"Larry Clemmons"@en . ""@en . . . "4000000.0"^^ . . . . . "Eric Cleworth"@en . . "Pages"@en . . "Original theatrical release poster"@en . "Aristogatos.jpg"@es . . . . . "A man walks into a Disney talent agency and says, \"Have I got an act for you!\". The agent leans back in his chair and says, \"Okay, tell me about this act.\" The man begins: \"Talking cats! \"Paris, 1910. The fabulously wealthy retired opera singer Madame Adelaide Bonfamille has decided to leave her entire fortune to her high-society pet cats. Her butler, Edgar, wanting the fortune for himself, drugs the felines with sleeping pills and abandons them in the French countryside... the night after the will was made... which isn't the least bit suspicious. \"Unlike cats in the real world, classy Duchess and her three kittens decide to make their way back home with the help of streetwise alley cat Thomas O'Malley. Along the way, he takes them to hang out with his alley cat friends, who treat the pets to some anachronistic jazz music (accompanied by even more anachronistic psychedelic graphics). No prizes for guessing the ending: Duchess hooks up with Thomas O'Malley, and Edgar gets what's coming to him courtesy of the alley cats.\" The agent looks baffled. \"Wow... what do you call an act like that?\" And the man replies with a smile, \"The Aristocats!\" \"I think you're on the wrong page -- this is about the Disney Animation, the filthy joke is The Aristocrats.\" \n* Aluminum Christmas Trees: Yes, they did have motorcycles in 1910. They were invented in 1885. Likewise, the M\u00E9tro 1 opened in 1900. \n* Anachronism Stew: On the other hand, swing music and a hippie cat in 1910. \n* Though, jazz was emerging... \n* In a children's book of the film, they say that jazz comes from America, meaning one of the cats they met brought it to Paris. \n* Then again, talking cats didn't come around 'till at least the '80s. \n* Some of the cars and trucks seen in the film appears to be from the 1960s. Justified, considering where Disney got those vehicles from. \n* Animal Talk: At the very least, cats, horses, mice and geese all speak the same language; a couple of talking dogs also appear, but we never see them interact with the cats. \n* A joke right near the end implies that either Madame can speak the animal language, or she just believes they speak. \n* Anti-Villain: Edgar is one of the few Disney Villains - if not the only one - who is not exactly pure evil; while he is greedy, he does not seem to be cruel. It would have been easy for him to just kill Duchess and her kittens, but instead, he chose to kidnap them and release them into the wild---and when that didn't work, he decides to send them to Timbuktu. Moreover, he's shown to have more redeeming features and is never willing to kill anyone. \n* Author Existence Failure This was Walt Disney's final film. He died during the late stages of its production. \n* Big \"Shut Up!\" \n* Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: The three kittens: Marie (white), Berlioz (dark) and Toulouse (orange). \n* Bunny Ears Lawyer: Madame's attorney who has to be interrupted during an impromptu rendition of Carmen to actually work on a will. \n* Butt Monkey: Edgar. Also, Lafayette and Napoleon at times. \n* The Butler Did It: Edgar is Disney's epitome of this. \n* Caligula's Horse: A rare protagonistic version, as Madame intended to have her estate be given to her pet cats. \n* Captain Ethnic: O'Malley's pal, Scat Cat, who was modeled on (and almost voiced by) Louis Armstrong, leads a jazz band consisting of alley cats from England, Italy, Russia and China. All are stereotypical to an extent, especially the Chinese one. \n* Scat Cat also bears no small resemblance to his voice Scatman Crothers. \n* Casanova: Implied with O'Malley, who lathers Duchess in praise like a pro. He later seems surprised by how true his comments were. \n* Cats Are Mean: Averted by the kindly Duchess and her kittens who are friends with a mouse named Roquefort. Used straight when Scat Cat's gang tries to eat Roquefort, then immediately subverted when he manages to spit out O'Malley's name and tell them Duchess and the kittens are in trouble -- they run off to go help. \n* Cats Have Nine Lives: The reason Edgar wants the cats out of the way; he figures that he will never inherit Madame's fortune because the cats will outlive him. \n* Considering Edgar's age and that cats can live for over 20 years, he could be right about them