. . . "The show begins with an interview with, a then 6-year old, pathologically rebellious anti-Christ Lamilton Taeshawn, where the interviewer asks him many questions about how he could have hurt people, where he replies that \"It's fun to do bad things.\" The scene then changes 2 years later to an 8-year old Lamilton picking up Riley in his grandmother's SUV that he stole. Lamilton offers Riley a cigarette, saying \"You smoke with cigawettes?\" (with a \"w\" sound instead of an \"r\" sound). Riley, trying to respect reputation as a \"bad kid\", accepts them, but is unable to actually smoke them with Lamilton's extremely reckless driving. Lamilton destroys many obstacles in his way, but the SUV comes to a stop when the car crashes upon impact with the ground after hitting a speed bump at a high speed. The police surround the vehicle, but lower their guns after seeing the driver and passenger were little children. Later, Robert beats Riley senseless with his belt due to his bad behavior, which Riley didn't even do much anything bad other than the cigarettes. Lamilton appears on the news and remarks again \"It's fun to do bad things\", to cover for his wrongdoings. Granddad tells him to stay away from Lamilton or else he will tie Riley to the bed post, but Riley opposes it. Lamilton and his grandmother arrive at the Freeman home for an apology. Lamilton obviously makes up a fake apology, and the grandmother then tells his entire story to explain the reason he is juvenile (although the story is so long and boring, it puts everyone to sleep). Granddad then leads them out of the house, hoping to never see them again. Then two weeks later, a new story appears on the 24 news, says that Lamilton had beaten his grandmother for \"not buying fried chicken\" for him. Soon after, Riley and Lamilton go on a spree of wreaking havoc on the people of the town. They drop objects over a bridge (such as a naked doll and a flaming bed) to disrupt traffic, causing many accidents; they also mow down passing individuals with paint-guns containing a mixture of urine and hot sauce. Later, Lamilton wants to \"do more bad things\" but Riley is tired. Lamilton gets angry quickly, while Riley seems surprised by this outburst. Lamilton, in apology, offers for Riley to come over to his house and watch movies. The two begin watching violent R-rated movies that are very graphic. Riley is freaked out by them, and asks why Lamilton likes those kind of films. Lamilton replies that he thinks \"hurting people is fun\". Lamilton then shows them his grandmother's handgun that he stole that was originally for defense against burglars; he then remarks that he wants to do criminal things with it to rob people and to hurt them. Riley thinks the idea is crazy and tries to leave, but is blocked by Lamilton and put under the pressure of the gun. Dr. Doomis arrives at the house to inform Robert to keep Riley away from Lamilton. He reveals that he has been attempting to lock Lamilton away for a long time. Dr. Doomis, who was the interviewer of at the beginning of the episode, remarks that he remembers Lamilton's blank expression on his face, that whatever was behind that blank face \"wasn't human\", and that he must be stopped. And later explained that he was possibly the anti-Christ. Riley returns later that night, traumatized. Robert intends to scold him, but Riley openly states that what they did was horrible; they grounds himself and even promises to beat himself, leaving Huey and Robert shocked. The two arrive at Mrs. Von Heusen's house that Lamilton wants to rob. A guard dog starts to bark, startling Riley. Lamilton then shoots the dog. They run away and Riley asks why he had to kill the dog. Lamilton says the dog tried to \"bite\" him as an excuse, although the dog was chained and could not reach them. Riley calls him crazy, and he leaves and parts from him. Dr. Doomis, who spied on them, tells the police, and Lamilton is arrested the next day. Dr. Doomis advises Riley about his arrest, and tells them he should have no worry, as Lamilton cannot bother them from \"The System\". Riley is worried though, as Lamilton will think that he told them. The next day, Riley is at school, but Riley looks out the window constantly with his fear of Lamilton. Lamilton appears, with Riley's reaction which gets him detention for swearing in class. Dr. Doomis calls Robert, advising them that Lamilton had gotten out of \"The System\", and Robert told Huey to rush to save Riley. Huey then gets Robert's shotgun, and the two leave and meet Dr. Doomis. Back at the school, Riley is released from his detention, and sees Lamilton at his locker door, although he doesn't go to his school. Lamilton then threatens them with the gun after believing that Riley snitched on him. To save himself, Riley promises that he and Lamilton would go do bad things again, which causes Lamilton to back down. Riley then tackles him from behind and knocks the gun across the hallway. Riley picks up the gun and then runs away to the roof of the school with Lamilton following him. At the roof, Riley throws the gun into the forest across to the other side of the town, and a fist fight then ensues thereafter. Ruckus (who takes the job of a janitor) awkwardly enters as the fight is taking place, and leaves (telling them to \"proceed\") after seeing it was \"just two niggers killing each other\", so he doesn't care. Using this distraction, the fight continues with Riley getting the upper hand. Riley then knocks Lamilton off the edge while Riley tries to hold on to his hand, but Lamilton is and Riley says he is too fat and too heavy for him to hold. Lamilton apologizes and promises that he's sorry for trying to make Riley get scared of Lamilton, explaining it's because of his anger; he just doesn't want to die. Dr. Doomis and Robert finally reach the roof, Dr. Doomis then forces Riley to let go of Lamilton's hand, causing him to fall. He, however, does not die, but is significantly injured. Dr. Doomis then jumps from the roof on top of him, saying that Lamilton must die because he was the anti-Christ, and it was his duty to destroy him and Lamilton begging for someone to find his grandmother and for Doomis to respect the 100-yard restraining order, thus Lamilton's claims to have total disregard for the law and his own well-being and shown to be false. Robert, believing the conflict is over, starts for home. While leaving the roof, another kid asks Riley if he's \"got any cigawettes.\" Riley turns his head with a blank expression on his face."@en . "The show begins with an interview with, a then 6-year old, pathologically rebellious anti-Christ Lamilton Taeshawn, where the interviewer asks him many questions about how he could have hurt people, where he replies that \"It's fun to do bad things.\" Lamilton and his grandmother arrive at the Freeman home for an apology. Lamilton obviously makes up a fake apology, and the grandmother then tells his entire story to explain the reason he is juvenile (although the story is so long and boring, it puts everyone to sleep). Granddad then leads them out of the house, hoping to never see them again."@en . . . . "Smokin' with Cigarettes"@en . .