. . . . . . . . "152.0"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "41.0"^^ . "lebend"@de . . "Chrome ist 13 Jahre alt und die Verbindung zu Mukuro Rokudo. Sie taucht zum ersten Mal vor dem Kampf um den Nebelring zusammen mit Ken Joshima und Chikusa Kakimoto auf. Sie ist ein sehr stilles und zur\u00FCckhaltendes M\u00E4dchen. Auch wenn Ken und Chikusa sie nicht akzeptieren und sie beleidigen, so h\u00E4ngt sie sehr an den beiden und ist um sie besorgt, wenn sie in Schwierigkeiten sind. Sie ist sehr \u00FCberrascht, als Tsuna sie mit offenem Herzen in seine Familie l\u00E4sst, Chrome ist es gewohnt, ihr ganzes Leben lang nur schlecht behandelt zu werden. Auch wenn sie einen schwachen Eindruck macht, so schafft es Chrome, gute Illusionen zu erschaffen und zwei von Mukuros sechs F\u00E4hikeiten zu beherrschen. Mukuro ist ihr Meister, denn ohne ihn w\u00E4re sie nicht mehr am Leben. Chrome wird von ihm mit Hilfe von Organen, die Mukuro durch Illusionen erzeugt, am Leben gehalten. Mukuro ist aber auch auf sie angewiesen, denn ohne sie hat er keine Verbindung nach au\u00DFen, da er im Vendice Gef\u00E4ngnis festgehalten wird."@de . "\u30AF\u30ED\u30FC\u30E0 \u9AD1\u9ACF"@en . . . "5"^^ . . . . "Kur\u014Dmu Dokur\u014D"@en . "Nagi was a very shy girl with no friends and parents that didn't really care about her. After she tried to rescue a cat from being hit by a car she ended up in the hospital on the verge of dying with most of her organs damaged. Nagi's mother refused to give up her organs for her daughter. Mukuro sensed her and agreed to give her illusionary organs if she would act as his vessel. Nagi accepted which led to him renaming her Chrome Dokuro."@en . . . . . . . "300"^^ . . . "Chrome ist 13 Jahre alt und die Verbindung zu Mukuro Rokudo. Sie taucht zum ersten Mal vor dem Kampf um den Nebelring zusammen mit Ken Joshima und Chikusa Kakimoto auf. Sie ist ein sehr stilles und zur\u00FCckhaltendes M\u00E4dchen. Auch wenn Ken und Chikusa sie nicht akzeptieren und sie beleidigen, so h\u00E4ngt sie sehr an den beiden und ist um sie besorgt, wenn sie in Schwierigkeiten sind. Sie ist sehr \u00FCberrascht, als Tsuna sie mit offenem Herzen in seine Familie l\u00E4sst, Chrome ist es gewohnt, ihr ganzes Leben lang nur schlecht behandelt zu werden. Auch wenn sie einen schwachen Eindruck macht, so schafft es Chrome, gute Illusionen zu erschaffen und zwei von Mukuros sechs F\u00E4hikeiten zu beherrschen. Mukuro ist ihr Meister, denn ohne ihn w\u00E4re sie nicht mehr am Leben. Chrome wird von ihm mit Hilfe von Orga"@de . . "Nagi (\u51EA, Nagi) now known as Chrome Dokuro (\u30AF\u30ED\u30FC\u30E0 \u9AD1\u9ACF, Kur\u014Dmu Dokur\u014D) is a 13-year-old Japanese girl who was first introduced as Tsuna's mysterious Mist Guardian and one of Mukuro's subordinates who acted as his vessel and connection to the world outside the Vendicare Prison."@en . . . . "Nebel"@de . . "Kur\u014Dmu Dokuro"@de . . . . "Vongola Nebel W\u00E4chterin der 10. Generation"@de . "41.0"^^ . . "23"^^ . . . . . "1,52 m"@de . . . "Female"@en . "13"^^ . . . . "\u30AF\u30ED\u30FC\u30E0 \u9AD1\u9ACF,"@de . "Alive"@en . "Manga Kapitel 113, Anime Episode 051"@de . . "Kokuyo Gang Member"@en . "Nagi"@de . "Vongola Nebel Ring"@de . "--12-05"^^ . "Nagi (\u51EA, Nagi) now known as Chrome Dokuro (\u30AF\u30ED\u30FC\u30E0 \u9AD1\u9ACF, Kur\u014Dmu Dokur\u014D) is a 13-year-old Japanese girl who was first introduced as Tsuna's mysterious Mist Guardian and one of Mukuro's subordinates who acted as his vessel and connection to the world outside the Vendicare Prison."@en . . . "Cambio Forma: Demon Spades b\u00F6se Linsen"@de . "Nagi was a very shy girl with no friends and parents that didn't really care about her. After she tried to rescue a cat from being hit by a car she ended up in the hospital on the verge of dying with most of her organs damaged. Nagi's mother refused to give up her organs for her daughter. Mukuro sensed her and agreed to give her illusionary organs if she would act as his vessel. Nagi accepted which led to him renaming her Chrome Dokuro. Later in the Mist Ring Battle against the Varia, Chrome fought Mammon but was defeated by him. Mukuro showed up to save her defeating him in the process. Chrome then ended up being held hostage in order to force the Yamamoto and Gokudera to surrender their rings. Ryohei showed up to save them. During the Future Arc, she was transported to the future where she was confronted by a member of the Millefiore