"Power Rangers: Zord Force, is the fourth instalment in a series created by Fireurchin, that takes place in a post apocalyptic Earth. Weakened after their battle against the Sirius Galactic Hegemony, the forces of Earth retreat to seven safe cities, where they train their rangers in secrecy. These rangers are the last hope of human kind, will they survive and be victorious, or will they fail and take everyone with them?"@en . "54"^^ . . . "\"A very Sirius battle\""@en . . "Power Rangers: Multiverse Squadron"@en . "Power Rangers: Monstar"@en . "2010"^^ . . . "\"Rangers Unite\""@en . "Power Rangers: Zord Force"@en . "4"^^ . "Kyojin Sentai Mechaman"@en . . "Power Rangers: Zord Force"@en . "Power Rangers: Zord Force, is the fourth instalment in a series created by Fireurchin, that takes place in a post apocalyptic Earth. Weakened after their battle against the Sirius Galactic Hegemony, the forces of Earth retreat to seven safe cities, where they train their rangers in secrecy. These rangers are the last hope of human kind, will they survive and be victorious, or will they fail and take everyone with them?"@en .