outliving him even if he's wrong about the nine lives. \n* Cat Stereotype: Thomas O'Malley is a Lovable Rogue orange or cinnamon male cat and Duchess is an upper-class all-white female cat. Also, Toulouse (an orange male kitten) and Marie (an all-white female kitten) fit orange cat and white cat stereotypes respectively. However, Berlioz (a grey male kitten) doesn't fit any of the grey cat stereotypes. \n* Chekhovs Gunmen: Roquefort, Frou-Frou, and Scat Cat and his gang. \n* Cloudcuckoolander: George and Uncle Waldo. \n* Cool Cat: A major theme of the movie. From upbeat wanderer Thomas O'Malley, to collectedly refined Duchess, to swingin' hep cat Scat Cat, the moral of the story is \"nothing keeps a good cat down.\" \n* Cute Kitten: But, of course! \n* The Danza: Contrary to popular belief, Scat Cat was not originally intended to be voiced by Scatman Crothers, but by Louis Armstrong. It was, in fact, a coincidence when Armstrong turned the role down and it ended up going to Crothers, who just so happened to have a similar nickname. \n* Deep South/Not Even Bothering with the Accent: Despite the film's setting being in and around Paris, Napoleon and Lafayette - the two rural dogs - spoke with a distinctly Southern American accent. It won't be the last time their voice actors do this, either. \n* Possibly the dogs and their owners immigrated from Louisiana? \n* Department of Redundancy Department: \n* Disappeared Dad: The father of the kittens is never seen or mentioned, although they express hope that O'Malley will take up the job which he does. \n* Given the different looks and ages of Berlioz and Toulouse, there was probably more than one father actually. \n* That's how it usually is with cats, actually. Fridge Brilliance, anyone? \n* A sequel storybook was written sometime in the 80s. It obviously takes place after the movie as the geese sisters show up. But, O'Malley is completely absent from the story! Hmmm... \n* Disney Acid Sequence: Both uses of \"Ev'rybody Wants To Be A Cat\". \n* Disney Animated Canon: Depending on how you look at it, this film is either the last of Disney's \"Golden Era\", or the beginning of their Dark Age. It was the last movie Walt personally green-lit before his death, but the first he never worked on directly (The Jungle Book was the last film he produced). \n* Distressed Damsel: Duchess and Marie both fall under this trope. \n* Distressed Dude: O'Malley bravely dives into the water to save Marie, but it backfires when he himself can't swim back to shore and has to be rescued by two geese. Or, alternatively, from said geese. \n* Expy/Pigeonholed Voice Actor: O'Malley has a similar personality (and the same voice actor, Phil Harris) as Baloo from The Jungle Book. Harris would play another, even more blatant, expy of Baloo as Little John in Robin Hood. \n* The Geese sisters Abigail and Amelia are based on the \"Pigeon Sisters\" from The Odd Couple movie and are voiced by the same actresses, who went on to voice Maid Marian and Lady Cluck in Robin Hood. \n* The whole movie, plot-wise, is essentially One Hundred and One Dalmatians but in France, with cats, and with a much less Ax Crazy villain. With a dash of Lady and the Tramp thrown in for good measure. \n* The Edwardian Era \n* Fantastic Racism: Two words--Shun Gon. \n* French Cuisine Is Haughty: Featured a dish called Prime Country Goose a la Proven\u00E7ale, which is apparently \"stuffed with chestnuts\" and \"basted in white wine.\" \n* Freudian Excuse: Edgar served Madame Bonafamille faithful and loyally all his life for having her leaving all her fortune to her cats which don't even know what is it. \n* Grandma, What Massive Hotness You Have!: Okay, admit it. Madame Bonfamille's pretty hot for an lady her age. This is actually most noticeable during the scene where she is shown climbing out of her bed and discovering that her cats are gone. \n* G-Rated Sex: While it's obvious the kittens had a biological father, no one ever really talks about it. \n* Gay Paree \n* Germans Love David Hasselhoff: Marie is getting a disproportionate amount of attention in Japan, and is more frequently featured in the Disneyland Tokyo. The reason why? Japanese love kittens.. \n* Getting Crap Past the Radar: Seriously, have you ever paid attention to the lyrics of Ev'rybody Wants To Be A Cat? \n* \n* Don't forget that one of the characters (Uncle Waldo) is implied to be completely drunk in his debut scene. Lampshaded during this scene: \n* \n* The scene with a sleepy Napoleon and Lafayette and a back-scratching Edgar is fairly full of innuendo. \n* Madame revealing herself to be extremely beautiful at night. \n* Hey, It's That Voice!: Chief is Napoleon. \n* Baloo is O'Malley. \n* Tigger is Shun Gon. \n* Hoist by His Own Petard: See \"Tempting Fate\". \n* Horrible Judge of Character: Averted with Toulouse, who is pretty much the only character who suspects Edgar from the beginning. \n* Hot Mom: Duchess, as far as the cat world is concerned. \n* Human Mail: Edgar attempts to mail the kittens and cats away to Timbuktu at the end of film. In the end, he himself gets thrown into the chest, and is mailed off. \n* Humiliation Conga: Edgar suffers three of these: twice when running into Napoleon and LaFayette, and once more as he is first attacked by O'Malley and Scat Cat's gang, then gets restrained in a halter, a bucket dumped on his head, kicked by a horse and finally sent to Timbuktu instead of Duchess and her kittens (as he had intended). \n* Hypocritical Humor: \"That old birdcage? Poppycock! Elevators are for old people!\" said by the lawyer, who has to be well into his 200s. \n* I See London: Edgar, repeatedly. \n* Illegal Guardian: Edgar. \n* Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain \n* Jerkass: The milk truck driver. \n* Jerkass Has a Point: Some fans don't blame Edgar for trying to get rid of the cats (not killing them) - come on now ! You have to wait some cats will die before inheriting a fortune?!? \n* Except that he basically did inherit everything. He'd get to live in the house, have access to all of the money, and in exchange, all he had to do was take care of the cats to fulfill the requirements of the will. \n* Given how long he'd worked for her, it seems like taking care of her beloved cats after her death was the least he could do if she was still providing for all of them. He was just unwilling to do it. \n* The Jimmy Hart Version: The Goose Sisters' theme music is remarkably similar to \"Baby Elephant Walk\". \n* The Kids Are American: And their mother is Hungarian. \n* Large Ham: Uncle Waldo, Georges, Lafayette, and Edgar. \n* Lightning Reveal: As Madame lifts the curtain on the cats' bed. \n* The Load: Not only did Marie need constant saving, O'Malley eventually ends up carrying her on his back. \n* To be fair she is just a kitten... \n* Meaningful Name: Translated from French, Madame Adelaide Bonfamille's last name literally means \"good family\". \n* And her first name comes from a Germanic word meaning \"of a noble kind\". \n* Mid-Battle Tea Break: QUIET! \n* Murder Is the Best Solution: Totally subverted. Edgar is shown to be never willing to kill Duchess and her kittens, but just to send'em away from him. \n* Musicalis Interruptus: Near the end when Roquefort is trying to crack the lock on trunk holding the cats. \n* Mysterious Animal Senses: Just from sound, Napoleon can tell what size and shape shoes Edgar is wearing (though colour? That's just ridiculous), and can also identify a one-wheeled haystack. \n* \n* And they ARE black... \n* Nice Mice: Roquefort. \n* No Fourth Wall: The last scene. \n* No More for Me: At one point, a man sees Scat Cat and his gang run past, with Roquefort apparently in hot pursuit (he's just trying to catch up so he can tell them where they're headed) and promptly pours away his bottle of wine. \n* One-Scene Wonder: Bill Thompson as the hilariously drunk Uncle Waldo. \n* Even the main characters comment on it. \"I like Uncle Waldo.\" \"Yes, especially when he's 'marinated.'\" \n* Unfortunately, this was also Bill Thompson's final role in an animated film, due to him dying of a heart attack a few months later. \n* Overly Long Name: Thomas O'Malley's full name is Abraham De Lacey Gi-u-sep-pe Casey Thomas O'Malley. He introduces himself with an \"I Am\" Song based on the name. \n* Lampshaded by Duchess: \n* \n* He later calls himself \"J. Thomas O'Malley\", so it's possible the Overly Long Name is just something he made for the song. \n* Papa Wolf: O'Malley. \n* Parent with New Paramour: Duchess and Thomas. \n* Parental Bonus: Most young children won't catch the pun on \"aristocrats,\" but their parents will. \n* Pet Heir \n* Pun-Based Title: Let me guess...they're cats from the upper class? \n* Railroad Tracks of Doom \n* Sarcasm Mode: Although O'Malley's compliments of Duchess seem fairly genuine, the way he lathers the geese seems to be dripping with sarcasm. \n* Say My