. . . . . "The newspaper of the Wizarding World is called The Daily Prophet. It has been in existence since at least 1883. It has offices in Diagon Alley and publishes an edition every morning. Evening editions are also printed, and these can apparently be delivered very quickly after an important story breaks. A witch or wizard anywhere in Britain can have a copy in hand within a short time of publication. Alternatively, the text of a copy of the Prophet delivered in the morning might change as the day wears on with the latest news using something similar to the Protean Charm. It is one of the longest running and most highly respected newspapers for the Wizarding World, and despite known takeovers by the Death Eaters, it still remains the single source of information for all magical beings world wid"@en . . . . . . "*Barnabas Cuffe\n*R. Amorin \n*Ginevra Potter"@en . . . . . "Wizarding community of Great Britain"@en . . . . . . . "Various"@en . . . . . . . "The Daily Prophet is a newspaper for the wizarding world, at least in Great Britain."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Daily , as well as a Sunday issue"@en . . . "Magical"@en . . . . . "Publishes newsworthy events"@en . "Newspaper"@en . . "Daily Prophet"@en . . . . . "Daily Prophet"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Diagon Alley"@en . "The Daily Prophet"@en . . . . "Newspaper"@en . . . . . "The Daily Prophet is a newspaper for the wizarding world, at least in Great Britain."@en . . . . "The newspaper of the Wizarding World is called The Daily Prophet. It has been in existence since at least 1883. It has offices in Diagon Alley and publishes an edition every morning. Evening editions are also printed, and these can apparently be delivered very quickly after an important story breaks. A witch or wizard anywhere in Britain can have a copy in hand within a short time of publication. Alternatively, the text of a copy of the Prophet delivered in the morning might change as the day wears on with the latest news using something similar to the Protean Charm. It is one of the longest running and most highly respected newspapers for the Wizarding World, and despite known takeovers by the Death Eaters, it still remains the single source of information for all magical beings world wide. Typically, the Prophet is delivered each morning by owl post. A subscription can be paid for in advance or the recipient can pay for the newspaper when it arrives by putting the coins in a small pouch on the leg of the post owl who delivers it. The cost per issue was five Knuts."@en . "An excerpt from the Daily Prophet"@en . "Daily Prophet"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Daily Prophet"@en . . .