"TARDISposting users believe they can use this wiki as a home for their own shit memes, not realising that this wiki is a /who/ thing and not a general Doctor Who epic meme website. All of them sing /who/'s praise, knowing they will never reach our level of DEEP LORE. Despite /who/ being located on 4chan of all places, somehow TARDISposting manages to be even more autistic and needlessly, unfunnily offensive by using overdone plebbit-style shock memes. Hell, they even missed the opportunity to call it Splinkposting. But that thought likely never crossed their collective minds due to them being NuWho scrubs. To all TARDISposters who come across this page, I can speak for all /who/res by saying FUCK OFFERINO. But you wouldn't know what that means, would you?"@en . . "Doctor Who TARDISposting"@en . . "TARDISposting users believe they can use this wiki as a home for their own shit memes, not realising that this wiki is a /who/ thing and not a general Doctor Who epic meme website. All of them sing /who/'s praise, knowing they will never reach our level of DEEP LORE. Despite /who/ being located on 4chan of all places, somehow TARDISposting manages to be even more autistic and needlessly, unfunnily offensive by using overdone plebbit-style shock memes."@en . .