Name: O'Malley learns Marie's name solely due to the number of times Duchess yells it when she gets into trouble. \n* Shout-Out: The kitten Berlioz is learning to play piano, while his brother Toulouse is a painter. \n* This isn't the first animated Disney film to feature a moving van in the climax. In fact, they even simply used the exact same van for the one the cats use to dispose Edgar at the end of the film! \n* Shun Gon apparantly bears some resemblance to the Siamese cats in Lady and the Tramp. \n* Smug Snake: Edgar becomes this when he thinks he's gotten rid of the cats for good. \n* Spit Take: Edgar, when he hears meowing at the door. \n* Spoiled Brat: Marie acts like one sometimes. \n* Straight Man: Napoleon. \n* Stock Footage: It's pretty clear Disney was already experiencing the financial woes that forced them to make their next film, Robin Hood, so economically. The difference here is that the recycled animation is also from this film. This shot and this shot occur less than three minutes apart from each other in the movie. \n* Many of the vehicles in the film are actually recycled from One Hundred and One Dalmatians, especially the Baduns' truck and the moving van. Because of time and money constraints, rather than give both the milk truck and the baggage van completely original designs, Disney simply reused those two vehicles for these roles in this film, respectively. \n* Street Smart: O'Malley. \n* Talking Animal: To be specific, translated animal. \n* Tempting Fate: \"You're going to Timbuktu if it's the last thing I do!\" Guess who ends up going there instead! \n* \"It's not exactly the Ritz but it's peaceful and quiet an-\" Cue the lights turned on and Scat Cat and the gang playing music. \n* That's All Folks: The dogs at the end of the film. \n* That Was Not a Dream: Toulouse wakes up while being kidnapped. He somehow gets back to sleep, and when he wakes up again, he dismisses the events as a dream at first. \n* It happened to Madame, too, although her dream probably didn't show Edgar committing the deed, or she'd have suspected him. \n* Theme Naming: Toulouse, Berlioz, Napoleon, LaFayette... \n* Those Two Dogs: Napoleon and LaFayette. \n* What Song Was This Again?: \"Ev'rybody Wants To Be A Cat\" becomes Every cat is a musician in the Greek version, \"Everyone wants to play some Jazz\" in the Italian version, and \"Cats need lots of music\" in the German version. \n* White and Grey Morality: The protagonists are a family of good cats. The antagonist is a greedy butler who, on the other hand, probably served faithfully Madame Bonfamille the whole life and he arguably had rights to the inehritance. \n* Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Edgar basically \"turned evil\" after he learns all the inheritance will pass to the cats. \n* You Fail Animal Care Forever: Pouring half a bottle of sleeping pills into a bowl of milk and feeding it to cats is a fantastic way to get them killed. If nothing else, it will do a mouse in quickly. \n* But cats have nine lives! At least, that's what Edward thinks!"@en . . . . . . . "Author"@en . . . "Type"@en . . "English"@en . . . . "4680.0"^^ . . . . "(The Disneycember logo is shown, before showing clips from The Aristocats. The song \"The Aristocats\" plays in the background) Doug (vo): If you want a film that sums up all the forget-ability about Disney, I'd probably point to The Aristocats. I've only seen this movie once or twice in my life, and every time I have, I totally forgotten that I even watched it. Again, like most Disney movies, there's nothing really that terrible about it, I just can't find anything really spectacular about it, or even that good. Disney movies like this really annoy me, though, because it's just being cutsey for the sake of being cutsey. Okay, what's the story?"@en . "The Aristocats (also stylized as The AristoCats) is a 1970 animated film produced by Walt Disney Productions and released on December 24, 1970. The 20th animated feature in the Disney Animated Canon, the film is based on a story by Tom McGowan and Tom Rowe, and revolves around a family of aristocratic cats, and how an alley cat acquaintance helps them after the butler Edgar catnaps them to gain his mistress' fortune, which was meant to go to them. The title is a pun on the word aristocrats. The film's basic idea\u2014 an animated romantic musical comedy about talking cats in France \u2014had previously been used in the UPA animated feature Gay Purr-ee. Disney began production of a sequel, The Aristocats II, in December 2005, set to release in 2007, but production was cancelled in early 2006. The film is noted for being along with The Jungle Book (1967) the last film project to be approved by Walt Disney himself, as he died in late 1966, before the film was released. While the film gained overall favorable reviews and a solid box office performance, it did not match the earlier succces of 101 Dalmatians or The Jungle Book. Today, while the film is very iconic, it is seen as a modest success by the Disney company."