied a raft, depending on that raft, and striving with hands and feet, should cross over safely to the beyond?' Then, monks, that man, having collected grass, sticks, branches and foliage, having tied a raft, depending on that raft and striving with his hands and feet, might cross over safely to the beyond. To him, crossed over, gone beyond, this might occur: 'Now this raft has been very useful to me. I, depending on this raft, and striving with my hands and feet, crossed over safely to the beyond. Suppose now that I, having put this raft on my head, or having lifted it on to my shoulder, should proceed as I desire?' What do you think about this, monks? If that man does this, is he doing what should be done with that raft?\" \"No, Lord.\" \"What should that man do, monks, in order to do what should be done with that raft? In this case, monks, it might occur to that man who has crossed over, gone beyond: 'Now, this raft has been very useful to me. Depending on this raft and striving with my hands and feet, I have crossed over safely to the beyond. Suppose now that I, having beached this raft on dry ground or having submerged it under the water, should proceed as I desire?' In doing this, monks, that man would be doing what should be done with that raft. Even so, monks, is the Parable of the Raft taught by me for crossing over, not for retaining. You, monks, by understanding the Parable of the Raft, should get rid even of (right) mental objects, all the more of wrong ones.\" (\"Alagaddupamasutta,\" I 134-135, , I 173-174) . . . The Dharma which I speak is like a raft. Even Dharmas should be relinquished, how much the more that which is not Dharma. (Vajra Sutra or Vajracchedika Prajna Paramita Sutra 49) The raft of Dharma gives us something to hang onto as we eliminate our attachments, which cause us to suffer and to be stuck on this shore of birth and death. The raft of Dharma refers to the methods of inward illumination; it takes us across the sea of our birth and death and the sea of afflictions to the other shore, Nirvana. Once there \"even Dharmas should be relinquished.\" \"The Dharma is spoken to break people's attachments. If people had no attachments, they wouldn't need the Dharma. But people have attachments because their consciousnesses (vijnana skandha) take over, and so they give rise to distinctions and attachments. If you let your wisdom (Maha Prajna Paramita) be in charge, you will have no attachments. . . .\" (Vajra Bodhi Sea Issue #179 3rd door) \"There are no fixed, static dharmas. Because it is not fixed, the Dharma is alive. Dharma which is alive is separate from all attachments. It is said, 'One bestows the teaching for the sake of the individual and prescribes the medicine according to the illness.' In the same way the Dharma is spoken as an antidote to an individual's specific problems.\" (Dharma Flower Sutra Lotus Sutra I 7-8) II. \"Dharmakaya / Tathagata Garbha / Dharma Dhatu\": The reality that one realizes (realization) at enlightenment; and In this sense Dharma refers to the reality which is realized through the application of Dharma as teaching. It is the world of total enlightenment. See Dharma realm, Dharmakaya, Tathagata Garbha, Dharma Dhatu. III. \"All Phenomena\": The various divisions of the mental and physical world that are part of the teaching. 1) Chinese Mandarin: Fa, 2) Sanskrit: Dharma , 3) Pali: Dhamma. 