Family. Mukuro helped her defeat him and she was transported to the Vongola Family's base. After Mukuro was defeated by Byakuran her organs started to fail. Using her abilities she was able to restore them and participate in the Invasion of the Merone Base using her illusions to herself, Hibari and Kusakabe. After returning from the past the other girls started worrying about Chrome as she was not eating. This changed as she befriended them. She did not take part in the Choice Battle. Chrome went back to the past for the Inheritance Sucession. After her encounter with the first Mist Guardian Daemon Spade she started behaving strangely. This prompted the other girls to see if she was okay. It was the revealed Daemon had used mind control on Chrome. He then trapped her and the other girls in an illusion with limited oxygen. She eventually broke the illusion and Daemon gave her the inheritance expressing interest in Mukuro who had appeared to save her again. Returning to the future Chrome aided Tsuna in fight against Torikabuto by using her box weapon to see his illusions. She also delivered the box weapon to Mukuro before fainting after seeing the adult version of him After returning to the past again, Chrome was stalked by a member of the Simon Family. He later kidnapped her after the rest of the Vongola were defeated. It turned out that Julie had been possesed by Daemon Spade. He told Chrome he had made her organs while on the island and his plan to destroy the Vongola and Simon families. Chrome refused to help Daemon leading him to brainwash her. He then used her as bait to lure out Mukuro. After his fight with Daemon he left Chrome to Tsuna believing he had defeated him. Daemon took possession of his body forcing Mukuro into his and Chrome's box weapon until after Daemon was defeated. Chrome then enrolled into Tsuna's school but was seen to be very sad. This was because of her being kicked out of Kokuyo Land by Mukuro. It turns out he arranged for her finances and a welcoming party was held for her. Chrome ended up being sick which led Mukuro to check up on her. He stated her condition had gotten worse and to tell him everyting about or she would die. During the second battle of the Representative Battle of the Rainbow Chrome insisted on fighting alongside Tsuna despite being sick. She later helped Mukuro defeat several Vindice by combining her powers with his. Later, Chrome used her illusions to help fool Team Bermuda but her watch was destroyed along with other members of Tsuna's group to prevent them from helping Tsuna."@en . . . "Chrome Dokuro is a teenage girl who was first seen aboard the Bebop II. She has shown herself as very meek and shy, and is followed by some kind of magical owl. This owl, Gufo di Nebbia, is apparently a trainer of sorts. It has been mentioned in passing that Chrome is the Mist Guardian of the Vongola Famiglia - The same \"Intergalactic Mafia Family\" which the Varia are allied with. In regards to her abilities and skills, Chrome is a notably talented illusionist. As referenced in her battle with a pair of androids, Chrome's illusions are potent enough to even affect the sensory units of machines."@en . . "13"^^ . . . . "Chrome Dokuro"@en . . . . . "Trident"@de . . . . . "Nagi"@en . . . "Chrome Dokuro"@de . "Chrome Dokuro is a teenage girl who was first seen aboard the Bebop II. She has shown herself as very meek and shy, and is followed by some kind of magical owl. This owl, Gufo di Nebbia, is apparently a trainer of sorts. It has been mentioned in passing that Chrome is the Mist Guardian of the Vongola Famiglia - The same \"Intergalactic Mafia Family\" which the Varia are allied with. In regards to her abilities and skills, Chrome is a notably talented illusionist. As referenced in her battle with a pair of androids, Chrome's illusions are potent enough to even affect the sensory units of machines. Among her other skills are using her Mist Flames to create Real Illusions; inverting the illusions of enemies to turn them against the other user; seeing through and dispelling illusions with her Cambio Forma; and as Zev Raregroove has vaguely noted, her abilities grow at an astonishing rate. At the time of her introduction, Chrome could barely maintain Real Illusions without becoming exhausted; at the present time of the RPG, she can overwhelm two high-powered opponents with her skills. Lastly, she owes her life to a mysterious man known as \"Mukuro Rokudo.\""@en . "10"^^ . . .