"Lissepia"@fr . . "Lissepia"@de . "Habitable"@en . . "Lissepia was a planet located in the Alpha Quadrant and homeworld to the Lissepian species. During the 24th century, the Lissepians were active trade partners with the Cardassians. Lissepians were often employed as intermediaries between the Cardassians and their colonies in the Demilitarized Zone, following its creation in 2370. (DS9: \"The Maquis, Part II\") They hosted the Lissepian Lottery. (DS9: \"Who Mourns for Morn?\")"@en . . . "Lissepia"@en . . "Lissepia ist ein Planet und Heimatwelt der Lissepianer. Im Jahr 2365, als der ganze Planet den lissepianischen Muttertag feiert, steigen f\u00FCnf Verbrecher in die Zentralbank ein und rauben 1000 Blocks goldgepresstes Latinum. Dieser Raubzug wird sp\u00E4ter als Raub\u00FCberfall am Lissepianischen Muttertag bekannt. (DS9: )"@de . . "Lissepia \u00E9tait une plan\u00E8te localis\u00E9e dans le Quadrant Alpha et la plan\u00E8te m\u00E8re de l'Esp\u00E8ce Lissepienne"@fr . . "Lissepia was a planet located in the Alpha Quadrant and homeworld to the Lissepian species. During the 24th century, the Lissepians were active trade partners with the Cardassians. Lissepians were often employed as intermediaries between the Cardassians and their colonies in the Demilitarized Zone, following its creation in 2370. (DS9: \"The Maquis, Part II\") In 2365, while the entire planet of Lissepia was celebrating Mother's Day, five thieves broke into the Central Bank of Lissepia and stole 1,000 bricks of gold-pressed latinum in what became known as the \"Lissepian Mother's Day Heist\". Morn was one of group that stole the latinum, and later deposited the gold in the Bank of Bolias and stored the latinum in his second stomach. After the statute of limitations ran out in 2374, Morn faked his own death to throw his partners off of his trail. (DS9: \"Who Mourns for Morn?\") They hosted the Lissepian Lottery. (DS9: \"Who Mourns for Morn?\") In 2366, the Cardassian prison transport Ravinok was scheduled to rendezvous with another freighter, which would take Tora Naprem and Tora Ziyal to Lissepia to live out their lives in peace. The Cardassian transport, however, was attacked by two Breen warships and forced to crash land on Dozaria, where the survivors remained until 2372. (DS9: \"Indiscretion\")"@en . . . . . . "Lissepia is a planet inhabited by the Lissepian race. In the 2350s, the Ferengi had a trade route that began at Lissepia and ended at New Sydney, passing through the Bajor-B'hava'el system. DaiMon Gart often docked at Terok Nor when traveling the route. (TLE - Terok Nor novel: Night of the Wolves) In 2366, the Ravinok was heading for Lissepia when it was attacked by the Breen. (DS9 episode: \"Indiscretion\") In 2374, the freighter Ariadne was on course for Lissepia from Yridia when it had to detour to Deep Space 9. (DS9 novel: Hollow Men)"@en . "Lissepia \u00E9tait une plan\u00E8te localis\u00E9e dans le Quadrant Alpha et la plan\u00E8te m\u00E8re de l'Esp\u00E8ce Lissepienne"@fr . "24"^^ . . "Lissepia"@en . . . . . "Lissepia ist ein Planet und Heimatwelt der Lissepianer. Im Jahr 2365, als der ganze Planet den lissepianischen Muttertag feiert, steigen f\u00FCnf Verbrecher in die Zentralbank ein und rauben 1000 Blocks goldgepresstes Latinum. Dieser Raubzug wird sp\u00E4ter als Raub\u00FCberfall am Lissepianischen Muttertag bekannt. (DS9: )"@de . "Lissepia is a planet inhabited by the Lissepian race. In the 2350s, the Ferengi had a trade route that began at Lissepia and ended at New Sydney, passing through the Bajor-B'hava'el system. DaiMon Gart often docked at Terok Nor when traveling the route. (TLE - Terok Nor novel: Night of the Wolves) In 2366, the Ravinok was heading for Lissepia when it was attacked by the Breen. (DS9 episode: \"Indiscretion\") In 2374, the freighter Ariadne was on course for Lissepia from Yridia when it had to detour to Deep Space 9. (DS9 novel: Hollow Men)"@en . . .