4) Alternate Translations: method, law, factor (of existence), characteristic, quality, idea, category, state of existence, condition of being, truth, true ideal, the Teaching. See also: Two Truths, Dharma door, Dharma realm. Dharma Master, Dharma Protector, Tripitaka (1. Sutras, 2. Vinaya, 3. Shastras or Abhidharma, or Tantra), Taisho Catalog Numbering System, Dharma, and names of individual sutras (such as Shurangama Sutra, Avatamsaka Sutra [[Flower Adornment Sutra], Lotus Sutra Wonderful Dharma Flower Sutra, Earth Store Sutra, Dharani Sutra, Brahma Net Sutra, Medicine Master Buddha Sutra, Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra, Vajracchedika Prajna Paramita Sutra Diamond Sutra, Sixth Patriarch Platform Sutra (Hui Neng), Sutra in 42 Sections, Sutra on the Buddha's Bequeathed Teaching, Vimalakirti Nirdesha Sutra, et al. Sutra Schools: Hwa-Yen School (Hua Yen), Tyan-tai School (Tian Tai) Buddhist Text Translation Society () References: FAS-PII(1) 97-99; FAS-PII(2) 100; FAS Ch15 1-2; VBS #179 (3rd door); DFS I 14ff, 28, 30, 31, 7, 8; DFS II 132; DFS I 39; HS 51; HD 26. Adapted from Fair Use Source: Upasaka Ron Epstein, Buddhism A to Z, 1999: pp. 54-55. Primary Original Source: The Tripitaka of Sutra, Shastra and Vinaya Dharma teachings (as found in the scripture storehouse of the Indian Sanskrit- Siddham, Chinese, Tibetan and Japanese traditions of the Nalanda Tradition of ancient Nalanda University) of Shakyamuni Buddha, and his Arya Sagely Bodhisattva Bhikshu Monk and Upasaka disciples. These Good and Wise Advisors (Kaliyanamitra) Dharma Master teachers include Arya Venerables Nagarjuna, Ashvaghosha, Aryasura, Aryadeva, Kumarajiva, Shantideva, Chandrakirti, Chandragomin, Vasubandhu, Asanga, Hui Neng, Atisha, Kamalashila, Dharmarakshita, Tsong Khapa, Thogme Zangpo, Patanjali, Sushruta, Charaka, Vagbhata, Nichiren, Hsu Yun, Hsuan Hua, Shen Kai, Tenzin Gyatso, Kyabje Zopa, Ajahn Chah, Vasant Lad, and other modern day masters. We consider them to be in accord with Tripitaka Master ]]Hsuan Hua]]\u2019s \"Seven Guidelines for Recognizing Genuine Teachers\" Nalanda Online University's teachings are based especially on the Dharma Flower Lotus Sutra, the Avatamsaka Sutra, the Shurangama Sutra, the Ksitigarbha Sutra, the Bhaisajya Guru Sutra, the Dharani Sutra, the Vajra Sutra, the Prajna Paramita Hridayam Heart Sutra, the Guhyasamaja, the Kalachakra, the Vajrayogini and Heruka Tantras and their commentaries (shastras) by the above Arya Tripitakacharya Dharma Masters. Fair Use Compilation Sources for the Above Material on the Teachings of the Buddha Dharma and Sangha: Primary Fair Use Compilation Source: Epstein, Ronald B., Ph.D, compiler, Buddhist Text Translation Society's Buddhism A to Z, Burlingame, California: Buddhist Text Translation Society, 2003. ISBN 0881393533 Paperback: 284 pages. www.Amazon.com Secondary Fair Use Compilation Source: The Seeker\u2019s Glossary of Buddhism, 2nd ed., San Francisco, California: Sutra Translation Committee of the United States and Canada, 1998: Secondary Fair Use Compilation Source: Muller, Charles, editor, Digital Dictionary of Buddhism [DDB], Toyo Gakuen University, Japan, 2007: Username is \"guest\", with no password. - Based in large part on the Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms with Sanskrit and English Equivalents (by Soothill and Hodous) Delhi, India: Motilal Banarsidass, 1997. Secondary Fair Use Compilation Source: Ehrhard, Diener, Fischer, et al, The Shambhala Dictionary of Buddhism and Zen, Boston, Massachusetts: Shambhala Publications, 1991. 296 pages. ISBN 978-0-87773-520-5 , , Click here for a list of Buddhist Distance Learning Programs without Ayurveda included. For affordable donation-only extensive Buddhist Ayurveda Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Distance Learning Program Certification, call Medicine Buddha Healing Center at 510-292-6696. The non-profit Ayurveda Healing Arts Institute (part of the Medicine Buddha Healing Center) offers affordable yet comprehensive distance learning (online correspondence course with regular phone support) and in-person apprenticeship formats leading to specialized Indian and Tibetan Ayur-Vedic Herbal Certifications and Ayur-Veda Diplomas. \u2022 Taught by highly experienced degreed faculty clinicians and scholars. Our main teacher has served