@en . "4680.0"^^ . . . . "In Paris in 1910, a mother cat named Duchess and her three kittens, Marie, Berlioz, and Toulouse, live in the mansion of retired opera diva Madame Adelaide Bonfamille, along with her English butler, Edgar. While preparing her will with her lawyer Georges Hautecourt, an aged, eccentric old friend of hers, she declares that she wants her fortune to be left to her cats, who will retain it until their deaths, upon which her fortune will revert to Edgar. Edgar hears this from his own room through a speaking tube, but he is unwilling to wait for the inheritance, and plots to eliminate the cats. He sedates the cats by putting sleeping pills into their food and heads out into the countryside to abandon them. However, he is ambushed by two hounds, named Napoleon and Lafayette, and loses the cats during the chase. The cats are unharmed, but stranded in the countryside, while Madame Adelaide, Roquefort the mouse, and Frou-Frou the horse discover their absence. In the morning, Duchess meets an alley cat named Thomas O'Malley, who offers to guide her and the kittens to Paris. The group briefly hitchhikes on the back of a milk cart before being chased off by the driver. Later, while crossing a railroad trestle, the cats narrowly avoid an oncoming train, but Marie falls into a river and is saved by O'Malley. O\u2019Malley is himself rescued by a pair of English geese, Amelia and Abigail Gabble, who are on a tour of France and accompany the cats back to Paris. Edgar, meanwhile, returns to retrieve various articles from Napoleon and Lafayette, albeit with some difficulty, knowing that it is the only evidence that could incriminate him. Travelling across the rooftops of the city, the cats meet Scat Cat and his band, close friends to O'Malley, who perform the scat song Ev'rybody Wants to Be a Cat. After the band has departed and the kittens lie in bed, O'Malley and Duchess spend the evening on a nearby rooftop and talk, while the kittens listen at a windowsill. Although Duchess has feelings for O\u2019Malley, her loyalty to Madame prompts her to decline his advances. The cats return to the mansion, but Edgar sees them coming and captures them, places them in a sack and prepares to ship them to Timbuktu. The cats tell Roquefort to pursue O'Malley and get help. He does so, whereupon O'Malley races back to the mansion, ordering Roquefort to find Scat Cat and his gang. The alley cats and Frou-Frou fight Edgar, while Roquefort frees Duchess and the kittens. In the end, Edgar is tipped into the trunk, locked inside, and sent to Timbuktu himself. Madame Adelaide's will is rewritten to exclude Edgar, with Madame expressing surprise at Edgar\u2019s sudden departure. After adopting O\u2019Malley into the family, Madame also decides to start a charity foundation providing a home for all of Paris' stray cats."@en . . . . . . . . "First year published"@en . . "Winston Hibler"@en . "Frank Thomas"@en . . "In Paris in 1910, a mother cat named Duchess and her three kittens, Marie, Berlioz, and Toulouse, live in the mansion of retired opera diva Madame Adelaide Bonfamille, along with her English butler, Edgar. While preparing her will with her lawyer Georges Hautecourt, an aged, eccentric old friend of hers, she declares that she wants her fortune to be left to her cats, who will retain it until their deaths, upon which her fortune will revert to Edgar. Edgar hears this from his own room through a speaking tube, but he is unwilling to wait for the inheritance, and plots to eliminate the cats. He sedates the cats by putting sleeping pills into their food and heads out into the countryside to abandon them. However, he is ambushed by two hounds, named Napoleon and Lafayette, and loses the cats du"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Aristocats is a 1970 American animated feature produced and released by Walt Disney Productions in 1970 and features the voices of Eva Gabor, Phil Harris, and Roddy Maude-Roxby. The 20th animated Disney feature, the film is based on a story by Tom McGowan and Tom Rowe, and revolves around a family of aristocratic cats, and how an alley cat acquaintance helps them after a butler has kidnapped them to gain his mistress' fortune which was meant to go to them. It was originally released to theaters by Buena Vista Distribution on December 11, 1970."