over 5600 patients since 1996, 1900 patients with Dr. Vasant Lad during his formal six-year, 1800 hour clinical apprenticeship. \u2022 The most comprehensive Clinical multimedia audio and HDTV video-based Ayurvedic distance learning program on the Planet. \u2022 MP3 recordings of over 2000 Patient Consultations for Clinical Experience. Searchable database of photographs of tongue diagnosis and iPod - iPhone compatible audio files of our main Berkeley Ayurvedic Practitioner's client visits. \u2022 The Ayurveda Healing Arts Institute is currently the only educational program in the world to offer such an extensive collection of organized Ayurvedic clinical research of patient case studies (over 1500 hours worth of consultation audio recordings). To enroll as an Apprenticeship Intern Student, please see - 9 minute Indo-Tibetan Medicine Video Clips -- Do please Subscribe to our Ayurved Channel on YouTube! Dedication of Merit Contents | Main Page - Ayurvedic Distance Learning Programs - Ayurveda Correspondence Courses | | The Dharma is a Priceless Jewel, thus these research compilations of Ayurveda Dharma and audio and video teaching materials are offered free-of-charge by this anonymous practitioner for the Bodhi Resolve benefit of All Sentient Beings in the Universe under a Creative Commons License. The rights to textual segments (\"quoted, paraphrased, or excerpted\") of the are owned by the author-publisher indicated in the brackets next to each segment and are make available and commented on (under the \"shastra tradition\") under Fair Use. For rights regarding the Buddhist Encyclopaedia - Glossary - Dictionary compilation as a whole, please know that it is offered under this Creative Commons License: Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States: Ayurveda Dharma is distributed via this GNU Free Documentation License (FDL) and/or under Creative Commons License Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States: . Since words create our reality (see prajna), there are certain words to avoid: Please see also: Words to Avoid Medicine Buddha Mantra: Om Namo Bhagavate Bhaisajya Guru Vaidurya Prabaha Rajaya Tathagataya Arhate Samyamsambodhi Tadyata Om Bhaisajye Bhaisajye Bhaisajya Samudgate Svaha! Medicine King Bodhisattva Jeweled Ax Mantra 16 (Line 64 of the Great Compassion Mantra of Avalokiteshvara): Syi lu seng e mu chywe ye Nan Wei la ye Wei la ye Sa wa he."@en . . "3795"^^ . "vrare"@en . "Religi\u00F6se Figur"@de . . "+2"@en . "Jupiter of the Monkey - Cat Street"@en . "Einige Einwohner von Shady Sands sagen, dass sie Anh\u00E4nger von Dharma sind. In unserer Welt ist es ein Sanskrit-Wort das \"Recht\" oder \"der Weg\" bedeutet. F\u00FCr einen praktizierenden Buddhisten wird Dharma dazu verwendet die Lehren Buddhas zu verstehen. Aradesh sagt das Dharma ein religi\u00F6ser Mann war. Es ist nicht bekannt ob er Buddha meinte oder einen anderen Vorkiegs- oder Nachkriegs religi\u00F6sen F\u00FChrer einer neuen dharmic Religion. Er wird von Aradesh, Seth, Aghata und Katrina erw\u00E4hnt."@de . . . "none"@en . "Large Talon"@en . . "Squash"@en . "Attack Crusher"@en . . . . . "File:Dharma.png Write the text of your article here!"@en . "Dharma"@pl . . "(Departamento de Heur\u00EDstica e Pesquisa de Aplica\u00E7\u00F5es Materiais) Heur\u00EDstica = \"Conjunto de regras e m\u00E9todos que conduzem \u00E0 descoberta, \u00E0 inven\u00E7\u00E3o e \u00E0 resolu\u00E7\u00E3o de problemas\" LostLexicon"@en . . "Thread"@en . "Einige Einwohner von Shady Sands sagen, dass sie Anh\u00E4nger von Dharma sind. In unserer Welt ist es ein Sanskrit-Wort das \"Recht\" oder \"der Weg\" bedeutet. F\u00FCr einen praktizierenden Buddhisten wird Dharma dazu verwendet die Lehren Buddhas zu verstehen. Aradesh sagt das Dharma ein religi\u00F6ser Mann war. Es ist nicht bekannt ob er Buddha meinte oder einen anderen Vorkiegs- oder Nachkriegs religi\u00F6sen F\u00FChrer einer neuen dharmic Religion. Er wird von Aradesh, Seth, Aghata und Katrina erw\u00E4hnt."@de . "0"^^ . . "Dharma (Sanskrit, m., \u0927\u0930\u094D\u092E, dharma) ist ein Begriff aus der buddhistischen Religion und hei\u00DFt soviel wie Weg, Moral, Religion. Ist der Weg zum Nirwana besonders schwer, so spricht man vom Dickdharma, f\u00E4llt es eher leicht, ein tugendhaftes Leben zu f\u00FChren, definiert man das als D\u00FCnndharma. Geht der spiritulle Entwicklungsproze\u00DF \u00FCberhaupt nicht voran, dann hat man einen Dharmaverschluss. In Berlin kriegt man an Imbisst\u00E4nden oft die Frage gestellt: \"Currywurst mit oder ohne Dharma\", was belegt, dass die Berliner Kultur ma\u00DFgeblich von der buddhistischen Religion beinflu\u00DFt ist."@de . "Manga"@en . . . "20"^^ . "Yuria's former guardian & predecessor"@en . . . "2"^^ . "Black Out"@en . "Dharma was the soul duty of a Rokugani, their destiny and place in the Celestial Order. How well they performed this duty was measured in their Kharma."@en . "Neku: ATK +1"@en . . "---"@en . . . . . "Dharma - wieloznaczny termin wyst\u0119puj\u0105cy w religiach dharmicznych, np. w buddyzmie i hinduizmie. Postaciami, kt\u00F3re si\u0119 nim pos\u0142uguj\u0105 s\u0105 mieszka\u0144cy Cienistych Piask\u00F3w Agatha, Seth i Katrina."@pl . "156"^^ . "Jupiter of the Monkey - Cat Street"@en . . . "Dharma (\u30C0\u30FC\u30DE D\u0101ma?) is a virus from Mega Man Battle Network 4 and Rockman.EXE 4.5 Real Operation. It shoots hockey pucks across the field. The pucks bounce off in a manner that can be difficult to predict. It will pause before it launches hockey pucks. Higher level variants can lay mines on the target's side of the field."@en . . . "FO1"@en . . . "Land Insecta Talon"@en . . . "Large Grand Beetle Talon"@en . "#FFF"@en . "y"@en . . . . . . "Dharma"@de . "Magadha, Bengalian Rulers - \u0392\u03B1\u03C3\u03B9\u03BB\u03AD\u03B1\u03C2 \u03C4\u03B7\u03C2 \u039C\u03B1\u03B3\u03B1\u03B4\u03AF\u03B1\u03C2. - \u03A7\u03C1\u03BF\u03BD\u03B9\u03BA\u03AE \u03A0\u03B5\u03C1\u03AF\u03BF\u03B4\u03BF\u03C2 \u0394\u03B9\u03B1\u03BA\u03C5\u03B2\u03AD\u03C1\u03BD\u03B7\u03C3\u03B7\u03C2: \u03A0\u03C1\u03C9\u03C4\u03BF-\u0399\u03BD\u03B4\u03B9\u03BA\u03AE \u0395\u03C0\u03BF\u03C7\u03AE, 17\u03BF\u03C2 \u0391\u03B9\u03CE\u03BD\u03B1\u03C2 \u03C0.\u03A7. - \u0393\u03AD\u03BD\u03BD\u03B7\u03C3\u03B7: - \u0398\u03AC\u03BD\u03B1\u03C4\u03BF\u03C2:"@el . "none"@de . . "y"@en . . "This two-tone tank fashioned from space-age fabrics makes a bold statement. Neku's been wearing his nearly non-stop."@en . "+15"@en . . "(Departamento de Heur\u00EDstica e Pesquisa de Aplica\u00E7\u00F5es Materiais) Heur\u00EDstica = \"Conjunto de regras e m\u00E9todos que conduzem \u00E0 descoberta, \u00E0 inven\u00E7\u00E3o e \u00E0 resolu\u00E7\u00E3o de problemas\" LostLexicon"@en . . . "129672"^^ . . "Some people in Shady Sands say that they are the followers of Dharma. In our world, dharma is a Sanskrit word roughly translatable as \"law\" or \"the way\", and, for practicing Buddhists, dharma is used to mean the teachings of the Buddha. It is also used to refer to other old-world Indian belief systems, including Hinduism, Jainism, and Sikhism. Aradesh says that Dharma was a great religious man. It is unknown whether he means Buddha or some other pre-War or post-War religious leader of some new dharmic religion. Characters who reference Dharma in the game are Aradesh, Agatha, Seth and Katrina."@en . . . "NOTE: ALL DATA IS FOR US/EU VERSION.There are many differences in item stats with the Japanese version."@en . "weekly"@en . . "Religious figure"@en . "When Neku wears this, his Attack increases."@en . "Dharma, DharmaEX, Karma, KarmaEX, Dogma, DogmaEX"@en . "NOTE: ALL DATA IS FOR US/EU VERSION.There are many differences in item stats with the Japanese version."@en .