@en . . "The Aristocats (Los Aristogatos en espa\u00F1ol) es una pel\u00EDcula de 1970 de Walt Disney Pictures dirigida por Wolgfan Reither."@es . . . . . . . . . . . . "5.5675257E7"^^ . . . . . . . . "Animaci\u00F3n, musical"@es . . "Ralph Wright"@en . . "Eric Cleworth"@en . . . . . . "Title and short intro here."@en . "A man walks into a Disney talent agency and says, \"Have I got an act for you!\". The agent leans back in his chair and says, \"Okay, tell me about this act.\" The man begins: \"Talking cats! \"Paris, 1910. The fabulously wealthy retired opera singer Madame Adelaide Bonfamille has decided to leave her entire fortune to her high-society pet cats. Her butler, Edgar, wanting the fortune for himself, drugs the felines with sleeping pills and abandons them in the French countryside... the night after the will was made... which isn't the least bit suspicious."@en . . . . . . . "Ken Anderson"@en . . . . . . . . . ".jpg"@en . "Tom McGowan"@en . . . . . . "5.57E7"^^ . . . . "Larry Clemmons"@en . "$55.7 million'''"@en . "The Aristocats is a 1970 American animated feature film produced and released by Walt Disney Productions and features the voices of Eva Gabor, Hermione Baddeley, Phil Harris, Dean Clark, Sterling Holloway, Scatman Crothers, and Roddy Maude-Roxby. The 20th animated feature in the Walt Disney Animated Classics series, the film is based on a story by Tom McGowan and Tom Rowe, and revolves around a family of aristocratic cats, and how an alley cat acquaintance helps them after a butler has kidnapped them to gain his mistress' fortune which was intended to go to them. It was originally released to theaters by Buena Vista Distribution on December 11, 1970. The film is noted for being the last film project to actually be approved by Walt Disney himself, as he died in late 1966, before the film was released. He had, however, been working in the story development for The Rescuers (1977) as early as 1962. The Aristocats gained positive reviews on first release and was a box office success."@en . . . . . "Vance Garry"@en . "Julius Svendsen"@en . . . . . . "(The Disneycember logo is shown, before showing clips from The Aristocats. The song \"The Aristocats\" plays in the background) Doug (vo): If you want a film that sums up all the forget-ability about Disney, I'd probably point to The Aristocats. I've only seen this movie once or twice in my life, and every time I have, I totally forgotten that I even watched it. Again, like most Disney movies, there's nothing really that terrible about it, I just can't find anything really spectacular about it, or even that good. Disney movies like this really annoy me, though, because it's just being cutsey for the sake of being cutsey. Okay, what's the story?"@en . "The Aristocats"@en . . . . . "Eric Cleworth"@en . . . . . "The film is noted for being the last film project to actually be approved by Walt Disney himself, as he died in late 1966, before the film was released. He had, however, been working in the story development for The Rescuers (1977) as early as 1962. The Aristocats gained positive reviews on first release and was a box office success."@en . "1970-12-11"^^ . . . . . "The Aristocats"@es . . . . . . . "Title and short intro here."@en . . . . "You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=The Aristocats/preload editintro=The Aristocats/editintro width=25 The Aristocats is a 1970 American animated feature film produced and released by Walt Disney Productions and features the voices of Eva Gabor, Hermione Baddeley, Phil Harris, Dean Clark, Sterling Holloway, Scatman Crothers, and Roddy Maude-Roxby. The 20th animated feature in the Walt Disney Animated Classics, the film is based on a story by Tom McGowan and Tom Rowe, and revolves around a family of aristocratic cats, and how an alley cat acquaintance helps them after a butler has kidnapped them to gain his mistress\u2019s fortune which was intended to go to them. It was originally released to theaters by Buena Vista Distribution on December 11, 1970. The film is noted for being the last film project to actually be approved by Walt Disney himself, as he died in late 1966, before the film was released. He had, however, been working on the story development for The Rescuers (1977) as early as 1962. The Aristocats gained positive reviews on first release and was a box office success. __TOC__"@en . . "200"^^ . "The Aristocats (Los Aristogatos en espa\u00F1ol) es una pel\u00EDcula de 1970 de Walt Disney Pictures dirigida por Wolgfan Reither."@es . . . . . "225"^^ . "Vance Garry"@en . "The Aristocats is a 1970 American animated feature film produced and released by Walt Disney Productions and features the voices of Eva Gabor, Hermione Baddeley, Phil Harris, Dean Clark, Sterling Holloway, Scatman Crothers, and Roddy Maude-Roxby. The 20th animated feature in the Walt Disney Animated Classics series, the film is based on a story by Tom McGowan and Tom Rowe, and revolves around a family of aristocratic cats, and how an alley cat acquaintance helps them after a butler has kidnapped them to gain his mistress' fortune which was intended to go to them. It was originally released to theaters by Buena Vista Distribution on December 11, 1970."@en . . . . . "--12-11"^^ . . . "The Jungle Book"@en . . "Walt Disney"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "United States"@en . . "The Aristocats"@en . . "You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=The Aristocats/preload editintro=The Aristocats/editintro width=25 The Aristocats is a 1970 American animated feature film produced and released by Walt Disney Productions and features the voices of Eva Gabor, Hermione Baddeley, Phil Harris, Dean Clark, Sterling Holloway, Scatman Crothers, and Roddy Maude-Roxby. The 20th animated feature in the Walt Disney Animated Classics, the film is based on a story by Tom McGowan and Tom Rowe, and revolves around a family of aristocratic cats, and how an alley cat acquaintance helps them after a butler has kidnapped them to gain his mistress\u2019s fortune which was intended to go to them. It was originally released to theaters by Buena Vista Distribution on December 11, 1970."@en . . . . . . . . . "Frank Thomas"@en . . . . . "The Aristocats is a 1970 American animated feature produced and released by Walt Disney Productions in 1970 and features the voices of Eva Gabor, Phil Harris, and Roddy Maude-Roxby. The 20th animated Disney feature, the film is based on a story by Tom McGowan and Tom Rowe, and revolves around a family of aristocratic cats, and how an alley cat acquaintance helps them after a butler has kidnapped them to gain his mistress' fortune which was meant to go to them. It was originally released to theaters by Buena Vista Distribution on December 11, 1970."@en . . . . . "Illustrator"@en . . . "Los Aristogatos"@es . . . . . . . . . . . "The Aristocats (also stylized as The AristoCats) is a 1970 animated film produced by Walt Disney Productions and released on December 24, 1970. The 20th animated feature in the Disney Animated Canon, the film is based on a story by Tom McGowan and Tom Rowe, and revolves around a family of aristocratic cats, and how an alley cat acquaintance helps them after the butler Edgar catnaps them to gain his mistress' fortune, which was meant to go to them. The title is a pun on the word aristocrats. The film's basic idea\u2014 an animated romantic musical comedy about talking cats in France \u2014had previously been used in the UPA animated feature Gay Purr-ee."@en . "Wolfgang Reitherman"@en . "4740.0"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "Frank Thomas"@en . . "Edition"@en . ""@en . . . "Julius Svendsen"@en . "Vance Garry"@en . . "Score:"@en . . . . . . . "\u201CThe Aristocats\u201D by Tom McGowan and Tom Rowe"@en . . . . "Theme"@en . . . . . . . . . . "1970-12-24"^^ . "Tom Rowe"@en . . . . . . "Robin Hood"@en . "The film is noted for being the last film project to actually be approved by Walt Disney himself, as he died in late 1966, before the film was released. He had, however, been working in the story development for The Rescuers (1977) as early as 1962. The Aristocats gained positive reviews on first release and was a box office success."@en . . "Los Aristogatos"@es . . . . . . "Larry Clemmons"@en . . . . . . "--12-24"^^ . "The Aristocats"@es . . "Liz English"@en . . . "Songs:"@en . "Publisher"@en . "Number"@en . "1970"^^ . . "\"The Aristocats\" by Tom McGowan and Tom Rowe"@en . "Julius Svendsen"@en .